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We Owe Each Other Our Stories
Episode 3630th August 2023 • Find Your Joy • Alison Perry-Davies
00:00:00 00:29:03

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Ali and Stuart talk about the importance of sharing our stories with each other and the impact our stories have.

About the Guest:

Stuart Elliott has been dubbed a soul whisperer and is recognized for helping people break free from the mental prisons of negative inner dialogue and self-sabotage that keep them drained of passion and dissatisfied with life. Once they do and they sweep away all the baggage that’s been holding them back they are able to connect to what their soul is trying to tell them. This gives them the space and freedom to truly start to love themselves. It’s a beautiful thing to help someone do.

Stuart says there is no greater joy than seeing the heartfelt smile break out on a person’s face as they connect to their inner greatness and express something like: “Wow, it feels as though I’ve been reborn into who I was always meant to be…” Born in the UK, he’s traveled extensively throughout Africa and lived there for 18 years before relocating to the South of China in 2003 where he currently resides with his wife and two young daughters.

He’s certified in both Classic and New Code NLP by John Grinder, is a member of the IAPCH, certified in Ericksonian Conversational Hypnotherapy and other Hypnosis disciplines. He also has a keen interest in Mindfulness and Positive Psychology and is blessed with the intuitive gifts of ‘Truth and Clarity’. Drawing upon this rare blend of formal studies as well as his unique perspective and understanding of people gleaned from living for extended periods on diverse continents he’s developed the potent CPNHTM coaching system. It is specifically designed to help you find the solutions that will quickly allow you to connect to your greatness and flourish. In addition to his love of helping people create joy filled lives, Stuart has a deep love of nature, especially African nature and wildlife.

His dream is that we can find peace within ourselves so we can live in harmony with this beautiful planet we are all an integral part of.

 Stuart Elliott | LinkedIn


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