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2024 Prophetic Almanac – Bill Jenkins
Episode 14472nd February 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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2024 Prophetic Almanac

Bill Jenkins

Well, 2023 has come and gone. It’s been an “interesting year” to say the least. We’ve seen Christianity attacked in this nation like never before. We’ve seen politicians just, basically, surrendering the sovereignty of this nation. We’ve seen natural disasters on a scale that, some say, has not happened for hundreds, if not a thousand years.

We have Israel at war – and the mounting pressures from nations around the world are continuing to condemn Israel for defending themselves rather than condemning the attackers and the nations supporting the terrorists. Can I add – just like the Bible says will happen? Amen?

But, for believers though, this is not a time of doom and gloom!  Far from it. We are told by Jesus in Luke 21:28 that “When these things begin to take place, look up, for your redemption is drawing near!”  Amen!

With all that is happening, wouldn’t it be nice to have a peek at what is going to happen in the Spirit this year?  It takes someone with a special gift from God to be able to do that without sounding like a soothsayer or a nut job, right! It takes someone anointed by God with this gift to lay things out - in a logical format.  And that is what my guest will do today!

Our guest today is Pastor Bill Jenkins of the Destinyland Christian Center in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Every year, he releases a new book titled, “The Prophetic Almanac.”

If you have ever heard of the “The Farmer’s Almanac,” well the “Prophetic Almanac” is the Spiritual equivalent that will release a spiritual vision for your personal life and - it gives a prophetic forecast for our nation as well. Amen!

Pastor Bill Jenkins is a 1991 graduate from Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas, my old stomping grounds for a few years... He has been in ministry for over 30 years. He also had his own Television Program on the Trinity Broadcasting Network - and has hosted the “Praise the Lord” program a few times as well. Praise God!

He has written numerous books and has become known as a modern day Apostle of God with a prophetic voice. He and his wife, Britain, work extremely hard to release the message of HOPE into our world (and very needful, for such a time as this, I might add). 

Pastor Jenkins takes some of the toughest passages of scripture and explains them in a practical and interesting way. He is quickly becoming the “Go To” guy when it comes to Biblical interpretation. 

He also has had a radio program on “Evangelism Radio” for several years. His program runs Monday through Friday from 10-1030am Eastern Time.

Every year, about this time, I ask Pastor Bill to come back on and share with us his insights from the Word of God as he talks about the new issue of “The Prophetic Almanac” as it relates to the coming year. And that is what we will be talking about today as we leave a very hectic and chaotic 2023 behind and are moving forward into 2024.

Help me welcome back to the program, Pastor Bill Jenkins. Pastor, thank you for taking the time to visit with us today!

I want to jump right into this…

You have gone through all of the Bible and researched all the Chapter 24’s.  What is the Lord showing you that this year is going to be like… I guess a “theme for 2024” – so to speak?

What does 2024 mean for God’s church this year?

Let’s talk a bit about some of the 24’s in your book… “The 2024 Prophetic Almanac…”

Tell us about JOB…

I love Ezekiel… his book was my calling into the ministry…specifically chapters 2 and 3.  But what does Ezekiel share from his 24th chapter that we need to pay attention to this year?

In the New Testament, we have some very important things happening in these 24th chapters. I mean, we can start with Matthew 24 – signs of the End Times, right?

And then there is Luke 24 and the Resurrection…

In Acts 24, you share that we need to be “Spiritual Pests…” Can you explain that for us?

You also recommend we take some time to pray and seek the Lord, especially on the 24th days of every months this year. What are some of the scriptures that led you to say that?

I love the mini-journal you included in the back of the book. You also are encouraging us that this is a year we need to be journaling what God is sharing with us in our thoughts and prayers. Why is that important for this year?

Pastor, this has been so interesting. As we come to the end of your book, the “2024 Prophetic Almanac,” you close with “10 Commandments for 2024.” Can you share those quickly as we get ready to close?

How can someone obtain a copy of your book, “The 2024 Prophetic Almanac?” It’s on Amazon, correct?

How can someone get in touch with you if they have any questions or possibly would like to do an interview with you such as we have today?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, 2024 is already shaping up to be, let’s just say an “interesting year.” Amen!  When Pastor Bill was writing this book, he did not know a lot of the things that are happening right now, but yet, as you go through the book, the Lord  has shown him what we see right now. Amen! 

Pastor Bill has come on this program the last four years running and it is always astounding how accurate his books are. You need to get your hands on this book right now. Just drop down into the show notes below and get your copyand start reading it – right alongside your Bible. Amen. 




BOOK:  “2024 Prophetic Almanac” – on Amazon 

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