Artwork for podcast Saint Louis In Tune
Smile Smarter
14th August 2023 • Saint Louis In Tune • Motif Media Group, LLC
00:00:00 00:56:29

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Charles Fuszner, DMD has been a dentist for over 40 years and was a professor at Washington University-Saint Louis dental school and currently is associate professor of comprehensive care at A.T. Still University dental school. He provided some valuable information on dental health applicable to anyone at any age. Key points are listed below. Take care of your teeth!

[00:00] Introduction

[01:52] Return to Civility

[02:34] Interview with Charles Fuszner, DMD

  • Background
  • Dental Schools and How Dentists Were Already Prepared for the Pandemic

[05:58] How early should a child see the dentist?

[11:46] DMD versus DDS - What's the difference?

[13:22] Pre-teen, teenage years, and when to take care of wisdom teeth

[18:18] Markers to remember about dental health from toddler to young adulthood

  1. Watch the development of a child's eruption sequence
  2. Deep grooves and sealants

[23:54] Dred Scott Heritage Foundation Stamp Petition Drive

[24:54] Saint Louis In Tune Information

[26:23] Markers to remember about dental health from toddler to older adulthood

3. Cavity-prone years (ages 12-18)

[29:04] How you can gain a lifetime advantage with your teeth

  • Sealants, fluoride, brush your teeth, get your teeth cleaned

[31:42] Care for adult teeth (ages 21-50)

  • Mouthwash - good or bad?
  • Chewing gum

[35:42] Signs to watch for as you age (ages 50+)

  • Diminished saliva
  • Teeth become structurally weak
  • Periodontal therapy

[38:28] DO NOT CHEW ON THESE (if you want to keep your teeth)

[41:16] Diet and your dental health

[45:03] How dental issues impact our health and vice versa

[49:45] Advancements in dentistry

[51:29] The impact of heredity on your teeth

[52:54] Word of the day

[53:45] Humor

This is Season 6! For more episodes, go to

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We have made every effort to ensure that all information we provide has been tested for accuracy, however, we make no guarantees regarding the results that you will see from using this information. We disclaim liability for incidental or consequential damages and assume no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the use of the information provided to you from us. The information on this website is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied, and for informational purposes only. This website’s content is not medical advice nor is it intended to replace medical advice. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, condition, illness, or injury. Before implementing any information we provide to you, you should seek advice from a licensed medical professional.

#dentist #teeth #dentalhealth #dentalschool #dentalissues #Periodontaltherapy



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