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The Jesus Christ Syndrome: The damage caused by thinking you’re so damn special. The Earnest Mann Show Podcast 348.
Episode 34817th June 2024 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:09:38

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The Harsh Truth About Being "Special" and Ideological Brainwashing

Hello, it's Earnest Mann here! It's another Bunday, where I tackle thought-provoking topics and challenge conventional wisdom. Today, I'm questioning what it means to be "special." Are you genuinely unique, or are you just another snowflake? Let's explore this idea deeply and see how thinking you're extraordinary can lead to self-destruction and impact others negatively.

Understanding the Illusion of Being Special

Life teaches us that believing in our own exceptionalism can disconnect us from reality. When you start thinking that your thoughts and abilities are unparalleled, you're setting yourself up for significant personal and social blunders. This mindset, often fueled by ideological brainwashing, can vary from mild to extreme forms of temporary insanity.

The Role of Ideological Brainwashing

I differentiate between those suffering from untreatable mental illnesses like psychopathy or narcissism and those who are temporarily deranged by relentless ideological indoctrination, like those afflicted with wokeism. The key to recovery lies in self-realization and hitting rock bottom, similar to overcoming addiction.

Recognizing Self-Centeredness and Vanity

Self-centered individuals often fail to see their obnoxious behavior, akin to being the unwelcomed guest at a party. They blame others for their shortcomings, thinking they’re more fun or interesting. This self-absorption is also evident in those who create mundane content, like detailing their lives in van-life videos.

The Van-Life Obsession and Its Absurdity

Addressing the privileged van-lifers flaunting their luxurious adventures while genuinely struggling people live in vehicles out of necessity, I call out their detachment from reality. They present an unrealistic picture of freedom and self-importance, which needs a reality check.

A Call for Introspection

If you find yourself relating to this description, it's time for some honest self-reflection. Are you genuinely unique, or have you fallen into the trap of self-importance? Share your thoughts, drop me a line, or buy me a coffee—all details are in the description below.

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Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


Hey folks, how the hell you doing? It's Bunday. Time to make some rich folks even richer. I want to toss my ideas on being special at you. Are you special? Now I know that, in a very technical sense, we are all special. Genetically speaking. But then again, so are snowflakes. Snowflakes are special. Are you a fucking snowflake?

One of the many things that life has taught me is that the minute you begin to think that you're special, that you have thoughts or special abilities that no other human being has ever had since there have ever been human beings, you have begun a self imposed disconnection with reality. And once that mindset is set into motion.

There is really almost absolutely no limit to how much you can not only fuck up your own life, but fuck up the lives of others. There's something I want to clarify first before going any further. I'm not in any way talking about people who are suffering from mental illness, such as psychopathy or narcissism, which are close kissing cousins in the mental illness world.

Those people, unfortunately, cannot really be helped because, and there are a huge number of clinical studies to prove this, those forms of mental illness are not treatable. Subjects doing therapy, taking drugs, or even both, show very little, if any, positive response. So getting back to the original, what I'm talking about here are people who are temporarily insane and whose insanity is on a continuum from mild to extreme.

But the first steps in helping yourself is carefully identifying if it's an organic mental illness or one brought about by endless ideological brainwashing, such as people suffering from wokeism. Now, you'll notice I said helping yourself. Because people in the midst of ideological brainwashing can really not be helped until they have hit bottom, just like drug users.

If you look at what I've been describing, is it someone else, or is it you? There's a huge difference between introspection and being self centered. Anyone who is wise or remotely intelligent around you will recognize that. But there's a strong possibility If I may use an analogy, you're like the obnoxious person who comes to the party and when you arrive, the first thing people are doing after some initial obligatory greetings is either look at each other or actually speak to one another, knowing that you're an obnoxious asshole and are wondering who the hell invited you.

On top of that, as you become intoxicated at the party, you become even more obnoxious. But you laugh it off the next day, pointing out that the only reason they feel the way they do is because they're boring as shit. And you have probably, they have probably never had fun in their life. Another way you can tell that your life utterly has no meaning is when you make YouTube videos about something fairly mundane you're doing in your life.

You stretch the fucking thing out for 30 or 45 minutes or more. I just watched, for an example, a 40 ish man child video giving his unsolicited trials and tribulations of living in his van and traveling up and down the coast of California, until on one particular occasion, he died. The cops in a certain town told this entitled gold bricking ass to move on, and then he explains for another 10 minutes how he was so cremigaged by that.

Then after he finally calms down, he proceeds to cook up some breakfast on his hot plate with a skillet, giving us all the fucking minute cooking details. As he's doing this, because of course it never occurred to this 40 ish fucking Peter Pan that anyone has ever fried a fucking egg in a skillet before in their life.

It was about as informative and exciting as watching flies fuck. And speaking of van life dudes and dudettes, I am in no way talking about people who are in serious financial trouble and are having to live in their cars or vans. I don't think it takes a genius to figure out that we're all living in really difficult times right now.

I know I sure as hell am. And talking about you, Mr. and Mrs. Self Important, roughing it in your used 30, 000 Mercedes van. Usually with the obligatory large fucking dog, boondocking in San Luis Opispo, Palos Verdes, or some other equally enchanting area with billion dollar homes, but demonstrate your true van life spirit.

by actually brewing all by yourself some extremely expensive and exotic organic coffee to catch the awesomely beautiful sunrise. Just so awesome, man. Yeah, really? How about this? Fuck you and your exotic 25 a pound coffee too. I hope it has some exotic fungus that gives you uncontrollable diarrhea for six months.

If this is the kind of life you're living, so utterly self absorbed, pseudo adult, and really detached friend, regardless if it's in a van or if you're able and can afford to travel, be that throughout the world or even just America, and you don't have to work a job, here's some sage advice meant to give you an even greater sense of fulfillment.

Just shut the fuck up. You have no right to say anything about anything. And although I certainly don't make the rules for YouTube, I could only wish that semi sentient beings such as yourself would simply just go away. The same way you feel about problems that should. Like waving of a magic wand. Poof!

You're gone. I'm going to wrap this up by saying this. If you, and you know who you are, will stop cursing me for two minutes, and have the courage and honesty to question what I've been describing. Am I wrong? Is it someone else I'm describing? Or is it you? That's a question only you can answer. Do you agree?

Do you disagree? Or do you have an entirely different take on this? You can drop me a line, subscribe, or maybe even buy me a cup of coffee, all in the description below. Until next Monday or Friday, if this isn't earnest, what is?



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