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Episode 39: Gratitude | Open-Hearted
Episode 3924th November 2023 • The Meditation Well • Jess Haessly
00:00:00 00:07:51

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Thank you for meditating with me today!

Meditation Script:

Relaxed, supported, and alert, seated or lying down, bring attention to the position of

your body. Notice your shoulders and hips, observing any tension and relaxing

whatever you can. Bring attention to your face, fingers, and toes, observing

any tension and relaxing whatever you can. Inhaling, observe any other tension

you notice in the body. Exhaling, relax, let go whatever you can.

Bring awareness to your mental and emotional space. Watch thoughts and emotions

arrive. What sits with you? What easily passes? Breathe in to notice. Breathe

out to let go whatever you can.

Here, you might choose to place your hands over your chest near your heart space.

Bring to mind the people who have shown you love, shared with you words of

encouragement, given you comfort, whose actions consistently bring you a sense of

peace and ease. Perhaps you can recall here a specific memory of a person and the

actions that showed you they truly cared for you.

Now, bring to mind the people to whom you have shown love, encouraging words,

comfort, where your actions have consistently brought peace and ease to others.

Perhaps you can recall a specific memory where your actions showed kindness and

care to someone in your life.

Notice how it feels to be loved and to give love. Observe your physical space, any

softening of tension as you keep in mind those whom have shown you care and

those to whom you have shown care. Observe your mental space, noticing the

imagination engaged as you recall specific moments of giving and receiving

love. Observe your emotional space, noticing what emotions arrive as you lean

into this feeling of love.

Feel your heartbeat, notice the rhythm. Breathe. Feel your breath moving through your

body as you inhale and exhale. Embracing that deepest place of love and peace

within you, opening your arms wide as your body allows and find a gentle lift

of your chest, feeling a sense of open-heartedness and a love for all life. Say

to yourself, “I am thankful for an open heart. I am thankful for an open heart.

I am thankful for an open heart.” Find a deep breath in, deep breath out.

Move with an open heart into your day. Thank you

for meditating with me. Peace.

Written + Performed by Jessica Haessly




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