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Focus | Ep.24
Episode 2410th November 2022 • Diaries of a 6 figure Coach • Theresa Lambert
00:00:00 00:29:02

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How often do you stay focused on what you really have got to accomplish in your business in a day and what matters?

How often do you stay focused on the thing that you want to call in and accomplish? Rather than the things that aren't working? Like how well can you focus?

Your ability to be focused in your business and intentional in your life is directly related to your ability to create the outcomes and results that you want.

It's so easy to get distracted. Particularly in our businesses, it can be so easy to lose focus, and to start doing all these different things and literally diluting our efforts, and then consequently we don't create the outcomes and results that we want because our energy is so all over the place. Let’s talk about how to get out of your own way and stay focused so you can get what you want!

Last chance to apply to be a part of the FREE Mastermind experience this November. CLICK HERE NOW

About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is a Business Strategist + Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She creates unique success plans and provides strategic guidance to female entrepreneurs so they can SCALE to 6-figures and beyond while having the FREEDOM TO PLAY.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker, the Podcast host of Diaries of a Six Figure Coach Podcast and co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.

Diaries of a six figure Coach isn’t only a Podcast to help you get strategic and master the precision of Success.  It’s a declaration to share the truth. It’s a commitment to keep going to make it happen, no matter what. It’s an activation and invitation for female Coaches and Entrepreneurs to play a bigger Game. Tune into short, potent and value packed episodes that are fun, raw, real, vulnerable and authentic af on what it takes to build a six figure coaching business online. It’s going to MOVE you. It’s going to ACTIVATE you. It’s going to help you access your audacity, courage and start taking the intentional actions to make your biz dreams come true while living the life you desire and making an impact online.

Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching


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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but more about success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast, I am your host, Theresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

How often do you really stay focused on what you really have got to accomplish in your business in a day? And what matters? How often do you stay focused on remaining to have your attention on the thing that you want to call in and accomplish rather than the things that aren't working? How well can you focus, I want to talk about focus being focused in your business being focused and intentional in your life, on this week's episode of diaries of a six figure coach podcast, and the reason why I want to talk about it is because A, it's so easy to get distracted. But particularly in our businesses, it can be so easy to lose focus, and to start doing all these different things, and literally diluting our efforts. And then we consequently don't create the outcomes and results that we want. Because our energy is so all over the place. Because we're not really focusing on the things that really matter. But instead are kind of in this reactive state, where we're like, Well, I got to do this. And I got to do that. And I got to do this. And the reason we experienced this, I believe, is because we are so used to this idea of being productive and successful looking like as knocking things off or to do lifts or doing a lot of things. And so this is something that I have really been internalizing, it's something that I continuously work on, to make sure that I am focusing on the key things that move my business forward, rather than getting lost in unfocused busy work. And this illusion of productivity, this illusion of productivity. So take a moment for a second and just ask yourself, What makes you feel productive? What does being productive mean to you and look like to you? And just start by building some awareness and gaining some clarity around? What does it actually feel and look like for me right now. And once you have done that, once we have the clarity once we have the awareness once we can see how we feel about productivity, how we feel about what that means, how we feel about what that looks like for us, you can very quickly see where you're likely bottlenecking and stalling your growth in your business. And also where you're really not present to things or focusing your energy on the things that matter to you in your life. And this was something for me that I really had to get really honest with. When I was going through the separation this summer when I was dismantling things, it was really starting to notice where I had built my business in a way of doing things in a way that allowed me to feel productive, because productivity went back to the old vision I had of being productive as getting the most things done in a day. But that isn't really productivity. That is really being a task pusher and being really good at getting tasks done and things done. I'm good at getting stuff done. Like if I want to get things done, I can get a lot done in a short amount of time. And it's amazing. It feels good to do that. But the question is really the M Was I doing the things at the time that were really moving the little needle forward? Or was that just doing busy work, so that I feel productive, because by filling my time by filling my space, I feel like I'm doing things and moving forward, when really, it's just a bunch of busy work. And particularly in our business as solopreneurs. And when we're transitioning from solopreneurs, to bringing in a team, when we're transitioning to more automation to more processes to more rinse and repeat our processes that actually help us grow more exponentially faster, that allows us to be able to scale our businesses, and free up time. So we have the freedom to play the space and our calendar, the calendar, the calendar, things that we say that we want, when we start to transition that this is where we can find there's a lot of resistance coming in. Because we all of a sudden feel like we're not being productive enough. And then we start looking for things or when things are not moving as fast as we want them to and we get unpatient, we start to look at coming up with all sorts of different things or pulling up projects, because again, we feel like if I do more here or more, then I'll come up with another offer or change that offer do this, we'll do that it will actually help us create a better outcome. But what you're doing is you're now putting your entire attention, and your focus on creating something new, rather than actually showing up for the incredible things that you already have. So as we are moving into the last month of the year, it will be literally November 11. When you're listening to that we have two months, six weeks, six weeks ish, six weeks left of the year. It's so critical, even more critical, but this is important anytime of the year. But if you're still like okay, I'm like good to go. And I really desire to make the most out of these next six weeks, I can tell you right now that focusing on the things that matter in your business are really key. So what do we need to get focused on? Have your focus on? What do you want to accomplish? What do you desire to call in in the next six weeks? How many clients do you desire to call in? What program? Are you the most split up by focus on that focus on the intention? What will it allow you to be able to do if those clients come into your world? Why does it matter? If you're going to be able to achieve that result? What would that allow you to do? How would that feel in your life? What impact would that make on their lives? That's where we want to put the focus? And then how do I best show up for the next six weeks, to really show up to speak to these clients to show up to call in these clients to show up to serve to guide to add value to make an impact and to have ultimately the conversations that allow us to call these people into our businesses to make the sales if that's what it's about, right, ultimately. So what are the activities that really, really move the needle forward? What are your revenue generating activities in your business?

Theresa Lambert:

Do these are the things to focus on and to get intentional on so there is an intention behind the focus of doing something every single day off perhaps saying, You know what, I'm going to show up, and I'm going to talk about my offer every single day, I'm going to show up. And my focus is to do this thing and have these beautiful human beings that are coming into my life, these souls that are coming into my life into my business, come and join me in this program. Focus, focus, less is more. But it's your ability to focus and not get pulled in to this illusion of doing all these different things, having all this stuff going on, but feeling overwhelmed. And in this illusion of productivity. Well, you're diluting your focus and your energy while really putting yourself in a situation where you're setting yourself up to feel like you're doing a lot but you're not creating a lot of results. So our ability to focus the next six weeks on the activities that really moved the needle forward on doing the things and showing up the way that you know you can serve fast and you can contribute best and you can really make the biggest impact. That is where the greatest power is. It's on your ability to focus your attention. Focus on your Attention on what matters. Focus your intention on the intention behind why you do what you do. Focus your attention on being intentional with the action that you take and show up for that. Because the truth is, you could be showing up for two hours a day in your business, completing these specific activities and see tremendous results. Or you could show up and spend eight or 10 hours every day doing all this busy work knocking things off your To Do lists, doing everything yourself coming up with a million more things before the year is over. And guess what? You will have full days, and you'll get to the end of your day or the end of your weekend. You're like, wow, I've done so much. And what to what, what, what can I see? I've even accomplished because what is it that you really wanting to achieve to accomplish? What is the result? This lack of focus really gets us because we have again, so many of us disbelieve this idea that productivity relates to how much you can do in a day. So the more we do, the more productive we feel. And the more we believe we call on results. But the opposite actually is true. So can you shift your focus on what matters? Can you dare to say, here's what I am focusing on, like the last few weeks and today's the last day actually, tomorrow is the last day that you'll be able to apply to be in my free mastermind experience where 10 entrepreneurs have an opportunity to work with me and we will dive into detecting the bottlenecks, we will dive into coming up with a plan for you to finish 2022 strong and just set you up for success in 2023. That has been my focus the last few weeks and it's been so beautiful to see the applications come in and to remain focused on that my focus has been serving an intimate containers, my focus is to call people in to come and join my strategic mastermind that will be open for ongoing enrollment starting January, there's always going to be 10 spots available. My focus is my one to one my done for you services supporting my clients. My focus is really having these three beautiful containers that I'm having and guiding people to come into that. But I've been very intentional with how I'm showing up. I've come back to what are the most important things that I desire to do, how I desire to give I desire to show up and stuff. And I've been going live once a week now for my office hours, I've been desiring to show up and share valuable content. And I'm back to posting twice a day, I have decided that it is time to again talk about my programs and services consistently because I had stopped doing that. And I was talking about that a little bit in last week's episodes around the price to pay where I said I'm leaving 1000s of dollars on the table. So I am showing up again every day and I talk about one of my offers, whether that is on my social media, whether that's to my email, lives, whatever it is, every day I show up and I share about my products and services. Every day, I provide an opportunity for people to come into my world whether that's the free mastermind experience, whether that's my one to one program ascend, whether that is now going into strategic, whether that's about my content program or droolworthy. Like I have so many incredible things happening. And now it's about coming back into the rhythm of everyday showing up for them. Every day connecting with my community online every day being there and engaging with people making social media social. My focus has been on serving on impact and I'm calling in some beautiful clients as we're finishing 2022 and heading into 2023. I am ready to call in these clients. I'm ready to refill, replenish, have new, beautiful clients come in while also powerfully serving the clients I have. This has been my focus. Why? Because the more entrepreneurs that build and scale thriving businesses, the more I can help my clients on the income that they want live their life the way they want, the more people they are serving and the more of a difference we make collectively around everyone, the more light we shine on everyone, the more everybody gets lifted up. So the more entrepreneurs I help, the more collectively we can help. So for me, this is about really the impact not just I can have but the impact we can have by me and abling entrepreneurs to have these thriving successful businesses to sell their programs and services online with ease She'll have businesses that are scalable, that don't rub them off that time that how to help them give up this crazy illusion of productivity being doing the most we can do and winning the juleps contest. Right? For me, this is about really helping more and more entrepreneurs creating these incredible liberating businesses that allow us to have the freedom to play and live the lifestyle that we want, and replenish our bank accounts and have nervous systems that are functioning. It fills my cup, the more impact I can have on other entrepreneurs, the more impact they're having on other people, it's a ripple, it's a positive ripple effect that's happening. It fills my cup. It fills me. This is at the heart of what my focus is and what my intention is. So what do I need to do to be able to remain focused on completing the things that are most important? For me, it's making sure that I tap in and utilize the team that I have, that I stopped doing this busy work so I can show up and be off service. So I can have powerful conversations. So I have the energy to show up here and share with you beautiful things, powerful things to talk to you about remaining focused. So I have the capacity to hold space for my clients when they are moving through difficult situations when they are moving through dealing with this net, like navigating this changing economy that we're now going and then the fears coming up. For me to be able to hold that and say, Let's remain focused here. And the focus piece is something that has come up a lot in conversations with clients recently. Because again, we have the tendency when things change and shift around us or when things don't go as fast as we want. We have this tendency of stuffing, bait of stuffing of wanting to do more of being like, Oh, this must be wrong. And that's that must be wrong. And this offer must be good enough. Is that actually true? Or are you creating make work projects so you can feel artificially productive? So you feel better about how you showed up? Because you tell yourself that it's not working? Instead of actually sitting down and being like, why am I doing what I'm doing? What am I wanting to call in? And how am I going to show up every single day? What are the activities that I'm doing every single day that allow me to make this impact to call in these people to turn in turn then receive money for the services that you exchange? Focus. Where you focus your energy is word goals. We spend so much

Theresa Lambert:

time wasting energy on being mindlessly productive. We spend so much time wasting energy or losing energy or focusing on the things that aren't working. And guess what if all your energy and attention is on what's not working, you're literally calling in more of what's not working, instead of actually trusting the process that you've created. And this might be another snack here that causes you to be pulled out of your focus is that maybe you don't have a process? Maybe you don't you don't have a strategy, maybe you don't trust it. This is why I have such an advocate of creating strategies. I'm a strategist, I'm an alchemist, I create beautiful strategies for you. This is what I do. I know strategies boring for so many of you. It's hard when you hear about coming up with, you know, scalable business models and changing and, and scalable group programs and client journeys and launches and all these things, content, strategies, plans, all this stuff, your head might be spinning, and I'm like, like a little kid in a candy store. And I'm like, Oh my God, give me the candy. Let's do this. Let's come up with something. Because yours the thing that I've learned again and again and again, when I don't have the trust one, or the strategy and the processes and the systems in place for things to work, when I am just in flow and every day be like oh, let's just think about what I'm going to do today. Like just being in complete flow, which my feminine energy likes to be in flow and be creative and float for the day and all these beautiful things. What ends up happening is when I don't have that masculine structure in place when I don't have the strategy to process the system to plan when I am not clear on that. I fall into the tendency of getting views Have you distracted. And when I'm distracted, I'm like in squirrel mode. And I'm like, I do this. And I do that. And I do this. And I do that. And the thing is, it feels really unsafe. And I actually fall into the unproductivity productivity trap where it's like, I'm being so productive, I'm doing so much. I'm not doing the things that met, I'm just mindlessly busy. And by stuffing my day, or by stuffing my to do list, I feel like I'm productive. So every day, really, that I'm experiencing that I am wasting time and my focus ends up being on oh my god, this isn't working, oh my God, I need to do more. Oh my god, oh, my god, oh my God. And the more I'm pulling myself out of the state of peace, power, poise, grace, ease, and certainty. And I'm pulling myself into the space of doubt, worry, procrastination, and productivity that is like, hidden behind, there's a veil off, what I have learned productivity was. So me having a plan a structure a process me being like, here's a really clear on what's happening for the rest of the year, I'm really clear on how I'm leading my clients, through my business all the way into my programs and services, I'm really clear on how I'm serving how I'm showing up how I'm impacting, I'm very clear on what actions I'm taking that yield results, and how I'm gonna get there, but I have that in place. And I trust it, which I do, then every day showing up becomes intentional, my focus is intentional on what I am looking to call and how I'm looking to serve. And consequently I do less and the results of battle. And my creativity is Supercharged. So content creation is like through the roof. Because it's in flow, because I'm allowing myself to be held and I enjoy the process that I'm in. But when we don't have that when we're not being whole held, which is like these wild like balls and lines and well all over the place, pretending to be productive, pretending to do more things, finding more projects to do. Because we're terrified of the space. We're terrified of the void, and our attention and our focus goes towards what we not want. We don't have the results that we want. We're not selling enough, we're not calling enough clients or is enough money coming in. I'm I'm not happy with how this is going. My offer must be bad. We look for things to play, external blaming is a thing. We do it. So your ability to stay focused your ability to get clear your ability to get still your ability to say, here is how I'm going to do this. This is the plan I'm going to follow. And I'm going to be focused on that because the intention behind it is to be able to do X insert what the intention is for you. For me, it's really being able to raise conscious collectiveness. Well, for me, it's being able to help my clients help their clients want them to be able to live, deliberated, activated, while for successful lives and have incredible businesses that they love. What is it for you, and then stay focused on doing the most important things. And if you're not clear on them, now is the time to like apply last chance to come into the free mastermind this November, and I may run it again. So apply. But get clear, get still and get focused, stop doing unproductive shit, stop coming up with more and more and more and more. Having more offers having more services, doing more coming up with more ideas. It sounds exciting, and I am a creator. Look, I'm an ideas person. I come up with things all the time. But the thing is, the more things I have to talk about to promote to do to sell, the more energy is required for me to be able to talk about all these things. So less is more. So for the next six weeks, where is your focus going to be ad What are you calling in and why does it matter? Get clear and then focus show up for that every single day consistently. And notice what changes notice what changes get focused, get focused, focused, action focused intentional action equals federal results. Random slotted action equals random results. Your where your attention and goes is where your energy flows, where your energy flows. And where you're investing emotionally is what you're calling in. Remember this, you are creating all the experiences that you have, whether they are no business or whether they're in your life. What are you desiring to create? What you desire to feel every day? How do you want it to be like, and what you need to do to show up to create that, get clear and get focused, get clear and get focused. This is a wrap for another episode of diaries of a six figure coach podcast. This may be the last one I'm recording and run as Iris. And when you're listening to that, I am literally going to be in Miami, which you wouldn't have known until today. And I think it's really fun that I'm not telling people to stop that I'm making between one US iris and Costa Rica. So if you're listening to this, I'll be in Miami. I'll be by the pool today in Miami, reading the beautiful applications that have already coming in and getting excited about more applications coming in for this incredible mastermind. That is three that you can still apply. And getting excited about taking a week off and literally having my team be running my business for me next week. How exciting is that? And I feel like I'm going to be recording an episode in Miami around how I feel about them running my business. Or maybe I'll do it while I'm still here. I can't tell you yet. I haven't decided because I trust myself that I'll know. And that I'll show up for it. So right now putting too much time there. Again, it's diluting my energy. The focus is the key piece. What are you focusing on for the last six weeks if this resonates, put it on your social media tag me at Teresa Lambert coaching let me know this is a wrap. I can't wait for us to go to Miami together. I can't wait for us to to go to literally three more countries before freaking us over. What I am not going to give away where I'm going yet, after Costa Rica. But for now we're in Miami. We're heading to the jungle. We're heading to Costa Rica. And then we're going to head to ablaze I have never been to and I'm super excited to go to. And my focus is for the rest of the year to show up to serve powerfully and you'll be our focus to continue to really love myself prioritize my well being and show up in a way and serve in a way that raises up my love my lights and yours. And yours. That is my focus and I cannot wait for us to experience these next six weeks together. It is going to be incredible. Let's do this. Let's stay focused. I love you so much and I can't wait to chat again soon.




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