Sin’s modus operandi is to isolate, separate, and spiral down into oblivion. We often think of Christian fellowship as the fellowship of the pious—brothers and sisters in Christ—when it is really the people who confess their sinfulness. Christians conquer loneliness by confessing that we are all sinners.
One of our #fhcTAKEAWAYS this week asked the question:
* How does it feel to belong to a church where there is clarity that we are all sinners and no one is good? Personally, it is one of the most attractive traits any church could and should proclaim. As a person who was not just away from church for many years, but away from God, on purpose, and with glee in the endeavor, there is no place so lonely in this world than “belonging” to a church of the pious, the cold, the dead. I love it because I have struggled with nearly every sin imaginable and yet I am home, and I am welcomed as family at the Hospital Church. How does it make you feel?
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Tune in every Wednesday as we take a look back at our prior week's message for unique takeaways, added perspective, and a peek at the upcoming message at the Florida Hospital Church. Thank you for joining us and we will see you next week for Episode 52!
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