The Bros are back with another rap session. This time instead of dumping on each other with a bunch of misery, they have some good news to share. They're both doing pretty well, and have some wins.
Sosh held a block party on his new deck. You may remember this was mentioned back in Episode 3, as he had to learn a lesson from fucking up his car while building it. Rodney Block, a Little Rock local celebrity played a "porch concert" to a packed crowd, and Sosh feels like they dealt a serious blow to the pandemic blues. He also met his female doppelgänger, and they seriously hit it off and nerded out together. It was weird but not in a bad, inappropriate way.
Enoch is (mostly) sober these days. His mood has stabilized, and he's feeling really good. He also makes an on-air confession that he allowed his depression to take him back into some old, bad habits--namely smoking cigarettes. However, he has recently cut that shit out too (but only after making his kids cry)!
Overall, just a good, positive episode for a change!
Other People and Things Mentioned:
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