Today's podcast focuses on the profound question posed by the Lord: "Is anything too hard for Elohim?"
Pastor Bob Thibodeau gives a unique perspective into Genesis chapter 18, where God promises Abraham that his elderly wife Sarah will bear a son, despite their advanced age and past struggles with conception.
Through a conversational exploration of Sarah's initial disbelief and laughter, Pastor Bob highlights the human tendency to doubt divine promises when circumstances seem impossible.
He draws parallels to modern-day situations where people might find it hard to believe in miracles or positive changes in their lives.
This message encourages listeners to hold onto faith, reminding them that God's plans often exceed our expectations, and nothing is beyond His ability.
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Hello, everyone, everywhere.
Pastor Bob:Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.
Pastor Bob:Welcome to your 15 minute daily Bible walk for today.
Pastor Bob:We're so blessed that you are joining us.
Pastor Bob:Praise the Lord.
Pastor Bob:Today we're gonna.
Pastor Bob:We left off last time finishing up with chapter 17.
Pastor Bob:And today we're going to start off in Genesis, chapter 18, verse number one.
Pastor Bob:And the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre.
Pastor Bob:And he sat in the tent in the heat of the day.
Pastor Bob:And he lifted up his eyes and looked, and lo, three men stood by him.
Pastor Bob:Two people.
Pastor Bob:And the Lord is who it is, because we will read that here in a little bit.
Pastor Bob:And when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door and bowed himself towards the ground and said, my Lord, if now I found favor in your sight, do not pass away from here, I pray thee, from thy servant.
Pastor Bob:He said, let a little water.
Pastor Bob:Let me get a little water for you.
Pastor Bob:Be fetched.
Pastor Bob:Wash your feet, rest yourselves under the tree.
Pastor Bob:And I'll fetch a morsel of bread and comfort your hearts so that afterwards you shall pass on.
Pastor Bob:For therefore have you come to your servant, or you've passed by this way to your servant.
Pastor Bob:And they said, so, do as you have said.
Pastor Bob:And Abram hastened unto the tent to Sarah and said, make ready quickly three measures of fine meal.
Pastor Bob:Knead it.
Pastor Bob:Make cakes upon the earth.
Pastor Bob:And Abraham ran unto the herd and fetched a calf, tender and good.
Pastor Bob:Gave it to a young man, and he hastened to dress it.
Pastor Bob:And he took butter and milk and the calf which he addressed and set it before them.
Pastor Bob:Now, this wasn't something that took, you know, 10 minutes.
Pastor Bob:They'd been there probably a couple hours by this point in time, all right.
Pastor Bob:And he stood by them under the tree and watched them eat.
Pastor Bob:And they said unto him, where's Sarah, your wife?
Pastor Bob:And he said, she's in the tent.
Pastor Bob:Behold, in the tent.
Pastor Bob:And he said.
Pastor Bob:Now he.
Pastor Bob:He said, this is the Lord.
Pastor Bob:Abram didn't realize it at times, said, I will certainly return unto you according to the time of life.
Pastor Bob:And lo, Sarah, your wife shall have a son.
Pastor Bob:And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.
Pastor Bob:Now, Abraham and Sarah were old, well stricken in age.
Pastor Bob:And it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.
Pastor Bob:In other words, she'd already gone through menopause years ago, okay.
Pastor Bob:And had never had a baby at that time, despite all the trials that.
Pastor Bob:That they had been doing prior to Ishmael.
Pastor Bob:And you got to remember, this has been now like 13 years or so, right?
Pastor Bob:So it says.
Pastor Bob:Verse 11, Abraham, Sarah were old, well stricken in age.
Pastor Bob:And it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.
Pastor Bob:Therefore, Sarah laughed within herself, saying, after I've grown old, shall I have pleasure again with my Lord being old also?
Pastor Bob:And she, like these things, haven't been working in a while.
Pastor Bob:All right.
Pastor Bob:And the Lord said unto Abram, why did Sarah laugh, saying, shall I of surety bear a child which I'm old?
Pastor Bob:Is anything too hard for the Lord?
Pastor Bob:Is anything too hard for Halloween?
Pastor Bob:Oh, there it is, right there.
Pastor Bob:Is anything too hard for Elohim, Abraham?
Pastor Bob:And at that time, at the time appointed, I will return unto you according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.
Pastor Bob:And then Sarah denied it, saying, I didn't laugh, for she was afraid.
Pastor Bob:This he already identified himself as Halloween.
Pastor Bob:And she said, no, you did laugh.
Pastor Bob:Now, we're going to stop right there in verse 15, because I want to talk about this a minute.
Pastor Bob:We already established the fact that Sarah was old.
Pastor Bob:Abram was old.
Pastor Bob:And 13 years prior.
Pastor Bob:Well, 12 years at this time, because you got to have, you know, the conception time and all that.
Pastor Bob:So, you know, 12, 13 years have gone by.
Pastor Bob:And, you know, they've had Ishmael.
Pastor Bob:They've kind of given up on everything else.
Pastor Bob:Everything circles around Ishmael.
Pastor Bob:And now here we have the demonstration from the Lord with his angels has said, is anything too hard for Elohim Abram?
Pastor Bob:Why did Sarah laugh?
Pastor Bob:And we get on Sarah.
Pastor Bob:We.
Pastor Bob:We get down hard on Sarah sometimes, okay?
Pastor Bob:Oh, she laughed at the promises of God.
Pastor Bob:And one time I was preaching in, I believe was Abilene, Texas, and it was a.
Pastor Bob:A convention.
Pastor Bob:I was preaching at a convention, and I asked the audience, I said, how many.
Pastor Bob:How many grandmothers we got out there in the audience?
Pastor Bob:And, you know, hands went up all over the place.
Pastor Bob:And I said, okay, now, Grandma, what would you think if after the meeting tonight, you went home and your husband leaned over to you and said, you know, God spoke to me at that convention tonight that we're going to have a baby.
Pastor Bob:You could hear the laughter go through the crowd, right?
Pastor Bob:Because these old ladies, they're like, it's just no way, Jack.
Pastor Bob:And I said, now you just laughed.
Pastor Bob:We get on Sarah for laughing.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:Those shout pastor Bond.
Pastor Bob:Now, when you're preaching good now, praise the Lord, Here we go, right?
Pastor Bob:And it makes sense when you look at it in that vein, right?
Pastor Bob:And so why.
Pastor Bob:Why did we get down on Sarah?
Pastor Bob:Because she laughed.
Pastor Bob:She's like, it's not happening.
Pastor Bob:It's impossible.
Pastor Bob:You know that.
Pastor Bob:That ship has sailed, you know.
Pastor Bob:And now the Lord said, why did Sarah laugh?
Pastor Bob:She's oh, I didn't laugh.
Pastor Bob:I didn't laugh.
Pastor Bob:Oh, you, you did laugh.
Pastor Bob:You did laugh.
Pastor Bob:Is anything too hard for Halloween?
Pastor Bob:And then he turned back and said, at the time appointed, I'm going to return unto you at the time of life.
Pastor Bob:In other words, about nine months from now, I'm going to come back and Sarah will have not just a baby, she will have a son.
Pastor Bob:And that's like I said, when Sarah laughs at oh, who said, oh, you did laugh.
Pastor Bob:And then verse 16, we're going to leave it here and then we'll take it up here again tomorrow is that the men rose up from there and looked towards Sodom.
Pastor Bob:Abram went with them to bring them on their way.
Pastor Bob:So we're going to stop right there.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:Praise God.
Pastor Bob:I hope you got a lot out of this one today because sometimes God's promises just seem too good to be true.
Pastor Bob:If God turned around, told you, by this time next year, money problems are no longer an issue.
Pastor Bob:By this time next year, you're going to have a job that people are going to be envious about.
Pastor Bob:By this time next year, your children who have been wayward, stray word and running from God, one of them is going to be in the ministry, the others are going to be saved and going to church.
Pastor Bob:Whatever the case may be that you're praying about, that you've been deep in prayer about, is anything too hard for Elohim.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:Praise God.
Pastor Bob:We're gonna leave it right there.
Pastor Bob:Drop down the show notes, leave your comments down below.
Pastor Bob:Tell me if you laughed.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:If you laugh, if you know, if you're a senior citizen and you're listening to this and when I mentioned that example, what if the Lord told your husband, by next year we're gonna have another baby.
Pastor Bob:I'm laughing because I know my wife would say to me, so you better get out of here, Jack.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:Praise God.
Pastor Bob:We'll leave it right there.
Pastor Bob:TedX Last Pastor Bob, reminding you to be blessed in all that you do.