Artwork for podcast Your Dream Business
The Importance Of Creating Your Own Customer Avatar
Episode 6810th June 2019 • Your Dream Business • Teresa Heath-Wareing
00:00:00 00:29:13

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  • If Amazon say ‘’the single most important thing is to focus obsessively on the customer. Our goal is to be the Earths most customer-centric company’’ - you should be focusing on your customer too.
  • The first mistake people make when they’re trying to find out who their customer is, is that they try to make assumptions. What they often do, is create an avatar for who they want their customer to be. To avoid this, you need to go back and look at who is buying your products and who your site is attracting. This will give you an idea as to whether you’re on the right track.
  • To try and understand who your audience are, you need to ask yourself some questions about your existing customers. You need to think whether or not you like working with your current customers, and do you want to work with them going forward. Not only that, but is your product or service still appropriate to this customer?
  • If you want to get a deeper understanding of your audience, you can offer an incentive to interview them and find out what their pain points are and what will help them. You can ask general questions about who they are and what they, to help create your avatar.
  • When creating your avatar, you need to think about whether they’re male or female, how old they are, what job they do, how much they earn, whether they’re single or married and every other piece of background information you can think of.
  • The next section you need to think about is your avatars behaviours, motivations, and aspirations. This will help you connect with them on a better level.
  • After that, you can focus on their pain points. What problem do they have that your product or service solves?
  • Finally, once you have discovered their pain points, you can look at how you meet their needs.
  • If you offer a variety of different products or services, you can multiple avatars within your business.
  • Give your avatar a name. This will give you a better idea of who your customer is and it will improve your communications when you’re talking to them.
The more detail you go into when creating your avatar the better. Give them a name, create an image for them and picture them whenever you make a decision that relates your product or service.
  • Mistake #1 Making Assumptions – 09:00
  • Understanding Your Existing Audience 10:30
  • How To Create Your Avatar - 14:40
  • Debugging Common Misconception - 17:50
  • Top Tips For Creating Your Avatar and My Avatar Examples – 19:00

Hello, I’m Kirsty and I write the show notes for Teresa! You can find me (and follow my travels) here - Instagram, Twitter and my Blog.

  • Five Ideas to Build Your Email List That You May Be Missing
  • My Webinar Blueprint
  • 10 Things You Must Include On A Sales Page
Transcript below


Hello and welcome to episode 68 of the Marketing That Converts podcast. And as you all hear, I’ve still not yet decided on my into and outro. I promise you, it’s coming. It’s just that because I’m patching so far ahead at the moment on the podcast mainly because one of my team members, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this actually but one of my team members, she writes my show notes. So once I record the podcast I then send it someone to get edited, once it’s edited it comes back and then it goes off to one of my team and she writes the show notes and she’s actually going off on a trip for about three and a half weeks I think because she’s also a travel blogger and she does stuff on Instagram and she’s got her business that she’s running but she also do some work for me which is cool. In fact, as she does my show notes she’ll be listening to this. So I’m going to ask her in the show notes to put links to her stuff as well just so that you can go and take a look at her stuff if you want as well because it is quite interesting she does go to some amazing places so well worth taking a look. Oh, anyway her name’s Kirsty. I didn’t mention that.

So because Kirsty’s going away I’m trying to batch content which means I’m having to record quite far out, which means I’m yet to actually organize getting the intro and outro done. But it is coming and I’m still trying to decide what to do. And I think I’m swaying to the idea of me doing my own intro and outro but we will see. Before I get on with today’s content, I want to let you know about a couple of new things I’ve produced for you to go and download if you would like.


So as I think we’ve talked about before, the fact that the change has happened in the name of the podcast and some of the direction I’m going. My direction is expanding out in sort of the digital marketing space and looking at the kind of things where we take it a bit further than social media. So funnels and sales pages and webinars and all that cool stuff. It’s not to say I’m not going to do the social media, I totally am. It’s just I want to be able to take you on a bit further. I want to help you in that journey past the social media. So because most of my content that’s out there when I ask you for an email address is to do with social media, I wanted to create some new stuff that actually take you a bit further.


So I’ve put together three different things. The first thing is all around list building and it’s five ideas to build your email list that you may be missing. So these are the ones that I see hardly anybody doing but are really really easy to do it. So if you are trying to build your email list, if you’ve dreamed of having an email list or hang on your every word then this is definitely the download for you. Like I said, I go into these five different places where people are reading missing an opportunity to get people to sign up onto their email list and for you to help grow your email list quicker.


The next one is all about my Webinar Blueprint. Now back in March I spoke at Atomicon and I walked people through my webinar process that I use while I’m on a webinar and it covers a very specific number of steps and goes into very specific things. So I’ve put together my webinar blueprint so that you can follow it in terms of if you’re doing a webinar the things that you need to make sure you include. And actually even if you’re not doing a webinar the cool thing about the blueprint is if you’re selling, it’s still going to be helpful because there are certain steps there that even if I was selling a product or service not on a webinar that I would still probably include.


And then the next thing that I’ve created which all of these kind of follow on from each other which is intentional is focused around your sales pages and it’s covering the 10 things that you must include on a sales page that are going to ensure that you can maximize your results and obviously increase your conversions. So again I go into example and give you pro tips as you go along in terms of all the different things that you should include on that page which you can then take to your own page and see what are you missing, what have you got.


So if you want any of these things, I am going to link to them in the show notes. But basically if you go to forward slash and then by any one of these three words after you’re going to find them. So if you put forward slash blueprint you’ll get the webinar blueprint. If you put forward slash sales page, you’ll get the 10 things that you must do on a sales page. And if you put forward slash list building, you’re going to get those ideas that most people miss when building their email list. So if these are of interest then please head along to there and check them out.


Anyway today I wanted to talk about something that I mention all the time and as I was scanning back through my podcast episodes trying to decide what I was going to talk about in this episode, I noticed that I haven’t actually ever done an episode on it. So today’s episode is gonna be all around understanding your audience and creating your perfect avatar. Now I can promise you if I’ve got a pound for every time I’ve ever talked about how you must know your audience and understand who they are and I don’t just mean are they male or female? What age? What location? I mean really understand them. Honestly I would be a millionaire by now because I say all the time and the reason I say it all the time is because it’s so important and it’s something that so many people miss. And you might even be sat there in your car or getting ready in the morning, doing the dinner, whatever it is you do however you listen to the podcast. You might be sat there thinking, ‘Oh, Teresa we know all this and I know who my customer is’. But honestly I promise you bear with me, go through this episode with me, listen to what I have to say and then do the exercise because it really is so important. I honestly have seen campaigns be made or broken by how well they got to know their audience.


I want to give you a couple of little examples I’ve got. So when I talk about really going deep and understanding your audience, I’m talking about well we’ll get to see that in more detail later on but basically I’m saying that you need to understand; you know what they do at the weekend, how they spend their time, what type of people they are. And I did an advertising campaign once for a government authority who were trying to target women over 50 who were looking for a promotion at work. Now that is a really difficult thing to try and target. How on earth could I possibly know as a marketer when someone is ready to try and get a promotion at work? It was impossible so we tried various different things on Facebook ads trying to target them and then we started to really profile the audience and there was some real commonalities between them and ones that you wouldn’t necessarily associate with what we were trying to achieve.


But one of the things that was quite common with most of the women we were trying to target was that they had actually downloaded and played on Candy Crush which seems like such a ridiculous thing to target people on. But we’ve done our research and we knew who the customer was and we’d find that stuff like this. So we changed the ad, we looked to our targeting, we include things like they have Candy Crush and the advert was like doubly effective as it was previously. Just because we added in this one seemingly crazy element. It seems to suddenly make a really big difference. So that’s why I want you to understand that actually not only does it enable you to target them better but also when we write to those audience and I don’t mean right as in we’ll send them a letter. I mean when we do emails and sales pages and websites when you present on stage or you speak to them in person, when you know who you’re speaking to your targeting and your connection with them is gonna be so much better. So you’re going to be able to speak to them in the language they use and understand and you’re going to be able to relate with them really really well.


So it really is crucial for you to understand who your customer is. Now when I was preparing the information on this because actually this is part of my course online that’s about content creation. So I have a Content Creation Made Simple course and in it as various modules in the first module is around knowing your customer Avatar and your audience. And when I was putting that together I was researching and looking and doing various things and I came across a quote by Jeff Bezos. Is it Bezos? I think it’s Bezos.


Anyway, he is the founder of Amazon. And his quote says, “The most important single thing is to focus obsessively on the customer. Our goal is to be the Earth’s most customer centric company” which in my mind if a company as big as Amazon are realizing that they need to understand and get under the skin of their customer then really the rest of us have no choice but to follow because if they realize that they’ve got to know who they’re speaking to and they’ve got to know who they’re serving then we have to do that too. And you know what? There’s no excuse, there’s no... It’s not like you need to pay a big research company or look at big expensive research about customer groups. This is so easy. The stuff I’m going to help you with is literally stuff that you can do tomorrow that doesn’t cost anything but some time and I promise you will make a world of difference.


So the first mistake that most people make when they are trying to find out who their customer is they basically make assumptions and they assuming they know exactly who that customer is or who the customer they want in their head is. Now what they’re not doing is they’re not looking at who necessarily they’re serving at that point, who has already bought their product or service so they are not going back and looking at those people and also they’re not looking at who they’re marketing or their current language or their website is currently attracting because if you’re getting the wrong type of customer come to you then you’re not putting the right stuff out there to attract the right people.


So like I said this is a time where we don’t presume we know things. We go right back to basics and I do this too and we start asking the most obvious questions. Now one of the first places you can look in terms of trying to understand who that customer is, is like is that your existing customer base but you want to ask yourself a couple of questions while you’re doing that. The first question you want to ask yourself is, Do I like working with these people? Are these people the people I want to get more of? Or are they ideally not the people I want to work with going forward? Also the product or service that you’re offering in the future or going forward, is that still appropriate to that audience?


So I have a perfect example in my own business when I first started the business I started an agency where we would physically do things for businesses so we would take on their social media, we’d send e-mails for them and that agency obviously got a load of customers. And when I looked at my new part of the business going forward i.e. more of the speaking more of the online marketing as in, I want people to buy products and services from me online so that I can reach bigger audiences and I can help more people. They weren’t the right people. My current customer base were not the customers that I was trying to attract going forward.


So like I said it’s really helpful to look at who you’ve got as a customer. But I want you to bear these things in mind. Now ideally you’re going to pick someone that you’re already working with that is going to be perfect. You must have them customers that you think I’m sure if I had 10 of these my life would be a dream. So if that is the case then great.


Also the other thing I do at this point I know I’ve talked about this on the podcast folks, is it ringing a bell? Is that when I decided that I wanted to work with a different type of audience I thought I’d got in my head the type of audience I wanted to work with but because it was a fairly newer one I wanted to be sure that they were right.


So I actually went and approached a number of people who won either previous customers or but I felt they still fit with the new style stuff that I wanted to do or they were people that I’d never worked with. But I felt that they were probably my avatar that I was looking for. So I contacted these people in person and I said to them, “Would you please come on a Zoom call with me? And can I interview you and record that Zoom call and ask you some questions about your business? And about how you feel about your business and that sort of thing.” Now I offered them an incentive I think that’s really important if you’re going to take someone’s time. Some people were just lovely and would have wanted to do it anyway. But if you really want to make this work then you might want to offer an incentive. And I get them on a call with me and I ask them questions and I have questions ready. And there were questions around things like, ‘How did they feel about their business? If I could wave a magic wand for them, how would their business look? What’s the one thing they hate doing? What’s the thing they love doing? What do they struggle with the most? All those kind of questions. Because mine was obviously around how they’re marketing their business and I wanted to understand more. And the reason I recorded the call was because when you take notes. Now this might just be me and might not be you so you know if it’s not don’t worry. But when I take notes or one, I can’t read my notes half the time I’m a nightmare. But two, I either do half sentences or I write the words that I’m thinking not necessarily the words they’re saying.


So for instance they might have said I’m so overwhelmed by the amount of time social media takes up and I might have abbreviated it too and too much time on social media. However the word that they used that was so important was overwhelm and if I once connected them going forward that’s probably the word I need to use.


So that’s why recording the calls is great. The other thing that’s great is if you’re working with a copywriter on any of your sales pages, landing pages, websites whatever is that again it can be really useful for them to hear actually what your audience is saying rather than what you’re surmising. So anyway those are the types of things I did. And also I asked them other questions just kind of general questions about who they were and what they did in that sort of thing.


So once I had done this interview I was able to then start to create my avatar. Now when you think about your avatar there are a couple of things I want you to think about. The first thing is the kind of basic stuff. So I do want you to think about.. Are they male or female? How old are they? Are they married? Do they have children? If it’s important, is there an education level that they might have got to? Where do they live? What job do they do? Maybe what salary they’re on? And I want you to think about kind of those things so obviously that’s going to be your main kind of background slash demographic stuff. Okay. So that’s the first section. Oh and by the way probably should’ve since the beginning. I have got a download that you can get which obviously I’m going to put in the show notes so If you go there you’ll be able to get a download of this worksheet that you can then fill out for yourself and it has all the headings on the right to go through so you don’t need to worry about writing them down if you’re busy.


So like that first section background and demographic those where you put your basic stuff that I’ve just talked through. The next section I want you to think about is behaviors, motivations and aspirations. Okay now this might sound a little bit deep and a little bit kind of like why do I need to know these things but I promise you it’s really important because if you can start to understand those things you can start to really kind...




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