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When you Turn to God and Get No Response
Episode 3924th August 2022 • Joyful Journey • Anita Adams
00:00:00 00:18:19

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Have you ever turned to God, The Universe, Source looking for guidance or some sign to help you along your path and received nothing in response? If so, this episode is for you. In it, I share some personal stories and insights that will help you find the answers you are looking for. The answers to all you seek are within you. Often, however, we aren’t tuned in properly or are trying to rush the process. Slow down, listen to this episode and learn some insights that will help you find the answers you are looking for.

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About your host:

I’m your host, Anita Adams, an award-winning leader and the founder of Joyful Inspired Living, an organization dedicated to teaching people how to access their highest most authentic selves so they can find clarity and create a life of purpose, passion, and joy. In addition to hosting the Joyful Journey Podcast, I offer retreats, both live and online, and private coaching programs to further guide my clients on their journey to their highest selves.

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Anita Adams:

Welcome to the joyful journey podcast. If you're looking for more clarity in your life, clarity of purpose, or how to activate that purpose, and you are someone who wants to operate from your highest self to be a force for good, you know this world craves, then this is the show for you. I'm Anita Adams, your host and guide to finding clarity and creating a life you love. Let's tap into our inner wisdom, access our highest self, and unleash joy. As we do this, we raise our vibration and heightened the collective consciousness. And that, my friend, is the joyful journey. Let's dive in. Hey, joyful journey here, and Anita Adams here, your host, and today I want to talk about those times you turn to God or the universe for guidance, and seemingly get no response. Before I do, though, I want to give a shout out to another listener who left a beautiful review, Chris 1999 says this podcast is full of insight and independent thinking very easy to follow. It's an excellent source of level headed inner wisdom advice, compiled in a single podcast. I absolutely love it. Thank you so much, Chris 1999. I am so thrilled for your review. And I'm pleased to share with all of you that the joyful journey podcast at this time of the recording is in the top 2.5% of all podcasts globally. This happened in part because of you, my dear listener and because a good number of you have rated and reviewed this show. We are here to lift the veil to heighten our awareness and to raise the collective consciousness. And in so doing, we are creating a better world. This podcast is playing a role in that endeavor. And by downloading rating and reviewing the show you are boosting its discoverability and enabling us to reach more people. So thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of my listeners. And another big thank you to those who have taken the extra time to leave a review. Alright, let's talk about those times we reach out to God the universe source and seem to get nothing in response. I recently returned from a magical eight day kayak adventure along the Pacific Northwest coast of Vancouver Island. And I had slowly expected to receive some divine messages while in this pristine environment. As you know, if you've been listening to the show, I feel closest to God when I am in nature. And I've had a great number of wonderful experiences where I've felt God's presence, most notably was just last summer on another kayak trip, when I had a pretty profound experience where I received what I like to call a divine download. It was a message that simply said, It's time under understood instantly the meaning and significance of this statement.

Anita Adams:

It's time to embrace what is mine to do. It's time to teach people how to tap into inner wisdom. It's time to believe to believe in myself to believe in this voice that is guiding me. And it is time to surrender and to trust in God, the universe and this path I am on. I understood all of this. In the moment I heard those two words, it's time. And over the past year I've taken action, even though it felt awkward and deeply uncomfortable. Let's talk about that for a minute as it's a worthy side note to explore the discomfort of taking action on what your inner wisdom is guiding you to do. When you listen to your inner voice of wisdom. This is your sole voice which is part of God the universe, you are only going to hear about the biggest grandest version of who you are. And that my friend is going to be scary and and and intimidating. And he may very likely say exactly what I said when I was given some big indirection who am I to do that? You may also push it away again like I did because you don't have the belief in yourself yet that you are capable of doing that thing being that person. I tell you this When you open your eyes, your ears and your heart to receive what is shared with you, through your inner wisdom, your soul voice, God, the universe, these are all interchangeable terms, you will create the most beautiful life imaginable, a life beyond your wildest dreams. I am a testament to this. I went from living in fear and in an anxiety, so uncertain about my future and the direction to take to fully leaning in and embracing my sole voice, and the wisdom that shares with me, the gifts of the universe began to flow, allowing me to live the most beautiful, rich, fulfilling life. It took me a year to fully listen and take action on the purpose I'm living into now. And when I did, things fell into place with ease. The right people appeared like magic, opening doors connecting me with others, who could further my vision, and the clients began to emerge. People seeking what I had to teach all because I leaned in and listened and took action on what I was guided to do. But what do you do? When you ask for guidance, and it seemingly doesn't come? The key word here is seemingly, as the guidance is always there. We just don't always recognize it, or allow enough time to grasp it. When I embarked on my kayaking trip this summer, I was fully expecting to receive another big divine download, maybe even another life altering download. What is it going to be this time I wondered, what beautiful insights am I going to receive that will further guide me on this path? I was almost giddy with anticipation. And nothing. No big message. No divine download. No voice directing me nothing bubbling up from within. Just stillness. Just peace. Just quiet. Isn't it in the stillness that we are supposed to receive the guidance we seek? I wondered what is going on?

Anita Adams:

I cannot say I was disappointed exactly because the trip was too magical on its own to be disappointing. I did wonder though, why didn't I receive the next installment? Why didn't God the universe source speak to me? So I decided to bring this query to my automatic writing when I returned. If you miss the episode where I first shared about this practice of automatic writing episode number 33, called a message about love from the other side of the veil. Let me take a quick moment to fill you in on what it is. Automatic writing, also known as spiritual writing is a technique taught to me by Michael Sandler, where you channel spirit through your daily writing practice. You start by doing a short meditation and you say a prayer of gratitude. Then you invite angels, spirit guides, and Lightworkers here for the highest and greatest good to guide your pen. I will include a link in the show notes to where you can find some more information about Michael Sandler and what he teaches. When I sat down to inquire why I didn't receive the download I was expecting on this year's kayaking adventure. I was surprised by the response. Spirit said, You came to understand at a deeper level that there is only the now this moment that is profound, that understanding is a big step forward on your path. It's true during this eight day adventure, I became very intentional with my thoughts, which was to focus on what was happening right now. And what I can see, hear, feel smell touch. I was deeply present for the whole trip. There was no cell phones or computers to distract me. There were no jobs that needed to be done other than the one I was currently engaging in. There were no stories of the past or worries of the future that were dancing in my thoughts. There was just the moment I was in. And with that presence came a sense of peace, joy and acceptance of what is you You are beginning to understand continued spirit, that You are the universe, the universe is within you as much as you are part of it. That's interesting. I reflected on that a bit. And I realized I felt it to while sitting in my little boat in the Great Pacific Ocean. I felt deeply at peace and one with the universe because I was so present to the here and now. spirit continued to spell it out further for me. And I believe for you as it is clear to me now that I was meant to pass this along. We want you to understand two things, spirits and live in the here and now be present to the moment. Do not worry about the future, or dwell in dramas of the past and believe in you. Believe in your ability to receive the wisdom that is being passed to you. Believe in the channeling that is happening. Believe in your ability to cope, to learn to create, to surrender to trust, Believe, believe. Believe for those who are beginning their awakening journey time invested in nature will quicken the process for those like yourself and Anita Spirit told me, time in nature will help quiet the mind, soothe the soul, calm in xiety and get you present to the now. Time in nature will also help you fall in love with who you are, as you begin to understand that you are an intricate part of the fabric of the universe. As you begin to understand unity consciousness, you understand the essence of what is as you breathe that in as you breathe in nature, you breathe in love for your environment, and for yourself.

Anita Adams:

This is what you understood during your kayak trip. Spirit tells me a full week after my return, it did not come to you as a booming voice. It was a gentle, subtle awareness and deeper understanding of what is and in that understanding. You found great peace you tapped into a deeper joy, a deeper level of love and compassion. You deepened your awareness and heightened your consciousness. The holes in the fabric of the veil that has kept you and is keeping so many others in the dark is expanding. This is yours to understand more deeply because this is yours to teach. I realized after writing all of this, after channeling this message from spirit that my eight days paddling major was far more profound than I understood at the time, I was expanding my awareness and understanding so I can help others do the same. I didn't receive any divine download while sitting in my boat as I had expected. It was only after the fact upon reflection and deeper inquiry, that I even understood the lesson that was given this idea of being present in the here and now not thinking about past dramas or worrying about the future is when we experience oneness with the universe. And when we experience that oneness, we tap into its power, which is really a belief about self when you recognize that you are not only part of the universe, more that the universe is within you. I believe this is what the poet Rumi meant when he said you are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop. I'm glad I took the time to go deeper and to ask about this experience. I may have missed the lesson if I didn't take the time to inquire. I know we often want answers given to us direction clearly stated or signs that will help us determine next steps. And we want those answers immediately and delivered in the most direct manner. The answers the direction the signs, they're all there. They just may not appear as we expect them to. And we may need to put in a little more effort to truly grasp their meaning when they do appear. our learning and our expanded wareness happens when we take the time to go inward. Ask the questions and give space for the answers to bubble up. Here are five things you can do to facilitate finding He answers from within one. Start by investing time in nature, particularly if you need to quiet the monkey mind which most of us do. nature's power is in its ability to ground you and get you present to, when speaking to God, the universe, your higher self. refrain from asking questions that have a yes or no answer. Instead, try




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