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I Matched, Now What?
Episode 3028th March 2022 • The Post-Graduate Pharmacist • Sean Smithgall & Taylor Steuber
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This week on the Post-Graduate Pharmacist hear from us as we discuss the age-old question, “I matched, now what?”

This episode’s take-aways:

1. Start thinking about finances during your residency year. You have invested a lot of time and money to be where you are today, so you want to make sure you are prepared for your residency year. Check out Episode #2 in our series where we discuss financial implications of doing a residency with Dr. Des Lindquist.

2. Take the time now and enjoy and appreciate your accomplishments and hard work that have paid have. Use this time to rest and recharge.

3. Start to think about whenyou will take or try to schedule your NAPLEX and MPJE. Obviously scheduling the test depends on your graduation date and is a on a first come first serve basis, but you might have a little flexibility of when you take those examinations. If scheduling allows, consider taking your NAPLEX two weeks prior to your MPJE. If you can take both tests before residency starts, that might be ideal. Discuss with your RPD and current/past residents.

4. Should you “study” forresidency before starting? We don’t think so. By studying for the NAPLEX, you should be preparing for residency. Plus, you never know which rotation you’ll be starting with.

5. Wait to buy a new white coat until starting residency or until instructed by your RPD. Sometimes you’ll be provided one or you’ll have specific instructions on what to buy.

6. Since it is so important, we say it again, use this time to REST and RECHARGE!

Congratulations again and best of luck!

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Music | "Sweet" by LiQWYD







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