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Ep. 3: Energy, well-being, and auto-pilot thoughts
Episode 323rd January 2021 • Managing Your Multi-Passionate Life • Carol Dickson-Carr
00:00:00 00:24:25

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Hi Multi-passionate family!

Let’s continue the discussion of what to do when your well-being feels compromised and out of control along with more self-care practice tools, some of which may seem non-traditional to the mainstream world.

 Your Audio Table of Contents

(0:35) Is there really such a thing as a human Energizer Bunny?

(2:43) Your mind and body often know best <wink>.

(5:27) Take a sip!

(6:02) When the brain does this glitchy, mean thing…

(7:47) Flashback to 2009 [the economy, the mastermind, the losses]...

(17:10) Managing energy in non-mainstream ways [Embrace the Woo! ...Or not. 🤣]

(19:39) Music is literally a life-saver! 😊

(21:37) Revisiting what to do when those unproductive thoughts keep chasing us.

* * *  

I mentioned Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)as a modality to help your well-being, and you can find out much more about that from the founder Gary Craig at

Also, if you truly feel alone in the depths of despair thinking you no longer want to be on this physical plane, feeling as if you have no one to turn to, please call this free line and someone will be there with you through it: 800-273-8255.

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If you'd like to continue the conversation and discuss what you heard, feel free to join my free Facebook group:

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It’s possible to have a successful portfolio career if you have the personality for it (making money using all of your passions). Some multi-passionate people want to keep the fun for hobbies and the good enough job to pay the bills separate from one another, which totally is cool too. Which one are you? Find out by taking this complimentary Career Personality Quiz:





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