In order to develop the skills business owners need, many of them put their focus on consuming information.
They focus on the how-to, like…
“How do I learn how to sell?”
“How do I design my website?”
“How do I hire and lead a team?
But information alone is not enough to develop your skillset as an entrepreneur.
That knowledge has to be implemented properly in order to be effective for your business.
There are two key pieces that often get overlooked that you need in place to ensure you’re not just consuming information, but that you’re truly developing the skillset and using it effectively, and that’s what I share in this episode.
This is part one of a five-part series on the 5 Sets of Success, and I can’t wait for you to hear all 5 sets!
04:25 — The 5 “Sets” of Success
05:31 — “At every level there is a new devil”
06:02 — First set of success: Skillset
06:40 — Understanding the gap between your knowledge and your results
08:26 — The 2 key pieces you need to ensure you’re implementing and developing your skillset
08:49 — What effective coaching looks like
10:20 — The importance of having a well-rounded skillset beyond your expertise
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If you're only making investments in information like books, podcasts, YouTube
Speaker:videos, but you are not necessarily making investments to make sure that
Speaker:you're getting the information with the accountability and the feedback.
Speaker:This could be the reason why you haven't seen your next breakthrough.
Speaker:In this episode, I want to talk to you about what do you do when
Speaker:you're feeling really stuck in your business, in your life?
Speaker:What is it that really can help you get unstuck?
Speaker:Many times people think, oh, it's just a lack of information.
Speaker:Oh, maybe it's just a lack of mentorship and my personal favorite,
Speaker:oh, it's just a lack of motivation.
Speaker:Like somehow motivation's going to hit you every single day to help you build
Speaker:and grow your business to that next level.
Speaker:It just doesn't work that way.
Speaker:Today I want to break down what I call the five sets of success, and it's
Speaker:going to be broken out into five parts to keep these episodes short and sweet.
Speaker:Now before I cover the five sets of success, I want to share with you a
Speaker:little bit about how I came to this.
Speaker:One of my superpowers is the ability to easily make connections and
Speaker:recognize patterns very quickly.
Speaker:That's probably why in corporate America, I was in product innovation
Speaker:before I started my own business.
Speaker:And I was always this fanatic about growth and personal development.
Speaker:And many times when you first start out and you're like in your twenties,
Speaker:you just really think it's a lack of information and that makes a lot of sense.
Speaker:You're just enter the workforce.
Speaker:You're starting to learn about your strengths, what you like to do, what
Speaker:you don't like to do, and many types of jobs or hats that you could have.
Speaker:But somewhere along the way, as you get into your thirties and forties, you
Speaker:start to accumulate tons of experience.
Speaker:All of a sudden, a lack of information really isn't the problem anymore, right?
Speaker:At that level it's really more about mindset.
Speaker:And so as I started working on my own career growth, started working with
Speaker:executives in the corporate setting and eventually started my own business
Speaker:and consulting with multiple six to seven figure earners on their business.
Speaker:I started to see where there was a gap, and then when I got into coaching
Speaker:where I started working on coaching the person and not just consulting in the
Speaker:business, I started to deeply see how there was this interrelated connection
Speaker:between these five sets of success.
Speaker:Now, many times when we think about success, we like to think of it like
Speaker:your daily to-do list, where it's just another box that we're checking off.
Speaker:But I want to encourage you that when you are listening to these
Speaker:five sets of success, that you are being brutally honest with yourself.
Speaker:What success is really about is the reps that you're putting in.
Speaker:Just think of it this way, when you go to the gym and you spend two hours at the
Speaker:gym and you're working so hard at that gym, but you only show up once a month,
Speaker:once a year, it doesn't do much for you.
Speaker:It'll definitely feel the efforts of that workout the next day.
Speaker:But it doesn't ultimately help you get to where you want to
Speaker:be with achieving your goals.
Speaker:Well, these five sets of success is exactly the same thing
Speaker:you've got to put in the reps.
Speaker:I constantly tell my clients this, don't just check it in
Speaker:the box that you've done it.
Speaker:Put it on your to-do list and forget it.
Speaker:This is truly about daily habits and routines that you constantly,
Speaker:constantly put in the reps for.
Speaker:So let's go ahead and talk about what are those five sets of success.
Speaker:So if you don't yet have a pen or something to write with,
Speaker:grab it and write this down.
Speaker:And what I'm going to do is I'm going to cover the first set first,
Speaker:and then we're going to cover the rest in different episodes.
Speaker:So what really are the five sets of success?
Speaker:As I've been consulting and coaching many business owners over the years
Speaker:and different companies and brands, I started to realize that with these
Speaker:five sets of success, I could easily begin to diagnose where an entrepreneur
Speaker:was stuck and what he or she needed to really get to that next level.
Speaker:So I'm going to quickly go ahead and cover them and we're going
Speaker:to dive into the first one.
Speaker:So what are those five sets of success?
Speaker:The first one is skill set, the second one is tool set.
Speaker:The third set of success is your mindset Four your care set.
Speaker:Five your people set.
Speaker:This is critical, so let me repeat them again.
Speaker:One skill set, two tool set.
Speaker:Mindset, four, care set, and five people set.
Speaker:These five sets of success will constantly elevate you to that next level.
Speaker:My multi eight figure mentor once said to me, Elizabeth, at
Speaker:every level there is a new devil.
Speaker:And it can't always be about a lack of information.
Speaker:It can't just be about a mindset not being there.
Speaker:And so what I've found over time is that these five sets of success, if you are
Speaker:brutally honest with yourself and you are giving yourself an honest grade.
Speaker:You can begin to see where you're at and where you're stuck and
Speaker:where you need to get unstuck.
Speaker:So let's dive into the first set skillset.
Speaker:Now, most people think that skillset is just about information.
Speaker:It's about how to, how do I learn how to sell How do I know how to close.
Speaker:How do I design my website?
Speaker:How do I hire a team?
Speaker:How do I lead a team, right?
Speaker:So skillset seems pretty straightforward and pretty simple in terms of a
Speaker:key critical set in your success.
Speaker:But here's the thing that most people get wrong information alone.
Speaker:Knowledge is not power.
Speaker:It's only when knowledge is activated through action that it becomes powerful.
Speaker:And so here's what I want you to watch for.
Speaker:If you are feeling the need that this might be why you're stuck, which is
Speaker:skillset is, seek the information that you seek, but make sure you have these
Speaker:two critical pieces in play for you.
Speaker:One, accountability.
Speaker:Many of us like to read books, listen to podcasts.
Speaker:We get a lot of information that goes into our brain, but very few actually
Speaker:follow up and take action on them, and that's where most people fall apart.
Speaker:That's why you're not seeing the successful results that
Speaker:you want in your business.
Speaker:So really, who is helping you be accountable for the
Speaker:information that you're learning?
Speaker:The second piece that you want to make sure that if
Speaker:you're stuck here is feedback.
Speaker:This is so critical.
Speaker:So critical.
Speaker:When I'm working with my clients and I am teaching them a new skillset, like how
Speaker:to close in a classy way, how to charge $10,000 and command these kind of prices
Speaker:and not apologize, all of these new skill sets that they're learning, I make sure
Speaker:that there's accountability and feedback.
Speaker:Now a lot of different coaching programs, if you're new to that space or you are
Speaker:familiar with that space, will often say we have group coaching sessions.
Speaker:And what that means is everyone jumps on a call and then usually
Speaker:the coach or the host say that they'll be coaching somebody.
Speaker:What I've found over time is that these group sessions actually become
Speaker:more like q and A sessions and they're not like coaching, coaching.
Speaker:So I want to encourage you to make sure that if you're feeling stuck
Speaker:in skillset, you have accountability and feedback to make sure that
Speaker:you're really, truly applying the information that you're learning.
Speaker:I'll give you an example of what I feel is really solid coaching.
Speaker:So as you may know, my son Evan, is an avid soccer player.
Speaker:He is 14 years old and he just absolutely loves soccer.
Speaker:So the way that his soccer coach coaches him is they'll show him the drills.
Speaker:They have different drills, right?
Speaker:But see, coaches will actually be on the sideline to cheer you on, see how
Speaker:your play, if you mastered the play that they laid out for you, and then
Speaker:they'll also watch and you video for feedback, and then they'll literally
Speaker:sit down with you and say, Hey, here's what you got to do in this situation.
Speaker:Our play was this.
Speaker:But you did this.
Speaker:How might you tweak that or change that or shift that around
Speaker:so that you can do better?
Speaker:That is coaching.
Speaker:It is the feedback.
Speaker:It is showing you the skillset, the information.
Speaker:They're even laying out the game plan for you to follow, but it's truly the
Speaker:accountability that you're showing up and playing in the games, and you're showing
Speaker:up for the practice to put in the rep.
Speaker:But at the end of the day, it's also giving you direct feedback.
Speaker:Hey, this is what we learned.
Speaker:I noticed that this is what you actually did.
Speaker:How might we improve this?
Speaker:That conversation, that feedback, is really what takes you to that next level.
Speaker:So when you're thinking about skillset, I want you to be thinking about where
Speaker:are you making investments today and where are you not making investments?
Speaker:If you're only making investments in information like books, podcasts, YouTube
Speaker:videos, but you are not necessarily making investments to make sure that
Speaker:you're getting the information with the accountability and the feedback.
Speaker:This could be the reason why you haven't seen your next breakthrough.
Speaker:I'll give you an example of how important this is.
Speaker:I talk to a lot of beauty queens, especially estheticians hair
Speaker:salon owners, and stylists.
Speaker:But many times, especially estheticians for whatever reason, especially when
Speaker:they're starting out in their business, they often get a lot of certifications.
Speaker:They'll get certified in one procedure or one product, and then they'll try
Speaker:to go out and grow their business.
Speaker:They don't see sales.
Speaker:So somehow they think, ah, you know what it is?
Speaker:I need a second certification.
Speaker:I needed this procedure.
Speaker:I need that product.
Speaker:And they'll begin to get certification after certification, thinking,
Speaker:hoping, and praying that it is all these different types of
Speaker:certification that will bring in sales.
Speaker:But the reality is it's not, the product is not going to sell itself.
Speaker:Who is going to sell the product?
Speaker:And if you have not made the investment on how to sell, how to market, how
Speaker:to create content, how to get someone to hop on a call with you to book
Speaker:an appointment, to book with you.
Speaker:These are all new skill sets that if you haven't invested in, you're
Speaker:not going to know how to do.
Speaker:You can be the number one best expert out there, let's say aesthetician out there.
Speaker:But if you don't know how to market or how to sell or how to close a
Speaker:deal, sales aren't going to be there.
Speaker:So I'm sharing this with you because I want you to think through skillset sounds
Speaker:so simple, so obvious, but do you have those critical key pieces in place when
Speaker:you are looking to up level your skillset?
Speaker:Are you making investments in necessary areas that are outside of your comfort
Speaker:zone, like sales marketing, right?
Speaker:That you're not just chasing a new product, a new service,
Speaker:a new certification, because it's not going to sell itself.
Speaker:It's just simply not.
Speaker:All right?
Speaker:So that is the first set of success.
Speaker:Skillset set.
Speaker:Let me know what your aha moment is and what's shifting for you right now, and
Speaker:catch the second episode to learn a little bit more about the next set of success.