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Here's What's Next for Uncle Brutha's AllSauce
Episode 221st February 2023 • The Radical Selfcare Extremist • Uncle Brutha
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Learn more about Uncle Brutha's ALLSAUCE PRIME

In this podcast, I'm here to give you the latest update on my award-winning Allsauce. As a radical self-care extremist, I believe that taking care of yourself is essential, and I want to help you do the same.

While the #Allsauce isn't available just yet, I assure you that it's coming soon - and I can't wait to share it with you. So, be sure to show your enthusiasm and keep sending in your messages of support!


/////// ABOUT UB

Uncle Brutha is a health coach, radical self-care extremist, and the mastermind behind UncleBrutha's™ ALLSAUCE™ DC's Original Award Winning Gourmet Hot Sauce. In the health and wellness industry, Uncle Brutha has helped countless individuals create personalized health plans to enhance their overall well-being. His approach is rooted in the belief that true health starts from within, and he encourages his clients to prioritize self-care and make educated eating decisions.

Beyond his work as a health coach, Uncle Brutha is also a culinary genius. His legendary hot sauce, ALLSAUCE™, has won countless awards for its flavor including multiple 1st place trophies in the Fiery Food Challenge. This has earned him a loyal following across the country. Made with a secret blend of all-natural ingredients, ALLSAUCE™ is the perfect addition to any dish and has been recognized with multiple awards for its exceptional flavor.

Whether he's coaching clients or concocting new culinary creations, Uncle Brutha is committed to spreading the message of radical self-care and healthy living. His passion, expertise, and unique perspective make him a true force in the wellness community, and a beloved figure to all who know him.

Here's What's Next for Uncle Brutha's AllSauce


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In this video, I'm going to answer the question, where you be at?




And much more. Welcome to All Sauce Matters. source for all things Allsauce.


What's up everybody, I'm Uncle Brutha, I make award winning Allsauce, and I'm a radical self care extremist.


I know, I know, I can hear you all now. But wait UB, a radical what?


Self care extremist? What the?


And what's that got to do with where, how, or when I can get my hands on some more of,


that award winning delicious Allsauce? I know right?


And this, my first edition of Allsauce Matters, I'm going to bring you up to speed with,


just what's been going on, and even more importantly, what's in the pipeline for,


Uncle Brothas Allsauce and what I've got in the works for you to help get our process


moving so we can hurry up and get to making more delicious Uncle Brothas Allsauce available just for you.


However, before we get to all that Allsauce goodness, I'ma start with this.


You guys have really been making sure that I know you're still out there.


Craving that amazing all sauce flavor.


I mean, I've been getting DMs, EMs, GMs, but I wish somebody would send me a GM.


Wouldn't be mad at another car right about now. Anyway, so no GMs yet, but plenty of cards and letters and all the rest.


I mean, some folks be like, I need my Uncle Brutha's all sauce.


Okay, okay, I hear you. So I'm here today to answer that call But guess what?


I'm also here today to tell you about an answer to yet another call That's come in for all you be and you're definitely gonna want to hear about that,


Now I need you to show how excited you are about getting some news about your favorite,


Award-winning all sauce by clicking the like sharing this video subscribe doing all the social media,


protocols that we need right now since we just get things rolling and,


And maybe even more importantly,


be sure to jump on over to and check out what's going on over there.


See what's coming.


Well, there's still no all sauce yet, but it's coming, it's coming.


I most definitely need that love that you've been sending in those cards and letters


and messages all this time to carry on over to


Sign up, like, share, subscribe, all that.


Well, I already said that, that was for social media.


But you can subscribe on the website and check it out. There's some stuff happening


you'll probably find interesting.


No, really, seriously, being serious for a moment. I must take time out here to express a great big up.


Shout out, huge thank you.


Know that in whatever form you recognize gratitude, I'm sending all I've got to all of you


who have continued to reach out.


I mean.


Some time has gone by, but your messages have only been letting me know just how much you're


missing your favorite Uncle Bruthas Allsauce.


So I want you to know I've heard you, especially if you haven't heard back from me.


Because while I do my best to respond to most if not all of you that actually take time


out to holler at a brother, I can miss one here and there.


I'm human, what can I say.


Okay, if you haven't been yet, I'm sure you'll be as excited as I am about all the


the changes over at


Mm-hmm, brand new look and feel.


Oh, and did you sign up for the mailing list?


Comes with a perk, you should check it out. And there is one thing you may or may not have noticed.


We've got all new membership and Allsaws Prime subscription's coming very soon.


You should check it out.


As a matter of fact, I'd really like to know what you guys think about that.


Drop a comment down below. Tell us what you think about getting perks


like discounted pricing, free shipping,


regular all sauce deliveries, and if that's not enough, exclusive access to member only limited run batches.


Plus, as a member, you get a vote in deciding the flavors of the limited run batches.


But wait, there's more. Have you spotted the new merch store?


Yep, that's right, there is a merch store.


Unfortunately, no all sauce in the merch store either. Soon come, mon, soon come.


And I'm most definitely going to be talking about that.


I mean, that is why you're here, right? You want to know when, when,


when can I get me some of that Allsauce?


Yes, indeed. As one Allsauce fan out there I know might say.


So as I bring you up to speed here on Allsauce Matters, you're gonna see how what we really have here


are parallel stories when it comes to Uncle Brutha.


Of course, we've got the Allsauce story.


Additionally, though, there's also the Uncle Brutha story surrounding my journey,


of healing, transformation, and personal growth.


I'll be sharing with you also.


It has been a while, and so much has happened, that directly answers the main question that,


runs through almost every message I've gotten.


Where you be at? Yes, right. So, let's get into that. I've experienced so much as a part of this


whole process. Ah, yes, process. That's going to come up a lot, as you'll come to find out, well,


if you hang in here with me that is. Either way, I will also be sharing some of the backstory behind


what's been going on with OUB since seemingly dropping off the face of the planet. And it has


been a lot, but I think you'll find it interesting too. Well, we'll see how it goes anyway. I may


spin off a second channel just to host other more personal stuff. As a matter of fact,


why don't you guys let me know in the comments what would you like to see more of here on All


Sauce Matters? As I mentioned earlier, despite its absence from the shelves of your favorite stores


and, so many wonderful comments have continued to come in.


So, I thought it might be cool to start things off with answering a couple of emails and


in the course of doing so, get the conversation going.


And yes, if there's one thing I know, because I've heard you loud and clear, you want your all sauce.


And that's exactly why I'm calling this All Sauce Matters because getting your hands on


more Uncle Bruthas All Sauce Matters to you.


And since I've been talking about comments and messages, I know you'll be glad to hear


what I'm going to be sharing with you in the coming days, weeks, months ahead.


As a matter of fact, share with me in the comments how much All Sauce Matters and why,


All Sauce Matters to you, and if you're excited to hear all about when you're going to be getting more.


Okay, here we go. This one speaks directly to what I was talking about earlier.


All right, so this one came in September 29th.


Amy J writes, please I'm begging make your all sauce available for purchase again. I miss it so much


You see what I'm saying?


Look, I'm serious. It's right there. I didn't I'm making this up. This is what Amy said,


Well, I had yet to respond because I have been knee-deep in doing just that.


I've been knee-deep in the process of getting uncle brutha's all sauce available for purchase again,


And I'm trying to do it as soon as possible too.


It's you, Amy, to whom I have been speaking so far in this video.


Okay, so, well, it's messages like yours that have inspired one of my many mottos.


Keep it moving, keep it hot.


So as you can see, the wheels are in motion and it's just a matter of time.


And I don't really want to, you know, make any projections just yet, but I'm going to


be coming to you right here on All Sauce Matters regularly.


Only to keep you up to date as to our progress, but to involve you in the process.


There it is again, process. Like I mentioned before, we're gonna need every bit of that


huge amount of love and enthusiasm heard in your message to show up here too.


We need the world to know. Hashtag allsauce matters. Right Amy?


So be sure to hit the like, hit share, subscribe, get on over to, sign up, join up,


whatever your heart compels you to do. Okay. Alright so and in another recent message this one.


Uh was from back in August again one I had not answered yet so you know here we go.


Uh it's from August 17th. Tom C writes I have been buying your sauce and love it. Are you still in


business? I'm headed to Eastern Market next week. Eastern Market. Okay well Tom you know as I


mention you know a moment ago. I did miss this one initially so since I'm more.


Than a little late with this one I'm sure by now you've already been to Eastern Market and unfortunately I'm more than a little certain that you were


unable to find the all sauce on your recent visit but if you did


by any chance find some there, do let me know, cause then we have a problem. Just kidding of.


Course. I'm more than a little certain that you were unable to find any allsauce on your recent


visit to Eastern Market. But it sounds like you haven't been there in a while, so I'm sure you


did find quite a bit that maybe wasn't there on your previous visit. And as I'm sure you know,


Eastern Market is pretty much where the magic happened for Uncle Brutha, back when we launched.


When we first launched. I mean once we got out there, wow. But we're gonna save the


details about all that for a future post. Now, now, I do have another email for you,


but it is one that I have previously responded to. My original answer was pretty short and to the,


point. Since the idea behind creating this video was for the purpose of introducing All Sauce Matters,


your source for all things Allsauce, I'm going to use the next message to begin to pull in,


some of the other aspects of the Uncle Brutha story. So now you're at least somewhat up to speed,


as to what's been going on, happening at the moment, and very much on the way regarding,


Allsauce Matters. Be sure to subscribe, follow, click the like, all that good stuff, too. Help me,


Let me get the word out, I'm keeping it moving and keeping it hot.


I'm Uncle Brutha, maker of award winning all sauce, and radical self care extremist.


Catch you next time.



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