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Content Marketing For Business That Actually Works with Marcus Sheridan
Episode 2330th August 2023 • The Online Hustle with Jake Hower • Jake Hower
00:00:00 00:36:03

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Jake Hower:

This is episode 23 of the multimedia marketing show,.

Jake Hower:

Today's show guest is Marcus Sheridan from the sales line.

Jake Hower:

And he's got a really interesting story.

Jake Hower:

Marcus, he started a pool company over in the U S river pools, and

Jake Hower:

he was able to turn his company around using content marketing.

Jake Hower:

And so today we're going to be looking at a whole heap of practical

Jake Hower:

advice that you can use to go out and start using content marketing to

Jake Hower:

drive sales for your own business.

Jake Hower:

Let's get straight into it with Marcus right now.

Jake Hower:


Marcus Sheridan:

how are you?

Marcus Sheridan:

Jake, I'm feeling good.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's a it's a late night here in Virginia, and this is right about the

Marcus Sheridan:

time when I get rocking and rolling and feeling my good second wind of the day.

Marcus Sheridan:

So it's a pleasure to be.

Marcus Sheridan:

With you and certainly your audience, man.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, fantastic.

Jake Hower:

You're someone that I personally have followed along for quite some time now.

Jake Hower:

Your content marketing approach is fantastic.

Jake Hower:

And the fact that you have also got your own company who has followed this

Jake Hower:

approach, I think is going to be really valuable for a lot of our listeners today.

Marcus Sheridan:

Yeah, I guess it's my definitive advantage.

Marcus Sheridan:

Because I come from the world of the business owner and I think You know

Marcus Sheridan:

which kind of leads us into a subject which is I think a lot of marketing

Marcus Sheridan:

consultants marketing companies Don't do well in terms of sales because they

Marcus Sheridan:

sound like a marketing consultant in a marketing company And they don't speak

Marcus Sheridan:

the language of the business owner and so I hope that as I continue down this

Marcus Sheridan:

path that I always sound more like the business owner guy, instead of the

Marcus Sheridan:

marketing guy, if that makes sense.

Jake Hower:

Oh, it makes total sense.

Jake Hower:

One thing that I really love or I really follow is those that don't follow

Jake Hower:

the mantra, do as I say, not as I do.

Jake Hower:

So you're actually in the trenches and doing it yourself.

Jake Hower:

And I think that's a really good quality to have.

Marcus Sheridan:

A lot of the stuff that I've done, Jake, I had to.

Marcus Sheridan:

I had to test myself before, you know what I mean, just the crazy stuff like talking

Marcus Sheridan:

about the competition openly and just stuff that you don't see companies doing.

Marcus Sheridan:

I had to test those things out, and I had to measure them, and then I had

Marcus Sheridan:

to be able to, because I had theories in my head, but the theories...

Marcus Sheridan:

I knew we were just that and I think we've got enough theory around here to make

Marcus Sheridan:

us all vomit Especially when it comes to social media and content marketing.

Marcus Sheridan:

There's definitely not a need for any more theory So I want to be the guy

Marcus Sheridan:

that has hey this stuff you can actually apply to your business You can apply to

Marcus Sheridan:

it right away, and it doesn't take it's not rocket science whatsoever, but it's

Marcus Sheridan:

a common sense approach, but it's also that person that is willing to be You

Marcus Sheridan:

know that renegade in their industry.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So in today's call for our listener, what I'd like to do is it's a, first of all, I

Jake Hower:

want to give them a little bit of context as to exactly who you are and what you do.

Jake Hower:

And then we'll.

Jake Hower:

Delving a little bit to the meaty side of the things, and we'll give our listener on

Jake Hower:

the call, some really actionable tips that they can take away, that they can model

Jake Hower:

from people who are doing it successfully as you and your clients are doing, and

Jake Hower:

then implementing their own businesses.

Jake Hower:

How does that sound?

Marcus Sheridan:

Hey man, ready to go.

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

All right.

Jake Hower:

Let's get kicked into a little bit about your backstory, Marcus.

Jake Hower:

And maybe if you'd take our listener through the stages that have

Jake Hower:

brought you to where you are today.

Marcus Sheridan:

Yeah, I'll try to give you the really quick version.

Marcus Sheridan:

Basically started a swimming pool company in Virginia here in the U S in 2001.

Marcus Sheridan:

And we install fiberglass swimming pools.

Marcus Sheridan:

That's what we do in ground swimming pools and things were going okay until

Marcus Sheridan:

about 2008 when the economy crashed.

Marcus Sheridan:

We were in huge trouble.

Marcus Sheridan:

We thought we were going to go out of business Just like a lot of swimming

Marcus Sheridan:

pool companies went out of business We had to do a lot of pools to stay alive.

Marcus Sheridan:

The problem was we didn't have any money to do advertising we were flat broke.

Marcus Sheridan:

We were on the cliff and that's when I discovered inbound marketing content

Marcus Sheridan:

marketing And really just said hey, why don't we instead of doing things

Marcus Sheridan:

the way they've always been done why don't we become the best teachers in the

Marcus Sheridan:

world and what it is that we do which is fiberglass swimming pools and so

Marcus Sheridan:

Essentially, we just took every question we'd ever been asked by a prospect, a

Marcus Sheridan:

customer, and we started making those questions titles of blog posts and

Marcus Sheridan:

we answered every single one of them.

Marcus Sheridan:

We didn't hold back.

Marcus Sheridan:

And our mantra...

Marcus Sheridan:

Our golden rule became they ask we answer.

Marcus Sheridan:

So if we'd ever received the question, we felt it was our

Marcus Sheridan:

moral obligation to answer it.

Marcus Sheridan:

And it went so well that within the next couple of years, the site really

Marcus Sheridan:

blew up and that saved our company.

Marcus Sheridan:

And today.

Marcus Sheridan:

To make a long story really short, Jake, it's the most trafficked

Marcus Sheridan:

swimming pool website in the world.

Marcus Sheridan:

And the story about river pools has been featured in multiple books.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's been featured now in the New York Times the cover of the business section.

Marcus Sheridan:

And of course it went so well with this whole content marketing.

Marcus Sheridan:

Effort with Riverpools and I learned so much and I experimented so much

Marcus Sheridan:

that I started talking about it on another website, which is my brand

Marcus Sheridan:

today, which is the sales lion and in that site did very well today.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's gone very well and it's grown.

Marcus Sheridan:

And today I have two companies.

Marcus Sheridan:

I'm a silent partner with Riverpools and I just go around the world and

Marcus Sheridan:

I speak about content marketing, about sales and business and life.

Marcus Sheridan:

And I also do some good a good bit of consulting, like I have retainer

Marcus Sheridan:

clients and I've got a lot of HubSpot clients and things like that.

Marcus Sheridan:

And that's what I'm doing, man.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

No, that's really good.

Jake Hower:

Now, one thing that I noticed with a lot of content marketers or those

Jake Hower:

preaching content marketing at the moment, talk about the fact.

Jake Hower:

That you need absolutely epic content to bring in traffic and to serve its purpose.

Jake Hower:

But what I noticed from looking at river pools and some of the stuff that you teach

Jake Hower:

is that it's not necessarily the case that you need absolutely epic content.

Jake Hower:

As you say, you've got all of this content, which is answering

Jake Hower:

questions for prospects.

Jake Hower:

What does this all

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

That's the problem, Jake.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's we've got a really skewed, jacked up message that has.

Marcus Sheridan:

Perpetrated really the digital world and that is this misnomer that is epic

Marcus Sheridan:

or awesome or whatever you want to call it Whatever the soup du jour is when

Marcus Sheridan:

it comes to the type of content we need to produce The problem is this man.

Marcus Sheridan:

I can write something and it could touch Or better stated a thousand people

Marcus Sheridan:

could look at it and say this is just boring I have I mean who cares but I

Marcus Sheridan:

could but out of that thousand there might be one other person that reads it

Marcus Sheridan:

and says My goodness, this is exactly what I was looking for That person

Marcus Sheridan:

gives me a call and becomes a client and it's a million dollar sale, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

So was that an epic piece of content?

Marcus Sheridan:

I don't know, but it got a stinking customer, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

And we skew things.

Marcus Sheridan:

Social media has screwed a lot of stuff up.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's good, but it also screws stuff up.

Marcus Sheridan:

So people judge how epic something is if it's got a certain number of shares and

Marcus Sheridan:

likes and tweets and yickity yackity.

Marcus Sheridan:

But the reality is this.

Marcus Sheridan:

The only numbers that matter at the end of the day.

Marcus Sheridan:

Are did this thing that we just did it help somebody progress towards

Marcus Sheridan:

becoming a customer or client?

Marcus Sheridan:

For my particular company that to me defines epic content So if I have

Marcus Sheridan:

a if somebody asks me a very simple question simple man And i'm able to

Marcus Sheridan:

answer in a way that they say, huh, okay, now I totally understand it.

Marcus Sheridan:

This is great.

Marcus Sheridan:

To me, that is the ultimate definition of epic.

Marcus Sheridan:

I don't care if it was a 300 word post.

Marcus Sheridan:

I don't care if it was a 3, 000 word post.

Marcus Sheridan:

You can have just as much movement with shorter stuff, assuming it meets the need

Marcus Sheridan:

of the listener, of the questioner, of the consumer, because that's ultimately

Marcus Sheridan:

the only thing I really care about.

Jake Hower:

I really love that and I guess part of the problem is the fact

Jake Hower:

that you get on the content marketing merry go round and you're listening

Jake Hower:

to people who are trying to sell marketing consulting or something along

Jake Hower:

those particular lines and potentially their business goal is to convert.

Jake Hower:

Customers, so consulting customers, this type of epic content and teaching

Jake Hower:

this type of stuff to people is their goal and that's how they convert.

Jake Hower:

But for a regular business or for the vast majority of businesses, it

Jake Hower:

doesn't need to be that complicated.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's just, I could literally this one subject,

Marcus Sheridan:

I could talk about it all day long.

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

It's like we all have to start somewhere.

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

And if we hold this bar so high, nobody is willing to take the first jump.

Marcus Sheridan:

That's impossible.

Marcus Sheridan:

And it's intimidating as it is.

Marcus Sheridan:

This whole digital thing and we've got to learn to be teachers

Marcus Sheridan:

and better communicators.

Marcus Sheridan:

And we've got to actually, do more than just schlep them with deals and

Marcus Sheridan:

sales and all this, all this stuff.

Marcus Sheridan:

That requires a lot more thinking and businesses.

Marcus Sheridan:

Could just, throw stuff in the wind and hope that it's stuck somewhere in

Marcus Sheridan:

the past when it came to the marketing.

Marcus Sheridan:

If you had enough money, you could generate, leads and sales.

Marcus Sheridan:

That's just how it works.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's different.

Marcus Sheridan:

And so this whole process is intimidating, it's different for a lot of people.

Marcus Sheridan:

And I get that.

Marcus Sheridan:

I'm not naive enough to think that this is intimidating.

Marcus Sheridan:

That's why consultants have to be very careful about the bar that they set.

Marcus Sheridan:

And like I said, they've got to remember that just because we or I or you don't

Marcus Sheridan:

think something is epic or awesome doesn't mean it's not moving the needle

Marcus Sheridan:

and that's what really should matter.

Marcus Sheridan:

And when I'm like, if I'm ever talking to a client, we never use

Marcus Sheridan:

as a metric of success, social media numbers for the most part, it's just

Marcus Sheridan:

not something that's relevant to us.

Marcus Sheridan:

I might use it in certain industries, but.

Marcus Sheridan:

Very few.

Marcus Sheridan:

And I'm in, I'm working in a ton of industries right now.

Marcus Sheridan:

Very few do we use any of the major social numbers as a serious metric

Marcus Sheridan:

of success, even on the sales line, which is very social in the sense

Marcus Sheridan:

that a lot of people share it, they like it, they tweet it, all that junk.

Marcus Sheridan:

That to me, again, isn't a major metric of success in terms of generating

Marcus Sheridan:

leads and generating more clients.

Marcus Sheridan:

I use other metrics that are more important than that for

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Okay, cool.

Jake Hower:

Then let's break it down a little bit for a typical business

Jake Hower:

or a client that engages you.

Jake Hower:

What's the first step?

Jake Hower:

Where do you start with them?

Marcus Sheridan:

This is a great question, Jake, because I think this

Marcus Sheridan:

is where a lot of us screw up because Whenever you're in a sales, in a

Marcus Sheridan:

consulting situation, certainly, and this applies to any business, it doesn't

Marcus Sheridan:

have to be a consulting business, it doesn't have to be B2B, it could

Marcus Sheridan:

be a B2C, it's all the same thing.

Marcus Sheridan:

But, let me give you two different examples of the exact same principle,

Marcus Sheridan:

and if you Google assignment selling, this is what I'm getting read

Marcus Sheridan:

to describe, assignment selling, I've written a lot about it.

Marcus Sheridan:

But if some guy named Jake calls me up or emails me, excuse me, and

Marcus Sheridan:

says, Hey Marcus, my company is thinking about content marketing.

Marcus Sheridan:

Can you help us out?

Marcus Sheridan:

The first thing I'm going to do is say, sure, Jake, I'd love to help you out.

Marcus Sheridan:

Have you read my ebook yet?

Marcus Sheridan:

Because if you haven't read my ebook yet, before we have our

Marcus Sheridan:

first call or conversation or Skype or telephone or whatever it is.

Marcus Sheridan:

You need to read that e book.

Marcus Sheridan:

Now, Jake, a lot of people wouldn't do that.

Marcus Sheridan:

But I do that because I want to make sure that person is qualified.

Marcus Sheridan:

Same thing with swimming pools.

Marcus Sheridan:

If somebody calls our swimming pool company, River Pools, and says, Hey, could

Marcus Sheridan:

y'all send out a salesperson to my house?

Marcus Sheridan:

We say, yes, of course.

Marcus Sheridan:

But before we do that, we have an e book that you need to read.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's going to teach you about the different types of pools, the

Marcus Sheridan:

different accessories that you could expect to consider with this process.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's going to tell you everything that you need to know.

Marcus Sheridan:

So that when we come out to your house, it's going to be the best

Marcus Sheridan:

appointment possible for you and for us.

Marcus Sheridan:

So will you do that before the appointment?

Marcus Sheridan:

Person says yes, 90% of the time.

Marcus Sheridan:

If they say no, that means they're clearly a price shopper and we don't want them.

Marcus Sheridan:

So I have people all the time that are just, they contact me on the sales line.

Marcus Sheridan:

They're ready to do something in their mind tomorrow.

Marcus Sheridan:

But if I, it's like this Jake.

Marcus Sheridan:

If somebody doesn't take the time to read an e book about content marketing,

Marcus Sheridan:

and my philosophy, my doctrine, if you will, on content marketing, if they're

Marcus Sheridan:

not going to spend that time, they're going to stink at content marketing.

Marcus Sheridan:

They ain't going to spend time writing blog posts, figuring out

Marcus Sheridan:

landing pages, correcting their site, learning about this stuff.

Marcus Sheridan:

And it is...

Marcus Sheridan:

If somebody doesn't have the patience to learn, I don't have the patience to

Marcus Sheridan:

teach them, and I'm lucky enough to be in a position where I let that person

Marcus Sheridan:

go a long time ago, and I realize in business that every business interaction

Marcus Sheridan:

we have is like a dance, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

And you think back to Good old, middle school, high school dances.

Marcus Sheridan:

And if you have a dance, you want it to be a good dance.

Marcus Sheridan:

You don't want a bad dance and you have a choice.

Marcus Sheridan:

You can choose, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

Or you can say, yes, you can say no.

Marcus Sheridan:

And we forgot that along the road of business, the business owner and the

Marcus Sheridan:

company that says yes to everybody.

Marcus Sheridan:

That says yes to every dance.

Marcus Sheridan:

Let me tell you that person is under stress and they have a lot of headaches

Marcus Sheridan:

because they have a lot of bad clients.

Marcus Sheridan:

I don't work with bad clients anymore because I've I'm with people

Marcus Sheridan:

that share my philosophy and are willing to pay the price of success.

Marcus Sheridan:

And that is cool.

Marcus Sheridan:

And content marketing is.

Marcus Sheridan:

It is requisite that the person you engage with is willing to pay the price.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Yeah, definitely.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So essentially you've then qualified that person that you're working

Jake Hower:

with for them to do the same.

Jake Hower:

What's the next step?

Jake Hower:

Where do you take the client?

Jake Hower:

How much of your engagement with them is focused on strategy versus implementation?

Marcus Sheridan:

Once somebody has read that e book, keep in mind that

Marcus Sheridan:

e book is 250 pages, Jake, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

So it's deep, bro.

Marcus Sheridan:

And by now, they've got like a college degree in content marketing.

Marcus Sheridan:

And plus, they're so in love with what I've just told them.

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

They've stuck with me that long.

Marcus Sheridan:

There's a good chance that they're not going to be price shopping.

Marcus Sheridan:

We know it's probably going to be a very positive engagement and

Marcus Sheridan:

this is going to be very healthy.

Marcus Sheridan:

And so now I'll give them if we have a conversation, I'm basically just going to

Marcus Sheridan:

find out what their major problems, what their major pain points are, whatever

Marcus Sheridan:

those major problems and pain points are.

Marcus Sheridan:

We're going to discuss how we're going to overcome that.

Marcus Sheridan:

But very lightly, I just want to hear what their problems are in their words,

Marcus Sheridan:

and usually most of my clients, because of the assignment selling process, Jake,

Marcus Sheridan:

I have one conversation before a retainer client usually starts one conversation.

Marcus Sheridan:

Most of my retainers for my, for the companies I work with are somewhere

Marcus Sheridan:

between two and 5, 000 a month.

Marcus Sheridan:

And like I said, it's usually one conversation.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's not multiple because if there ain't ready.

Marcus Sheridan:

I'm not going to be their missionary.

Marcus Sheridan:

I can't convert them to loving the gospel that is content marketing.

Marcus Sheridan:

It won't happen.

Marcus Sheridan:

So they either read the ebook and they figure it out themselves that they love

Marcus Sheridan:

content marketing and they love the way I think, or they filter out of the funnel.

Marcus Sheridan:

And now they know they're not a good fit, but I see a lot of agencies and

Marcus Sheridan:

consultants that's been literally call after call, just trying to get the sale.

Marcus Sheridan:

Come on, that ain't good.

Marcus Sheridan:

If you're doing that, you're doing something really wrong

Marcus Sheridan:

with your sales process.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And I guess that probably comes down to the fact that they're not

Jake Hower:

getting enough qualified leads,

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

No, yeah, obviously qualified leads are a big deal, but it's more

Marcus Sheridan:

important that they filter the leads.

Marcus Sheridan:

After it comes into the system, leads is a big deal.

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

And I think for a marketing agency, actually, I think the

Marcus Sheridan:

best way to get leads is to go out and speak to businesses.

Marcus Sheridan:

I don't think it's necessarily online for a lot of people because there's

Marcus Sheridan:

so much saturation in this realm of social media and content marketing

Marcus Sheridan:

And inbound marketing experts that it's hard to to stand out.

Marcus Sheridan:

You know this, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

It's very difficult.

Marcus Sheridan:

And on a on an offline level, you've got to really excel.

Marcus Sheridan:

And once you Excel offline, it's much easier to Excel online because you've

Marcus Sheridan:

got clients, once you get clients, you can start to tell stories once you tell.

Marcus Sheridan:

Still tell the good stories.

Marcus Sheridan:

The stories generate more leads and it just snowballs from there.

Marcus Sheridan:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

You spoke about earlier about answering questions.

Jake Hower:

What sort of process do you teach your clients in terms of how you

Jake Hower:

should go about answering questions?

Jake Hower:

Like where do I start as a business owner?

Jake Hower:

As I own a travel agency here in Melbourne is one of the things I do.

Jake Hower:

How do I find out what questions I need to answer?

Marcus Sheridan:

I think if you listen well to your clients, you

Marcus Sheridan:

never run out of great content and the businesses I find that really

Marcus Sheridan:

struggle to produce new content.

Marcus Sheridan:

They're just crappy listeners.

Marcus Sheridan:

They really are.

Marcus Sheridan:

I know that if I go on a sales appointment or if I talk To a prospect on the phone.

Marcus Sheridan:

I'm gonna get so many questions at that point.

Marcus Sheridan:

Most of those questions I probably haven't answered, and I need to answer them.

Marcus Sheridan:

I need to answer them on my blog somewhere, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

And I just haven't done it yet.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's an endless flow of content ideas for the listener.

Marcus Sheridan:

Now, the person that's more interested in what they're gonna say next, they

Marcus Sheridan:

don't ever hear the next sentence.

Marcus Sheridan:

They don't hear blog opportunities and ideas when I engage with a client The

Marcus Sheridan:

first thing that they have to do is they have to get their staff together And they

Marcus Sheridan:

have to brainstorm every question that they get every single day from prospects

Marcus Sheridan:

Clients and existing customers and they do that in a way that does not include

Marcus Sheridan:

pronouns They have to list the whole thing out the whole question out and they have

Marcus Sheridan:

to listen They have to list it in a way That if the person was online and had

Marcus Sheridan:

that problem, what would they type in?

Marcus Sheridan:

So nobody goes online and says, what does it cost?

Marcus Sheridan:

They say, how much does a fiberglass pool cost?

Marcus Sheridan:

Which fiberglass pools in Australia are far and away the most popular type

Marcus Sheridan:

of pool in Australia, which I think is very cool, by the way, they're

Marcus Sheridan:

way ahead of the U S when it comes to when it comes to fiberglass pools,

Marcus Sheridan:

or let's say somebody who doesn't.

Marcus Sheridan:

Necessarily go online and say how much does a consultant cost?

Marcus Sheridan:

They might say how much does a content marketing consulting cost, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

And so that is the way people go online and say things and that is the way that

Marcus Sheridan:

they ask them and That's the way they ask them and that's the way that we need a the

Marcus Sheridan:

to brainstorm them And once we brainstorm them we turn those into the titles of

Marcus Sheridan:

blog posts Every company I have that does this when they really say, okay every

Marcus Sheridan:

single question i'm like, yes every single question We come up with at least 50 to

Marcus Sheridan:

100 in a 30 30 to 60 minute brainstorm.

Marcus Sheridan:

50 to a hundred questions is easy.

Marcus Sheridan:

So if you look at it like that, if it's a hundred questions and you

Marcus Sheridan:

write two blog posts a week, that's the first year's worth of content.

Marcus Sheridan:

And you've already pretty much planned it out.

Marcus Sheridan:

That's beautiful.

Marcus Sheridan:

The hardest part of a great culture of content marketing for a company.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's two fold.

Marcus Sheridan:

Actually it might be three fold.

Marcus Sheridan:

First one is coming up with what you're going to write about, the titles, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

That's easy if you do the Q& A approach.

Marcus Sheridan:

I've had businesses struggle as soon as they do it.

Marcus Sheridan:

I'm like, oh my gosh, this is so easy and it's so simple.

Marcus Sheridan:

I'm like, yeah, there's nothing special about it.

Marcus Sheridan:

So that's number one.

Marcus Sheridan:

Number two, immediately you need to sign a name and a date to that title of

Marcus Sheridan:

that set, of that particular blog post.

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

And number three, the third hardest part to do this is the first paragraph.

Marcus Sheridan:

And if you teach people how to word the first paragraph on their blog post,

Marcus Sheridan:

it's going to be very easy for them.

Marcus Sheridan:

Once we start writing, it's not so hard to finish it, but it's usually

Marcus Sheridan:

people get hung up on starting.

Marcus Sheridan:

You treat, I teach all my clients how to do first paragraphs

Marcus Sheridan:

and it becomes very easy.

Marcus Sheridan:

And so it doesn't matter what the question is.

Marcus Sheridan:

The style is always the same.

Marcus Sheridan:

Let's say the question is.

Marcus Sheridan:

What's, we'll just do a simple one cause we're, what is the

Marcus Sheridan:

average cost of a marketing, of a content marketing consultant?

Marcus Sheridan:

And so the first paragraph is always, you repeat the question, you empathize

Marcus Sheridan:

with the question and then you say, you're going to answer the question.

Marcus Sheridan:

That is how you do a first paragraph on a great business blog.

Marcus Sheridan:

So you say something like, people come to me all the time

Marcus Sheridan:

and they say, okay, Marcus.

Marcus Sheridan:

Realistically, what can I expect to spend on a content marketing consultant?

Marcus Sheridan:

And that's a really good question and it's a question that many business

Marcus Sheridan:

owners have And that's exactly what i'm going to attempt to answer

Marcus Sheridan:

today in the following paragraphs.

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

That's my first paragraph I've repeated the question And I've I

Marcus Sheridan:

sound conversational i've expressed empathy, but i've also shown expertise

Marcus Sheridan:

because I say people come to me.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's already understood That I'm an expert in that particular field, same

Marcus Sheridan:

as swimming pools, same with widgets.

Marcus Sheridan:

It doesn't matter what it is.

Marcus Sheridan:

So those are the big three.

Marcus Sheridan:

And if you can do that, Jake, with your employees or with your clients,

Marcus Sheridan:

if you're a marketing consultant, you could do really great things.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, cool.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So looking at that, are you writing just for the reader or with this, is this

Jake Hower:

naturally just going to catch the search engine traffic as well, as a result?

Marcus Sheridan:

That's exactly right.

Marcus Sheridan:

So I never teach people how to do SEO other than great titles

Marcus Sheridan:

and clean first paragraphs.

Marcus Sheridan:

If you do great page titles, or blog titles, and by the way, I think

Marcus Sheridan:

the biggest mistake that businesses make, still, to this day, 2013, with

Marcus Sheridan:

content marketing and blog titles is they screw up the titles because they

Marcus Sheridan:

try to be catchy, witty, and funny.

Marcus Sheridan:

That's totally dumb.

Marcus Sheridan:

You should not ever try to be catchy, witty, and funny.

Marcus Sheridan:

Funny on your blog titles, unless you have thousands of subscribers

Marcus Sheridan:

in your database and you're trying to get your open rates much higher.

Marcus Sheridan:

But ultimately, for most businesses, SS e o is still a major component, especially

Marcus Sheridan:

when it comes to these longer questions, these long tail keyword phrases, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

And so if somebody.

Marcus Sheridan:

All my clients blow their traffic up, but I don't sit there and yak all day long.

Marcus Sheridan:

How am I a huge SEO consultant?

Marcus Sheridan:

Although I pretty much can do, I can pretty much outperform most SEO companies.

Marcus Sheridan:

I can take them, I can take them to the woodshed all day long for

Marcus Sheridan:

the most part, because they don't do content marketing the right way.

Marcus Sheridan:

Really I call this search content marketing because if you do content

Marcus Sheridan:

marketing the right way and you take it from a Q& A approach like we've been

Marcus Sheridan:

talking about and you really target those nice long tail keyword questions

Marcus Sheridan:

and then you have that nice rhythm of clean opening paragraphs, you don't

Marcus Sheridan:

have to sit there and worry about keyword density or anything after that.

Marcus Sheridan:

You just say.

Marcus Sheridan:

The answer.

Marcus Sheridan:

Like you're talking to somebody at the coffee shop.

Marcus Sheridan:

And if you do that, you're going to be really successful.

Marcus Sheridan:

From an SEO standpoint, every one of my clients, we don't

Marcus Sheridan:

have conversations about SEO.

Marcus Sheridan:

We just don't.

Marcus Sheridan:

And they all crush it when it comes to organic search results because they're

Marcus Sheridan:

ranking left and right for these long tail keyword questions that we target.

Marcus Sheridan:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

Something common that's going to happen.

Jake Hower:

I think when you're dealing with small businesses and a lot of probably our

Jake Hower:

listener out there is potentially going to encounter this is small

Jake Hower:

businesses are very vain people.

Jake Hower:

I can see they're going to say I don't want to just answer these questions.

Jake Hower:

I need to make really awesome content so that it looks great and it stands out.

Jake Hower:

What do you say to those people, Marcus?

Marcus Sheridan:

Once again they.

Marcus Sheridan:

The concept of awesome is skewed here.

Marcus Sheridan:

Awesome means the question was answered.

Marcus Sheridan:

That's awesome.

Marcus Sheridan:

And you know what?

Marcus Sheridan:

I find that it's more marketing consultants and social and content

Marcus Sheridan:

media, content marketing thought leaders, if you will, than it

Marcus Sheridan:

is small businesses themselves.

Marcus Sheridan:

Small businesses themselves.

Marcus Sheridan:

If they just get stuff done half the time, they're feeling pretty good about it.

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

And so I just want them to get the feel of producing that content and

Marcus Sheridan:

seeing, wow, this is really fun.

Marcus Sheridan:

And it's not so bad.

Marcus Sheridan:

And I can be a teacher.

Marcus Sheridan:

And I'm not this awful writer like I thought I was.

Marcus Sheridan:

And you know what?

Marcus Sheridan:

And if I do mess up with writing, it's not that big of a deal.

Marcus Sheridan:

And so I am the guy that says perfection is the bane of Every great

Marcus Sheridan:

triumph, whether it's marketing, whether it's life in general,

Marcus Sheridan:

because you can't start perfect.

Marcus Sheridan:

You'll never be perfect.

Marcus Sheridan:

It doesn't matter if we're talking about writing, doesn't matter if we're

Marcus Sheridan:

talking about video, all these things.

Marcus Sheridan:

Like I hate these hacks, Jake, that say, if your video is not Of utmost quality,

Marcus Sheridan:

it's gonna hurt your business, it's gonna make you look bad, blah, blah, blah.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's man, 99% of the people in your industry don't do video.

Marcus Sheridan:

And I'm talking about yours, mine, most industries, people

Marcus Sheridan:

still ain't doing video.

Marcus Sheridan:

And so if you have a video, even if it's not a great video, you got

Marcus Sheridan:

more than most of these people.

Marcus Sheridan:

So put that thing out there.

Marcus Sheridan:

Most of my first videos suck.

Marcus Sheridan:

They're just awful.

Marcus Sheridan:

I look at them and I'm like, holy cow, the lighting's bad.

Marcus Sheridan:

The audio is terrible.

Marcus Sheridan:

But those are triumphs, brother.

Marcus Sheridan:

I actually got out there and I pushed it and made it happen.

Marcus Sheridan:

And it's I was learning a ton in the process.

Marcus Sheridan:

And I feel good when I see those things.

Marcus Sheridan:

I laugh, yeah, because they're so bad.

Marcus Sheridan:

But I feel great about it because I know that was a victory for me.

Marcus Sheridan:

And like I said, if you look at, if you really look online, Jake.

Marcus Sheridan:

The A plus students, they stink at blogging, and they stink at

Marcus Sheridan:

content marketing because they're the perfectionists of the web, and

Marcus Sheridan:

everything has to be just right.

Marcus Sheridan:

The ones that were the C plus students, the ones that are just ready to be little

Marcus Sheridan:

renegades and outside the box, and not afraid, and they're not just sitting

Marcus Sheridan:

there nitpicking everything that they do, and they're okay with pretty good.

Marcus Sheridan:

Now that guy or that gal, they're killing it online Jake, if they're

Marcus Sheridan:

motivated, they're killing it.

Marcus Sheridan:

And I see it again and again every single day.

Marcus Sheridan:

C plus students own the internet while A plus students work for them.

Marcus Sheridan:


Jake Hower:

it's so true.

Jake Hower:

So very true.

Jake Hower:

And certainly I encountered that.

Jake Hower:

I produce videos for the travel agency on a weekly basis.

Jake Hower:

And yeah, the first video was absolutely terrible compared to what

Jake Hower:

it is now, but it doesn't matter.

Jake Hower:

Like I'm my own worst or my own harshest critic.

Jake Hower:

My clients loved it because they got to see me on camera and interact with me.

Jake Hower:

They're like, oh, this is fantastic.

Jake Hower:

Thanks very much for this.

Jake Hower:

If I was perfect and tried to achieve perfection, I would have lost six

Jake Hower:

months of interaction with my clients trying to get the videos right.

Marcus Sheridan:

That's exactly right.

Marcus Sheridan:

And they couldn't have seen how, dang cool you were in the process.

Marcus Sheridan:

This whole thing, man.

Marcus Sheridan:

This whole thing, we've got to start at kindergarten.

Marcus Sheridan:

You can't skip grades when it comes to content marketing.

Marcus Sheridan:

You just ain't going to do it.

Marcus Sheridan:

School of hard knocks.

Marcus Sheridan:

You're going to, you're going to take your knocks and that's okay.

Marcus Sheridan:

And you got to embrace those knocks.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

Let's look at what I see is probably the second part of the equation.

Jake Hower:

Now we're using the content marketing to drive traffic through our site.

Jake Hower:

The second half, is handling leads.

Jake Hower:

So you speak a lot about HubSpot and about marketing automation.

Jake Hower:

What role did that play in the rise of river

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

Yeah HubSpot was a great all in one tool for me and it allowed me to

Marcus Sheridan:

do things I'd never done before.

Marcus Sheridan:

The first thing it did, it really helped me from an SEO standpoint, look at

Marcus Sheridan:

where I was with all of these articles and these keywords that I started

Marcus Sheridan:

targeting from the long tail perspective as I answered these questions, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

And so I was able to keep track of it so very well.

Marcus Sheridan:

Much better than I ever had before with some of their keyword tools.

Marcus Sheridan:

That was number one.

Marcus Sheridan:

Number two, and really more importantly, what I like so much about HubSpot and

Marcus Sheridan:

some other types of marketing automation is that you can track your lead behavior

Marcus Sheridan:

on your site and you really start to see the way they consume your content.

Marcus Sheridan:

So it's if somebody comes.

Marcus Sheridan:

to River Pools, and they fill out a form.

Marcus Sheridan:

At that point in time, I can usually tell, okay, what was the search phrase

Marcus Sheridan:

they typed in to find the site, or was it social, how was it, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

How did they come into the site?

Marcus Sheridan:

What pages did they go to?

Marcus Sheridan:

How long were they on the site?

Marcus Sheridan:

How many pages did they go to?

Marcus Sheridan:

How many visits have they had?

Marcus Sheridan:

And so before I make that initial phone call, Jake, I

Marcus Sheridan:

know a ton about this person.

Marcus Sheridan:

I know their hot buttons based on the pages that they looked at, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

Same thing with the sales line, right?

Marcus Sheridan:

So somebody contacts me and wants content marketing help before I call them before

Marcus Sheridan:

I talk to them Other than making sure that they've read the ebook I'm making sure

Marcus Sheridan:

that they've looked at the site if they just came to the site and fill it out a

Marcus Sheridan:

contact form I'm thinking myself Or it's funny to me all the time jake people come

Marcus Sheridan:

to me And they they're, they, you get all these requests online, and half of them

Marcus Sheridan:

are like spam, half of them are cloaked, and so you can't tell if the person is

Marcus Sheridan:

legit or not, but people say, hey, Marcus, I love your site, I read it all the time,

Marcus Sheridan:

I'd love to do a guest post for you.

Marcus Sheridan:

So what do you think about this?

Marcus Sheridan:

And I go there and I look at their analytics, and they've never, you can

Marcus Sheridan:

tell, they just found out about me the day before from a referral link

Marcus Sheridan:

from another website, and they just went straight to the contact page.

Marcus Sheridan:

They've never read a page of my site, and they're sitting there

Marcus Sheridan:

telling me they love my website.

Marcus Sheridan:

Whatever dude, don't lie to me.

Marcus Sheridan:

And I can tell because I'm using marketing automation.

Marcus Sheridan:

I can see what my leads have done on my site.

Marcus Sheridan:

That is a must to me.

Marcus Sheridan:

And I think anybody that's in sales should be using that.

Marcus Sheridan:

And this is, that's just a small part of it.

Marcus Sheridan:

You got lead nurturing, you got drip campaigns, you've

Marcus Sheridan:

got calls to action buttons.

Marcus Sheridan:

You've got all these things that you can do when it comes to a tool

Marcus Sheridan:

like HubSpot or Marketo or Eloqua.

Marcus Sheridan:

Infusionsoft is another one.

Marcus Sheridan:

There's a lot of other smaller birds out there as well, but I love

Marcus Sheridan:

these software tools, especially from a lead tracking standpoint.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, cool, cool.

Jake Hower:

That alone, it makes sense that it pays for the admission to one

Jake Hower:

of these particular software.

Jake Hower:

So with that in mind, is there a level that a business needs to be at

Jake Hower:

before they start looking at some of these all in one sort of marketing

Jake Hower:

automation tools, do you think?

Jake Hower:


Marcus Sheridan:

think it's not a bad idea, Jake to be careful because these

Marcus Sheridan:

things are just tools and they're only as good as the person that's

Marcus Sheridan:

swinging the hammer, if you will.

Marcus Sheridan:

And so people all the time say, Hey Marcus, can you tell me how

Marcus Sheridan:

HubSpot will help my business?

Marcus Sheridan:

And I always say, and it makes people aggravated, but I don't care.

Marcus Sheridan:

I say.

Marcus Sheridan:

HubSpot can't help your business at all because it's just a tool sitting there.

Marcus Sheridan:

It can't do anything for you, but if you are willing to really

Marcus Sheridan:

apply sound principles of inbound marketing, HubSpot could be great.

Marcus Sheridan:

And that's what people have to understand.

Marcus Sheridan:

And so if you know you're going to spend the time, then it's

Marcus Sheridan:

going to be worth it to you.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's going to be worth it to you just like me.

Marcus Sheridan:

I didn't have a choice.

Marcus Sheridan:

I went into debt Even further I was dead broke and I put HubSpot

Marcus Sheridan:

on a credit card But I knew that I was going to I was all in brother.

Marcus Sheridan:

I was all in but I see people thinking that HubSpot marketing

Marcus Sheridan:

solution is a magic pill.

Marcus Sheridan:

That's a load of bull.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's not going to do anything for you if you're not really heavily engaged

Marcus Sheridan:

in producing content, being active from a social perspective, really pushing

Marcus Sheridan:

out there, pushing thought, pushing your brand, pushing your content.

Marcus Sheridan:

Pushing your social media platforms, whatever it is, just being there, being

Marcus Sheridan:

available and making things happen.

Marcus Sheridan:

Hustling, man.

Marcus Sheridan:

You got to hustle.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And as you say, it applies to everything.

Jake Hower:

It's like the content marketer that fails is probably the content

Jake Hower:

marketer, not producing consistent

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

Yeah, it's like when I see people put bad reviews about HubSpot,

Marcus Sheridan:

I'm like this person was lazy.

Marcus Sheridan:

There's you know, you When I see somebody says yeah, we tried

Marcus Sheridan:

HubSpot didn't really work for us.

Marcus Sheridan:

I'm like whatever you're lazy Same thing if they tried Eloqua and

Marcus Sheridan:

want to work didn't work for them.

Marcus Sheridan:

You're lazy You tried Marketo and didn't work for you're lazy like that's nine

Marcus Sheridan:

out of ten people now one out of ten Really has a legitimate, it wasn't

Marcus Sheridan:

good for us because of these features.

Marcus Sheridan:

It didn't have and we could get those features with another

Marcus Sheridan:

marketing automation tool.

Marcus Sheridan:

Yeah, I can see that.

Marcus Sheridan:

But the ones that just think they're going to get some magical, like all of

Marcus Sheridan:

a sudden tons of SEO and traffic and social media is going to change your life

Marcus Sheridan:

and they want to spend an hour a week.

Marcus Sheridan:

They got nothing coming.

Marcus Sheridan:

It doesn't work like that.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, cool.

Jake Hower:

Now let's just switch gears a little bit.

Jake Hower:

Let's talk about, you just mentioned it there.

Jake Hower:

I was just passing on it.

Jake Hower:

Do you get many people come to you and say, listen, Marcus, my business,

Jake Hower:

I need customers right this second.

Jake Hower:

What can I do?

Jake Hower:

Do you get people like that?

Jake Hower:

And if so, what's your

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

A lot of, unfortunately, when it comes to content marketing, a lot of ones

Marcus Sheridan:

aren't willing to try it until they're experiencing pain of some sort, right?

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

Because success makes us lazy.

Marcus Sheridan:

So the ones that are still being successful using old school marketing

Marcus Sheridan:

tactics, there's a very good chance that they're not embracing content marketing.

Marcus Sheridan:

Newer businesses, ones that don't have as established brands, or

Marcus Sheridan:

ones that are, have suffered in business in some way, shape, or form.

Marcus Sheridan:

There's a good chance that they need help and they need leads immediately.

Marcus Sheridan:

The thing about content marketing is, it's, it, in, in many ways it

Marcus Sheridan:

is the literal law of the harvest.

Marcus Sheridan:

You have to sow the field, you have to plant the seed, you have to

Marcus Sheridan:

water the crop, you have to nourish the crop, you have to protect the

Marcus Sheridan:

crop, you have to tend to the crop, and then you can harvest the crop.

Marcus Sheridan:

You can't throw a seed down today and harvest the crop tomorrow.

Marcus Sheridan:

For the most part, that's how content marketing works.

Marcus Sheridan:

Now, granted, if you're smart and if you've got a great strategy, you can

Marcus Sheridan:

start generating leads right away.

Marcus Sheridan:

Now, I don't tell people we're going to get leads right away.

Marcus Sheridan:

I say there's a chance we could get leads right away.

Marcus Sheridan:

There's a chance we could make a sale in the first week and there's a chance we

Marcus Sheridan:

will make a sale from the first month.

Marcus Sheridan:

I don't know.

Marcus Sheridan:

We're going to see.

Marcus Sheridan:

But my feeling is that we're going to start to get results.

Marcus Sheridan:

I know that much and usually we get leads pretty fast.

Marcus Sheridan:

Oftentimes the reason why people don't get leads faster though

Marcus Sheridan:

is because they have a bad plan.

Marcus Sheridan:

They're doing it the wrong way.

Marcus Sheridan:

It could be their cruddy titles for their blog posts.

Marcus Sheridan:

They could be writing about the wrong things.

Marcus Sheridan:

They could be going about it the wrong way and usually that's more

Marcus Sheridan:

the problem than anything else.

Marcus Sheridan:

But they're sitting there saying I'm working hard, but

Marcus Sheridan:

I'm not generating any leads.

Marcus Sheridan:

And then I look at all their, their last 10 blog posts and they're all just

Marcus Sheridan:

slepping me with the last, the greatest new features and, benefits of XYZ widget.

Marcus Sheridan:

I'm like, really?

Marcus Sheridan:

This is what you're blogging about?

Marcus Sheridan:

No wonder nobody cares.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So then what about with Riverpools?

Jake Hower:

Like you said, you're already in debt and you went into further

Jake Hower:

debt to go and get HubSpot.

Jake Hower:

Content marketing, obviously, as you say, it's potentially not turning

Jake Hower:

it around straight away for you.

Jake Hower:

What did you do?

Jake Hower:

How did you hustle to turn the business around initially?

Marcus Sheridan:

Man, those days were so dark.

Marcus Sheridan:

I don't even necessarily remember at this point, Jake, it was 2009.

Marcus Sheridan:

I started in March of 2009 with HubSpot, wrote my first blog article.

Marcus Sheridan:

I wrote a blog article almost every day.

Marcus Sheridan:

It was adding new pages to the site.

Marcus Sheridan:

I started fooling with video pretty quickly after that.

Marcus Sheridan:

And I was working 65 hours a week.

Marcus Sheridan:

Trying to sell pools any way I could and, working out, doing anything I could.

Marcus Sheridan:

And then late at night, I'd spend a couple hours every single night looking at my

Marcus Sheridan:

analytics, producing a new blog article.

Marcus Sheridan:

Just playing around, learning the tools.

Marcus Sheridan:

And that was my life.

Marcus Sheridan:

That's what it was.

Marcus Sheridan:

I quit doing TV.

Marcus Sheridan:

I quit doing a lot of things.

Marcus Sheridan:

I started going to bed much later.

Marcus Sheridan:

Because I didn't have a choice and I hustled hard and

Marcus Sheridan:

somehow we got through it.

Marcus Sheridan:

Honestly, Jake, I don't know how we got through it, but I know our traffic

Marcus Sheridan:

blew up right away and immediately started generating more sales.

Marcus Sheridan:

Yeah, cool.

Jake Hower:

No, that's really great.

Jake Hower:

All right, Marcus, we've covered so much in this episode and there's so much to

Jake Hower:

take away and implement both myself and certainly for our listener out there.

Jake Hower:

So let's wrap this up.

Jake Hower:

What's the best place for our listener listening in right now to go and find out

Marcus Sheridan:

more about you?

Marcus Sheridan:

If you like podcasts, I have a podcast called mad marketing with

Marcus Sheridan:

the sales line Marcus Sheridan.

Marcus Sheridan:

And of course that's fun.

Marcus Sheridan:

It's just monologue It's just me riffing away and I do it every couple of weeks.

Marcus Sheridan:

You can find me there You can find me at the saleslion.

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

I've got a free ebook on there that you've heard a lot about in this podcast

Marcus Sheridan:

today It's it's great though inbound and content marketing made easy if

Marcus Sheridan:

you're really looking to embrace some unique principles of content marketing.

Marcus Sheridan:

I think you're gonna love that ebook And so that's the best places to find me man

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's awesome.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Thanks very much for coming on the show.

Jake Hower:

I've really enjoyed our chat and I certainly on behalf of myself and our

Jake Hower:

listener, I'd love to thank you very much,

Marcus Sheridan:


Marcus Sheridan:

Thank you.

Marcus Sheridan:

And to everybody out there listening, good luck to you and all of your




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