Artwork for podcast Mystic Ink, Publisher of Spiritual, Shamanic, Transcendent  Works, and Phantastic Fiction
Introduction to The Center of the Universe is Right Between Your Eyes
16th October 2020 • Mystic Ink, Publisher of Spiritual, Shamanic, Transcendent Works, and Phantastic Fiction • Matthew Pallamary
00:00:00 00:09:22

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     Who or what are we really?

     How do you define yourself?

     Good? Evil? Sinner? Saint? Lover? Fighter? Christian? Muslim?

 Buddhist? Atheist?

     Conservative? Liberal? Anarchist?

     Executive? Artist? Lawyer? Musician? Firefighter? Cop?

     Gay? Straight? Transgender? Polyamorous?

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     God's greatest gift or worthless and unworthy of being loved?

     If you can quiet the chatter of your "monkey mind" long enough

 to examine your inner life with some objectivity, and pay close

 attention to what goes on there, you will become aware of how quickly

 it can change from instant to instant depending on what is happening

 in the moment (time) and the context (space).

     In truth each of us are our own unique mercurial mixture of

 identities that we created from the center of our personal universe, and

 in each moment we may be motivated by emotion, intellect, or physical

 desire. More often than not, it is some shifting combination of the


     When we are highly stimulated, agitated, or threatened in some

 way, this mass of competing energies whip up psychological gale force

 winds that can spin around inside and outside of us, often gathering

 strength to the point of eliciting physical, verbal, or emotional

 responses. Crimes of passion are an extreme example of this and in the

 aftermath we often hear denial in the words, "I don't know what got

 into me, I wasn't myself," or, "I blacked out."



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