Artwork for podcast The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers
What To Do if Your Organization is Staying Silent Through Protests – Work In Sports Podcast
8th June 2020 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:19:00

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Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp VP of Content and Engaged Learning at and this is the Work In Sports podcast.I have some pretty big news before we get into today’s sports industry question -- We have completely overhauled our site!Background -- since 1999 we’ve been the leader for jobs in the sports industry, but as times change we have to be agile and adjust our approach.  That’s one of the benefits of being a small, family-run, company - we can make decisions and act on them quickly, not a lot of red tape. You may not know this - but WorkInSports is 10 people. That’s right, we’re not some huge media conglomerate, we are 10 scrappy people trying to change sports employment.Another cool stat about our business -- we added Jesus Guzman last year at this time to our staff as a front end developer, Jesus is awesome and has been instrumental in this relaunch, but my point for bringing this up… of the ten people on staff, Jesus is the rookie with 1 year on the WIS team. I am the next newest employee and I’ve been here for seven years. The rest of the staff has been with Work In Sports for 14 years plus. That is unheard of! But again, good people, good environment, good products… people stick around.Ok, so what is the big news -- I’ll get off my tangent and get back to the news --  we set out with a mission to be less of a list of jobs and more of an interaction hub between sports employers and sports job seekers - more connectivity, more interaction. And we are there. For a while, free members will still see the old site. All paid members and employers will see the new product. Couple of highlights to feature:Our matching technology is way ramped up - upload resume. When we post new jobs, active search through the databaseWhen you see a job you like, give it a thumbs up Sports selectFor employers, we have a ton of new tools -- all geared toward helping you find the right candidates efficiently. No more pushing through 1,000 resumes of unqualified people. We have THE sports resumes, and when you post a job with us, we will actively match your needed skills against our database of candidates.There are many other tools for employers we have developed I won’t get into them all here. But if you are an employer and want a new way to find the most talented people for your roles -- reach out to me, and we’ll schedule a demo of the new products --’re excited -- and we are in active beta right now, so if you play around and have feedback - share it with us so s we can continually improve. And remember a premium membership with is more valuable than ever… and it keeps me employed! So check it out!Ok, on to today’s sports career-focused question…  “Hey Brian, this is William from Chicago, I know yours is not a political podcast but I respect your opinion and wanted to talk about what is currently happening in the world today. The company I work for in the sports industry, who I love to work for, has been completely silent about the George Floyd murder, the protests and the support of the black community -- this really, really bothers me. But I don’t know what to do about it. Any ideas how I can speak up respectfully, and not lose my job?”William - this is an intense question and I want to give it the respect it deserves. First I’d like to start with a story about voice. Last year in January  interviewed Vincent Pierson who at the time was the Director of Diversity and Inclusion for Minor League Baseball. It is one of my favorite podcasts to date, and Vincent and I have remained in touch afterward. He’s incredible. The FIELD program was an initiative that Vincent was highly involved in, and showed great progress toward diversity and inclusion for Minor League Baseball. I’ll read directly from their site to explain what the FIELD program is: Minor League Baseball's 'Fostering Inclusion through Education and Leadership Development' (FIELD) Program was created under the...




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