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TAP 166. How Badly Do You Want It? An Interview with Nyree Ewings
Episode 16612th March 2020 • Top Agents Playbook • Ray Wood
00:00:00 00:26:07

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Today's guest is one of my favourite humans.

Super Agent Nyree Ewings is a phenomenal success. Last year she recorded GCI of $1.3 million which came from 94 sales and 140 listings. So let's take a quick look at those numbers for a sec. If you take a day off each week and a few week's vacation, that's one listing every two days.

Nyree's no-nonsense approach to jumping in and getting things done consistently wins her amazing results and if you're familiar with the 'whatever it takes' philosophy, she's living breathing proof that it works.
She's successfully grown her career in the past 12 years starting as a stand-alone salesperson and growing her brand and personal following to hire 2 assistants and build an amazing team

A big reason why I love hosting guests like Nyree is that she has the power to inspire so many people and if you're new to real estate, you're about to get a raw and real look at what it takes to thrive in one of the most competitive industries there is.

If you're not new to real estate and not getting the results you want, then can I urge you to listen closely to this episode and take special note of the things that jump out at you. I believe the power of a good podcast is that it will speak to you about the things that are important and help you with the changes you need to make.

And hey, if you're killing it then awesome. In fact, if you're listing more than 100 properties a year, I'd love to feature you as a guest on the show.

But I know many of my listeners are in the early stages of their career and looking for real and tangible ideas they can quickly implement. So here are 5 rules I've picked up along the way to get you started:

  1. Personal accountability is your best friend. The world is full of people who say they are going to do something then don't.  Sure they have excuses but they suffer the frustration of not achieving the results they set. By the way, you'll find personal accountability at the corner of focus and discipline. If you need some, hire a good coach to help you plan and set your action and task priorities with a deadline.
  2. Set your priorities the day before and you'll achieve more.  In fact, do something for me: After you've finished listening to my call with Nyree, ask yourself this question:  What is the most important thing I should be doing right now? If you need listings you should be prospecting. If you have listings but need sales, find your most motivated seller and go and see them and get the price reduction you need to help them get an offer. Then go to the next one and so on.
  3. Find your 'why.' My friend and super-agent Garth Makowski who runs a $6 million dollar enterprise is so big on this. Why are you doing what you're doing?  What are toy dreams? When the going gets sticky, what's motivating you to get through?
  4. Write down your goals. Let me tell you, I've tried not writing goals and writing them. For years I dreamed of setting up an online graphics tool for real estate agents. I would come up with great lead generation and business growth ideas but the graphic designer costs were just too high.  Plus they took too long.  Then one day, and it was actually on a train trip, I wrote down the goal and planned it out. The more I wrote down, the closer I came to working out what needed to happen. I got up-close with the objectives and priority action steps along the way. Two years later we launched Jigglar. Two years after that, we're in more than 130 countries and thousands of agents use Jigglar every day to win listings, make sales and grow their brand. I can honestly tell you that it would never have happened without a written goal.
    Garth carries his goals around with him in a journal that never leaves his side. He's an amazingly driven guy and understands that we become what we think about, we achieve what we focus on and we build what we feed our subconscious mind. He's built a business and a lifestyle on exactly that.
  5. Surround yourself with the people that can help you on your journey. Look for evidence that they know what they're doing and that they can help you. I don't know of any great achiever ever who did it alone. These are the mentors and guiding minds can be there for you. Garth calls them 'Critical People' and yes, they're on his goal planning list. Keep in mind, where we are now is purely the result of past decisions made. We make decisions every day. Make sure you get some help to make the right ones that align with your personal goals and life trajectory.

Okay, I'm delighted to present my second interview with Nyree. Our first was episode #28 almost 5 years ago and she has well and truly powered on since then.

I know you'll get a heap of valuable takeaways from this session including some very interesting operational ideas on how Nyree runs her business and is continually building momentum.




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