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Are Influencers Trustworthy?
Episode 2730th January 2024 • The Business Of Influence • Karan White
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Are influencers trustworthy? I feel like this is a big question to tackle, I'm ready for it. Are you ready to find out where you sit on the [00:01:00] trustworthy scale?

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In other words, for every dollar a brand spends on influencer marketing, they can expect 5. 20 back in return. The power of influencers in shaping consumer behavior undeniable. So how does that relate [00:02:00] to trust? When we look at the dynamics of social media, authenticity and brand partnerships, the trustworthiness influencers is a topic.

Of big debate. Do you stand proud when you say that you are an influencer or are you a little bit apprehensive when saying this out aloud outside of the influencer community? In today's episode of the Business of Influence Podcasts, I'm going to discuss the relationship between influencers. Brands and consumers and together we'll have a look at how transparency, authenticity and genuine engagement are shaping how trustworthy you're considered to be as an influencer.

ive you some nifty stats and [:

We all know that the influencer marketing space has seen massive growth, especially on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. These dominant platforms are the playground for influencers. That's where we connect, create, And we convert followers into customers. Also, let's talk about diversity. The influencer landscape is no longer just about the big names.

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and incredibly effective. Understanding all of this in terms of trustworthiness is important because knowing the dominance of platforms like Instagram, YouTube helps you choose where to focus your content strategy effectively. Knowing about the rise of micro influences. underscores the value of authenticity.

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Now let's have a look at the influencer impact on consumer behavior. In marketing terms, an influencer is someone who has a reputation of authority or expertise and uses that authority to [00:06:00] engage and influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending it on social media. that sweet, sweet authority and influence.

Wear the title of influencer proudly. Times have changed. If you're an influencer and you're doing the right things, stand proud. Enough about you for a moment though. Let's look at how you influence consumer behaviour. Did you know that 80 percent of consumers are influenced by your recommendations on social media?

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420 percent is massive! And it isn't just a statistic. It's a powerful demonstration of the trust and credibility influencers have established with their audience. Righto. I've mentioned some impressive stats about how much Influence influencers have on consumer behavior.

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Transparency, on the other hand, is about clear communication. It's about disclosing partnerships and being upfront with sponsored content. I'm going to Talk about transparency and disclosure in next week's episode, because it's a pretty big and chunky topic. It's a good one though. So we'll park that discussion until next week.

Going back to trust. The recent Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report, which is like the MVP of trust reports. It's the big gun when we talk about trust and market analysis. it's what we read. This references evolving consumer expectations. Today's consumers or customers or buyers are looking for more than just a transaction.


It's a great space to be in. It also means that video is going to become more important. Let's get back to the trust discussion. I'm a Gen Xer. Now please don't hit stop on this podcast. Me being a Gen Xer is good for you because I was around when this whole influencer marketing thing started, right? It's how I have more than 10 of experience working in the space and getting to work with celebrities and influencers around the world.

it mean for influencers and [:

It's not about a hard sell, it's about creating a brand story that aligns with the ideals of Gen Z. And this is where you come in. If you understand and share Gen Z's values, you can create a deeper connection with this audience. This Gen Z audience are a generation that look beyond the product. They're looking for brands that stand for something.

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Your recommendations are powerful and they're often seen as peer advice rather than traditional advertising. And this level of influence is built. on the trust your audience has in you. A trust that you have to continually earn and maintain. And on the other hand, you need to constantly navigate that fine line between authenticity and SponCon.

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Another challenge lies in, maintaining consistency. Your audience expects a certain standard from you in terms of content quality. the values you stand for and the brands you choose to collaborate with. Straying too far from your audience expectations can lead to a disconnect from your audience. Many influencers successfully manage these challenges by being selective about the partnerships, prioritizing brands that align with their values, And being open and honest about sponsored content.

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And with that, you can proudly say, influences. Are trustworthy. stand proud. You are trustworthy. There will always be the outliers and a rogue few, but you know what? For the most part, lean into your trustworthiness, your influence, and what you do in terms of creating this incredible [00:15:00] relationship that brains want to leverage.

You can check the show notes for all the links, find episode resources and other recommended listening on building your career as a professional influencer in the expanded show notes at thebusinessofinfluence. com forward slash EP 27. And join the discussion in the Moots Facebook group too. Next week.

Let's chat about transparency and disclosure. Love it, hate it, or accept it. Understanding and practicing transparency is a key element of being a professional influencer. I do hope you'll join me. Until then, stay creative.



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