Artwork for podcast Eternal Entrepreneur—Equipping Christian Businesses
A Proven Method to Solve Problems in Prayer as a Christian Entrepreneur
Episode 7915th November 2021 • Eternal Entrepreneur—Equipping Christian Businesses • Joe Newton, Pierce Brantley — Christian Business Leaders, Kingdom Entrepreneurs
00:00:00 00:23:40

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Innovation solves problems. There are two types of innovation. First there is the typical, large-scale market shifting innovation that make the headlines. Then there is what Pierce Brantley calls the micro-innovation. Micro-innovations are small differences that improve your business and the value your customer receives. Brantley thinks these types of innovations, the day-to-day good ideas, are the best innovations to pursue on an ongoing basis. For the Christian entrepreneur, there also needs to be a strong bias towards bringing your challenges and opportunities to God first. The benefit being that you are simply building a business in a silo, for your own gain and glory. You'll also get better ideas from the Holy Spirit too.

So what is innovation? Innovation is the practical implementation of ideas that result in the introduction of new goods or services and / or the improvement in offering goods or services.

This episode covers the topic of entrepreneurship, Kingdom Business, innovation, creative thinking, good ideas, invention, prayer, Holy Spirit, partnership with God, secular mindsets, biblical mindsets, business growth, humility and identity in Christ.


Pierce Brantley:

Welcome to Lunch Break , a special weekly series of the

Pierce Brantley:

eternal entrepreneur that gives you bite sized pieces of wisdom on how to

Pierce Brantley:

do the function of faith and business.

Pierce Brantley:

Each episode unpacks, a short, actionable topic you can put into practice this week.

Pierce Brantley:

Let's get into it.

Pierce Brantley:

Well, hello and welcome back.

Pierce Brantley:

Thank you for joining us for lunch break.

Pierce Brantley:

I am Pierce Brantley co-host of the Eternal Entrepreneur.

Pierce Brantley:

I hope everyone has had a restful weekend and is ready to hit it hard.

Pierce Brantley:

This Monday, I'm actually recording this on a Friday morning.

Pierce Brantley:

And for that reason, we're going to get a little philosophical.

Pierce Brantley:

I might start something new philosophical Friday.

Pierce Brantley:

What do you think about that?

Pierce Brantley:

I'm gonna have to talk to Joe about this philosophical Friday.

Pierce Brantley:

Hashtag I want to come back to a subject that we've talked about

Pierce Brantley:

before, but I think it's so critical as Christian entrepreneur.

Pierce Brantley:

To meditate on this topic, and we're going to talk about the topic of

Pierce Brantley:

innovation and it is really deep on my heart to speak about this morning.

Pierce Brantley:

It's been actually on my heart all week, and I think it's because there is

Pierce Brantley:

a wide, dynamically different approach to how the world should approach

Pierce Brantley:

innovation and the fruit of innovation.

Pierce Brantley:

And then how we as Christians approach in ovation and the fruit therein.

Pierce Brantley:

So what is innovation specifically?

Pierce Brantley:

Innovation is simply adding value and creating something new where

Pierce Brantley:

something new has hasn't been before you can innovate on a new net new idea.

Pierce Brantley:

You can also innovate on something that's already existed.

Pierce Brantley:

Uber for instance, innovated on the taxi system, the taxi system,

Pierce Brantley:

innovated on horse and carriage.

Pierce Brantley:

You look at innovation specifically in the delivery sector.

Pierce Brantley:

I've actually written about this for a couple of different papers.

Pierce Brantley:

And if you look at door dash or like Instacart, they are innovating

Pierce Brantley:

on the, the hidden need of.

Pierce Brantley:

The consumer's desire to put food on their table to create meals, Kroger, Walmart,

Pierce Brantley:

and you got a grocery store that, you know, you can think of HEB for you, crazy

Pierce Brantley:

kids, those companies, they don't actually address the actual need of the consumer,

Pierce Brantley:

which is to put food on the table.

Pierce Brantley:

No one actually wants to shop.

Pierce Brantley:

What people want to do is to eat into that.

Pierce Brantley:

A good dinner.

Pierce Brantley:

And so door dash and Instacart, and these light companies are moving out.

Pierce Brantley:

The middleman grocery stores are the middleman to help you get what you want.

Pierce Brantley:

That's innovation.

Pierce Brantley:

That's helping people solve a problem.

Pierce Brantley:

Now, not all innovation needs to be disruptive.

Pierce Brantley:


Pierce Brantley:

We think that in order to be innovative, what we need to do is actually.

Pierce Brantley:

The structure of a market that innovation is meant for a top end type

Pierce Brantley:

disruption, where you are shifting entire segments and new and unseen ways.

Pierce Brantley:

If you have a mind, an aspiration to do that, but that type of innovation

Pierce Brantley:

is very, very, very intense.

Pierce Brantley:

You look at the iPhone when that came out or Amazon cloud services, when that

Pierce Brantley:

came out, those actually Bo believe it or not were very intentional decisions

Pierce Brantley:

made in boardrooms, made in planning sessions to go and pursue those things.

Pierce Brantley:

One of my favorite stories.

Pierce Brantley:

Uh, from Simon Sinek, he's doing a keynote for apple, apple, uh, has hired

Pierce Brantley:

him to talk he's in the back of a black car talking to one of the executives and

Pierce Brantley:

he's actually just spoken to Microsoft, not, but just a few weeks before.

Pierce Brantley:

And they gave him a Zune.

Pierce Brantley:

This is back when Zunes were cool when everyone was going

Pierce Brantley:

after the MP3 market space.

Pierce Brantley:

And then he was like, and he really liked the Zuni.

Pierce Brantley:

I actually remember the Zuni had a cool screen.

Pierce Brantley:

And he thought this thing was pretty impressive and he kind of, he leans over

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to the executive and he goes, you know, have you guys seen this, uh, have you

Pierce Brantley:

seen the Zune, you know what, what's going to be kind of your, your answer to this.

Pierce Brantley:

And he says the executive leans over and he goes, that's a very nice MP3.

Pierce Brantley:

And he didn't know at the time they didn't tell Simon at the time, but they'd been

Pierce Brantley:

planning the iPhone at this point in time.

Pierce Brantley:

And so while everyone else was pursuing.

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Innovating around music.

Pierce Brantley:

They were seeing one step ahead.

Pierce Brantley:

So innovation has always kind of looking out to benefit the lives

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of people you don't necessarily do market shifting though.

Pierce Brantley:

There are micro innovations that you should be pursuing in your

Pierce Brantley:

business, things that improve the lives of your customers, things

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that help you compete better.

Pierce Brantley:

Things that in a sense.

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Bring the aura of Christ, meaning the love and the awareness of who God is into

Pierce Brantley:

the lives of those that you are serving.

Pierce Brantley:

And so this is where we're going to get into the topic specifically

Pierce Brantley:

of how Christian innovation is different than secular innovation.

Pierce Brantley:

And we're not really going to be spicing.

Pierce Brantley:

Here's what we're going to be looking at the fruit therein.

Pierce Brantley:

Now I'm just going to be completely transparent.

Pierce Brantley:

I am not.

Pierce Brantley:

From kind of the, the faith background that believes that Christians should

Pierce Brantley:

be the most successful, the most wealthy, the most, you know, um,

Pierce Brantley:

entourage given people on the planet.

Pierce Brantley:

I don't think that's why we are here.

Pierce Brantley:

And so to that end, when I hear conversations about, well, you know,

Pierce Brantley:

why are not, why are Christians not at the top of like some of these massive

Pierce Brantley:

organizations are, why are Christians not.

Pierce Brantley:

Amazingly huge things first off in some areas they are, but God has called us just

Pierce Brantley:

simply to climb mountains for kingdoms that are fading a way you look at Jesus

Pierce Brantley:

when Jesus was tempted by the enemy in his time in the desert, they take them

Pierce Brantley:

at to the top of a really high hill.

Pierce Brantley:

And they say, if you worship.

Pierce Brantley:

Meaning, if you become worldly minded and you give your posture of

Pierce Brantley:

life to the world, what will I do?

Pierce Brantley:

I'll give you everything.

Pierce Brantley:

As far as I can see, he tried to Simba him.

Pierce Brantley:

Jesus says I have no use for kingdom.

Pierce Brantley:

That I will not use or honor Jesus already understood that everything

Pierce Brantley:

was already given into his possession.

Pierce Brantley:

What am I going to do with the worldly kingdom?

Pierce Brantley:

When a worldly kingdom does not serve my ends.

Pierce Brantley:

And so as a Christian, if our posture, if our faith is actually.

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to be given to worldly ends.

Pierce Brantley:

It's not that we can't find worldly success, but that worldly success is

Pierce Brantley:

not unto the things of God solely.

Pierce Brantley:

And so in that sense, we become double-minded and this is what James talks

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about, what we want to do, what our hearts posture should be is to ask the kingdom.

Pierce Brantley:

What is it?

Pierce Brantley:

That we are supposed to be SU pursuing as people of faith.

Pierce Brantley:

And so this is what we should be asking the Lord to do.

Pierce Brantley:

So Christian innovation is solely different in that what we are looking for

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is the heart of God in a matter unto on to change in the lives of those we serve.

Pierce Brantley:

It's a love posture.

Pierce Brantley:

You look at some people that are really innovating right now.

Pierce Brantley:

Folks like Elon Musk.

Pierce Brantley:

And I have some, some colleagues who absolutely adore Elon Musk and

Pierce Brantley:

they want to work just like him.

Pierce Brantley:

And they do, they don't see their families at nights.

Pierce Brantley:

They work until the, after the kids go home, um, or go to bed rather, they.

Pierce Brantley:

All through the weekends and they intentionally want to be like him.

Pierce Brantley:

And so they modeled their lives after him.

Pierce Brantley:

And then they have dysfunction.

Pierce Brantley:

Elon Musk is doing amazing things for the world.

Pierce Brantley:

He is a pioneer, no doubt, but he has gone through multiple marriages.

Pierce Brantley:

His kids don't talk to him.

Pierce Brantley:

And the background, the backdrop of his life is not.

Pierce Brantley:

And so if we, as believers model the pattern of our lives towards something

Pierce Brantley:

that is different than Christ himself, then we're going to have fruit in our

Pierce Brantley:

lives other than the fruit of the kingdom.

Pierce Brantley:

And this is something that we have to get actually, I believe is a conviction

Pierce Brantley:

as Christian business leaders, a conviction deep in our hearts, that

Pierce Brantley:

what we are creating, what we are building is not another impact.

Pierce Brantley:

We are not building just another piece of technology, just another thing in

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order to make ourselves more successful.

Pierce Brantley:

And to that end, the ultimate goal for our businesses should not just be

Pierce Brantley:

to create a really great new product.

Pierce Brantley:

Not that there is anything morally, ethically wrong with that from a,

Pierce Brantley:

from a Christian perspective, but all of this stuff is going to disappear.

Pierce Brantley:

It will not be here.

Pierce Brantley:

We're not taking any of it with us.

Pierce Brantley:

And so to be solely focused on those things is a misappropriation of what

Pierce Brantley:

the spirit has given us access to.

Pierce Brantley:

So the key principle here, a little alliteration for you as intimacy leads to

Pierce Brantley:

innovation, intimacy leads to innovation.

Pierce Brantley:

What does that mean?

Pierce Brantley:

The Christ follower.

Pierce Brantley:

Innovation is not solely the outcome of pursuing the top of

Pierce Brantley:

a market mountain or hard work.

Pierce Brantley:

God is happy to give you mountains.

Pierce Brantley:

Consider the parable of the servants with the talents, a

Pierce Brantley:

couple of important things in this.

Pierce Brantley:

The first is that he gives certain amounts to people to steward intentionally.

Pierce Brantley:

He didn't give the five guy 10.

Pierce Brantley:

He didn't give the 10 guy 20.

Pierce Brantley:

He didn't give the, I can't remember the last one, the one guy zero, but

Pierce Brantley:

he gave a certain amount to that person intentionally for the end.

Pierce Brantley:

Of stewardship.

Pierce Brantley:

We actually see this in verses about faith too.

Pierce Brantley:

We're not all given the same allotment of faith.

Pierce Brantley:

And so there's a deep principle in here that there are mountains that you aren't

Pierce Brantley:

meant to pursue a slight parallel.

Pierce Brantley:

A buddy of mine, uh, a friend of mine that I really love.

Pierce Brantley:

He was actually the best man at my wedding, Mike, and he was talking to me.

Pierce Brantley:

He's an amazing entrepreneurial guy, uh, deeply invested in this.

Pierce Brantley:

For most of his life.

Pierce Brantley:

And he had on his heart to go pray over his British, I think it was parliament

Pierce Brantley:

and he was walking past a building and he decided he wanted to do spiritual

Pierce Brantley:

warfare and the high places in order to take down, um, some political

Pierce Brantley:

things that he just didn't agree with.

Pierce Brantley:

Good heart posture, mind you.

Pierce Brantley:

And he started to pray and immediately he got shut down in his spirit

Pierce Brantley:

and the holy spirit told him.

Pierce Brantley:

You don't have permission to go pray over those things.

Pierce Brantley:

I haven't called you on to that.

Pierce Brantley:

And it was shocking at first, but it gave him a lesson in knowing what his

Pierce Brantley:

life should be unto in my own life.

Pierce Brantley:

I remember very clearly there was, I had it in my, in my mind to go

Pierce Brantley:

build a billion dollar company.

Pierce Brantley:

I did that because I wanted to build a billion dollar company.

Pierce Brantley:

That's an, a whole other conversation about intention.

Pierce Brantley:

And the Lord told me, he said, that's never going to be part of your future.

Pierce Brantley:

And it was a slight disappointment, but then it gave me clarity.

Pierce Brantley:


Pierce Brantley:

What am I supposed to be doing?

Pierce Brantley:

That does not mean that I won't necessarily be building large businesses

Pierce Brantley:

or be part of large businesses.

Pierce Brantley:

I typically work with fortunes.

Pierce Brantley:

I've sold a company.

Pierce Brantley:

I've been a part of an exit.

Pierce Brantley:

That's going to be my rent.

Pierce Brantley:

God willing my entire life, but building a big revenue box for

Pierce Brantley:

the sake of it is not going to be part of what he's called me in.

Pierce Brantley:

And that's really good to know because it gives us clarity about what it is we

Pierce Brantley:

are, what is our intention in innovating?

Pierce Brantley:

Because oftentimes we think about innovation for the sake of innovating.

Pierce Brantley:

We want to be a cool company.

Pierce Brantley:

We want to be better than our competitors.

Pierce Brantley:

We want to be known for something.

Pierce Brantley:

We have a vibrato behind why we choose to do what we do, but the Lord

Pierce Brantley:

is saying, I want you to lay those things down for the sake of knowing.

Pierce Brantley:

So I've seen some fantastic things in my own life from pursuing this posture.

Pierce Brantley:

So as some of, you know, I'm a consultant, I do digital product strategy.

Pierce Brantley:

I help companies build entire platforms, typically really large platforms.

Pierce Brantley:

And one of the cool things that I get to do.

Pierce Brantley:

Is I get to enter into those things with the posture of prayer and because

Pierce Brantley:

of that posture, prayer, sometimes the Lord does really cool stuff and

Pierce Brantley:

I get some fun stories from this.

Pierce Brantley:

One of the times, I think I've told this story in the past, but a client of

Pierce Brantley:

mine re wanting to solve a communication problem in their platform in a way

Pierce Brantley:

that hadn't been done before for this.

Pierce Brantley:

And this actually created conflict.

Pierce Brantley:

How many know that innovation creates conflict?

Pierce Brantley:

Because you have to wrestle with the challenge.

Pierce Brantley:

I wasn't able to solve the problem in the way that they wanted it to be solved.

Pierce Brantley:

I had offered alternatives.

Pierce Brantley:

They didn't want alternatives.

Pierce Brantley:

They actually wanted to be part of the way in which something was

Pierce Brantley:

solutioned hello, client management.

Pierce Brantley:

And I wasn't sure what to do about it.

Pierce Brantley:

And we'd gone back.

Pierce Brantley:

Do you like this option?

Pierce Brantley:


Pierce Brantley:

Do you like this option?

Pierce Brantley:


Pierce Brantley:

Do you like these are all technical, like technology-driven solutions?

Pierce Brantley:

No, no, no, no, no.

Pierce Brantley:

And it's starting to get a little bit heated and so I don't

Pierce Brantley:

have an answer and I've already invested tons of time in this.

Pierce Brantley:

Talk about this in calling a week into the purpose of your work.

Pierce Brantley:

And I don't know what to do so internally, I just started to pray and say, look.

Pierce Brantley:

I don't have an answer for this.

Pierce Brantley:

Do you have an answer for this near instantly?

Pierce Brantley:

And it's not always near instantly, but sometimes, well, often it's

Pierce Brantley:

pretty close to instantly, but instantly I got this picture and

Pierce Brantley:

it was, it was like the matrix.

Pierce Brantley:

I got this picture of code being solved and I'm not like any

Pierce Brantley:

kind of expert engineer and.

Pierce Brantley:

I saw how they wanted their problems solved.

Pierce Brantley:

And I saw a hidden code being changed in order to solve their problem.

Pierce Brantley:

This is an example of what I call micro innovation.

Pierce Brantley:

We didn't shift the market, but we did shift a company.

Pierce Brantley:

So I don't know quite what I've just experienced.

Pierce Brantley:

And so I just tell him, you know what I think we have.

Pierce Brantley:

And they go, excuse me.

Pierce Brantley:

I said, yeah, I think we have the answer.

Pierce Brantley:

What do you mean?

Pierce Brantley:

Because we've just been like debating the answer.

Pierce Brantley:

And so they're slightly skeptical, slightly coming off their frustration.

Pierce Brantley:

Like where did this come from?

Pierce Brantley:

I said, I just tell them.

Pierce Brantley:

I say, you know, I think the Lord showed me how to do it in

Pierce Brantley:

prayer and they go, excuse me.

Pierce Brantley:

And I say, yes, I think through prayer, I just, I just got the answer.

Pierce Brantley:

Let's pause.

Pierce Brantley:

Let me go test and see if this is a thing that will.

Pierce Brantley:

They're skeptical.

Pierce Brantley:

We get off the phone.

Pierce Brantley:

I go see if this is even a thing, because again, I saw in my mind's eye,

Pierce Brantley:

I've never, I don't, like I said, I don't have the technical background.

Pierce Brantley:

That's really particularly deep.

Pierce Brantley:

Sure enough.

Pierce Brantley:

There was like a, a shadow language in between.

Pierce Brantley:

How users of software see things, how compilers compile things

Pierce Brantley:

and how things are presented.

Pierce Brantley:

It's hidden code and sure enough, by leveraging it, the

Pierce Brantley:

computer knows it's there.

Pierce Brantley:

It allowed us to do these communication things in ways that, you know, they wanted

Pierce Brantley:

to do them exactly how they want to do.

Pierce Brantley:

It was amazing.

Pierce Brantley:

And there was no way that I could have gotten this kind of knowledge.

Pierce Brantley:

It was very specific, very technical.

Pierce Brantley:

And I had no kind of purview to it in my mind.

Pierce Brantley:

The holy spirit revealed it to me for the sake of glorifying his own name, because

Pierce Brantley:

I got to have a conversation with this person about how I got this information.

Pierce Brantley:

So God was glorified through the pursuit.

Pierce Brantley:

Of trying to solve the problem.

Pierce Brantley:

So this is what I mean when I say intimacies unto innovation.

Pierce Brantley:

My foundation for this thinking is from James.

Pierce Brantley:

I know.

Pierce Brantley:

Can you believe something innovative?

Pierce Brantley:

And new came from James, so I'll just reproach.

Pierce Brantley:

Believe it or not, James, one five ESV.

Pierce Brantley:

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives generously

Pierce Brantley:

to all without repeating.

Pierce Brantley:

And it will be given that word.

Pierce Brantley:

Reproach has a lot of different contexts in some ways actually

Pierce Brantley:

means he gives it to us.

Pierce Brantley:

Unrepentantly meaning if we ask God for wisdom from him, not only physically,

Pierce Brantley:

is he generous with that with.

Pierce Brantley:

He doesn't repent on it, meaning he does not take it back.

Pierce Brantley:

Sometimes we have this fear that if we side step, if we go the wrong direction in

Pierce Brantley:

our lives or in our business, that God is going to like, turn the valve off on him,

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working with us and partnering with us.

Pierce Brantley:

It's his kindness that leads us to repentance.

Pierce Brantley:

So he's not going to ever turn his wisdom off.

Pierce Brantley:

If you want his help, he is always unrepentantly there to help you.

Pierce Brantley:

And if intimacy is thee unto with your posture towards innovating for your

Pierce Brantley:

business, then what happens is you start to build a culture of kingdom

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inside the way you solve problems.

Pierce Brantley:

If you do something like affinity mapping or design mapping, or user

Pierce Brantley:

centric, customer centric, design thinking, when you build out new

Pierce Brantley:

things for your business, bring the holy spirit into that process.

Pierce Brantley:

However it is that you go about your pursuit of excellence, which is a whole

Pierce Brantley:

other conversation, but bring him into it.

Pierce Brantley:

And when you do now only are you going to get net new ideas?

Pierce Brantley:

But those net new ideas are going to keep you connected to the heart of God.

Pierce Brantley:

You won't be alone on a mountain top.

Pierce Brantley:

Remember in this sense, there's only one king of the mountain.

Pierce Brantley:

I don't know why, why, why, why we recognize him as king

Pierce Brantley:

in some parts of our lives.

Pierce Brantley:

But when it comes to operating the business, we go, well, we're

Pierce Brantley:

going to be king of the hill.

Pierce Brantley:

Like it's such a contradiction of reality once we're in.

Pierce Brantley:


Pierce Brantley:

Just think about that for a minute.

Pierce Brantley:

We've got to lay some of this stuff down, but that does not mean that we are

Pierce Brantley:

laying down excellence or the pursuit of the good or creating great things.

Pierce Brantley:

It just means what is that stuff going to be on to the difference

Pierce Brantley:

between worldly innovation and the innovation that the Christian

Pierce Brantley:

pursues, you can both be pursuing?

Pierce Brantley:

The one, the same thing.

Pierce Brantley:

The difference is that one is unto becoming a king of the mountain and.

Pierce Brantley:

When you're king of the mountain, who's getting the

Pierce Brantley:

glory, you're getting the glory.

Pierce Brantley:

And what that does is it has a self-deprecating effect on

Pierce Brantley:

your lives become prideful.

Pierce Brantley:

You begin to think of yourself as being the person who is the innovator.

Pierce Brantley:

You become concerned with things of this world, meaning, uh, managing, uh, your

Pierce Brantley:

reputation, the money that comes from it.

Pierce Brantley:

Being known as an innovator.

Pierce Brantley:

Those things may come with your life, but they're not what your life has done.

Pierce Brantley:

Whereas the Christian's pursuit of innovation is actually intimacy.

Pierce Brantley:

I am seeking out the heart of God on a matter.

Pierce Brantley:

And when he reveals it to me, I am reminded that the true direct of

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me of my life is under the banner of his guidance and his grace

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and his desire to live with me.

Pierce Brantley:

And so I don't want to do anything to separate myself.

Pierce Brantley:

From that original intent, the light that he's designed for me and the way in

Pierce Brantley:

which he wants my business to operate.

Pierce Brantley:


Pierce Brantley:

So how do we kind of apply this practically?

Pierce Brantley:

The first thing to do is just do a heart check, practically speaking.

Pierce Brantley:

What is your unto, what's your reason for wanting to build something new?

Pierce Brantley:

What's your reason for wanting to create a new product?

Pierce Brantley:

What's your reason for wanting to be innovative?

Pierce Brantley:

Let's just get the posture.

Pierce Brantley:

On that once you had the posture, right, or maybe do have the posture, right.

Pierce Brantley:

Start to make a habit of practicing James one five, ask the Lord for wisdom.

Pierce Brantley:

We've talked about this before in Proverbs, but it says it's the glory

Pierce Brantley:

of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of Kings to search it out,

Pierce Brantley:

you are a lowercase K king or queen born into a Royal priesthood of God.

Pierce Brantley:

If you're trying to innovate on something, there's a good chance that it's been

Pierce Brantley:

hidden on purpose, and God is asking you to pursue his heart so that he can reveal

Pierce Brantley:

it to you so that you understand how to build things in light of God's glory.

Pierce Brantley:

I think we're gonna talk about this now.

Pierce Brantley:

Next time I do a lunch break is how God's intent for design and God's

Pierce Brantley:

intent for glory actually creates the best things on the planet.

Pierce Brantley:


Pierce Brantley:

My friends have a fantastic week and don't forget to think eternally.

Pierce Brantley:

Thank you for listening.

Pierce Brantley:

If you enjoyed the show, do me a favor and leave a quick review.

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