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Simple Podcast Press Plugin- Interview with Hani Mourra WPCP: 063
29th June 2015 • The Kim Doyal Show • Kim Doyal
00:00:00 00:53:42

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Podcast sponsored by: When it comes to podcasting I have a few personal rules after the basics are met (best audio quality and valuable content come first). We all know I'm a huge geek about the visual side of things so after having had my podcast for a while I knew I wanted to put a better looking player on my individual episodes than the default player from PowerPress (no offense to them, they pretty much keep everything going with their plugin, but the players are a little dull). Enter the Simple Podcast Press by Hani Mourra. Could it be more Awesome? :-) Yes, that's the fantastic player that you're looking at below the image in the post. What I love most about the Simple Podcast Press is that it's geared towards marketing with your podcast. It's not just a good looking player, it takes everything one step further by adding buttons, opt-ins and reviews on your site. What you might not know is that before launching Simple Podcast Press Hani created and released Simple Video Press (which I've also purchased but haven't gone through my site yet to swap out videos. I'll get to that later this summer, so stay tuned for videos on that as well). [tweet_box]"I love that feeling of solving problems." @hanimourra[/tweet_box]   Questions I asked Hani: 1) What's your backstory? (What brought you to WordPress Plugin development) 2) What are your thoughts about the premium WordPress Plugin space? 3) What have been some of the challenges you faced when launching the plugin? 4) How did you decide to do a podcast plugin? 5) Do you have your own podcast? 6) What were some of the features that people wanted that surprised you? (for the plugin) We went a little sideways in our discussion about podcasting and what you can do with it (which I think you'll enjoy as well), which is one of the things I love most about these interviews (letting the conversation flow organically and see where it takes you). Hani also shared what his plans are for launching his upcoming podcast and why he wants to do an audio and video podcast (something I want to add to my podcast as well, may as well record the video at the same time, right? More on that front coming soon too). What You're Going to Learn 1) How to keep podcasting SIMPLE 2) Why you should focus on content 3) Why you still need PowerPress (by Blubrry) 4) The different ways you can pull your reviews into your site with Simple Podcast Press 5) How Hani's initial focus for the plugin was automation... then his customers dictated what they really wanted 6) How you can grow your subscriber list with the Simple Podcast Press [tweet_box]"I just listened to what people wanted and gave them that. You have to listen to your customers." @hanimourra[/tweet_box] Where to connect with Hani Facebook | Twitter | Website   Links from this episode Simple Podcast Press Simple Video Press Other episodes you might enjoy Interview with Matt Medeiros of Conductor Interview with Aseem Badshah of Socedo Interview with Shane Melaugh of Thrive Themes  



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