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#273: The Unexpected Transformation: How 1 Adventure Can Change Your Life Forever
21st March 2024 • Inspirational & Motivational Stories of Grit, Grace, & Inspiration • Kevin Lowe, Inspirational Speaker & Transformational Coach
00:00:00 00:19:11

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Are you ready to break free from the ordinary and embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery? Join us as we explore the transformative power of adopting an adventure mindset in today's episode!

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In this episode of Grit, Grace, & Inspiration, host Kevin Lowe shares personal insights and experiences to illustrate how embracing adventure can lead to profound personal growth and resilience.

Through inspiring stories and practical tips, Kevin reveals the untapped potential within each of us to live life to the fullest. Discover Kevin's own transformative experience that only happened because he was willing to step outside of what was comfortable, thought to be true, and instead decided to embrace a sense of adventure!

Main Takeaways:

  • Embracing Fear: Discover how facing your fears and stepping into the unknown can pave the way for new opportunities and experiences.
  • Building Resilience: Learn how embracing adventure cultivates resilience, enabling you to bounce back stronger from life's challenges.
  • Living with Purpose: Explore how adopting an adventure mindset can uncover your true passions and lead to a more fulfilling life journey.

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Guided by Faith. Inspired by life itself.

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration



0:00:33 - (Kevin Lowe): So I promise you don't need any hiking boots for today's episode. You darn sure don't need to strap on a parachute, but you do need to come with an open mind to think about life in a little bit different sense and begin to understand how living with an adventure mindset, it can totally change the game. My friend. Let's dive into episode 273. What's up, my friend? And welcome to grit, grace, and inspiration.


0:01:39 - (Kevin Lowe): Inside of today's episode, we are talking about why embracing adventure is so important, even if it's a little bit scary. It's a true transformational experience. Well, I guess I should say it can be a transformational experience if you go into it with the right mindset. I'm going to have you understanding that when we talk about adventure, we're not just talking about stepping into the unknown or jumping out of an airplane.


0:02:45 - (Kevin Lowe): And yet now, oh, my gosh, it totally changes the course of your life. This is important stuff, living with adventure. And that's why I felt like it was time that we explored the idea to help bridge the gap between maybe where you are right now in your life and to where I'm trying to get you. I feel like we need to be sure that we're talking about the same thing when we're speaking about adventure. So let's get some understandings of what exactly I'm talking about when I'm talking about adventure.


0:03:52 - (Kevin Lowe): Again, simply text the word rise to 33 triple seven. Or you can also find the link inside of today's show notes. When I say the word adventure, what do you immediately picture? I think most of us picture some type of rugged outdoor setting. I know for myself, I immediately picture the middle of nowhere. I picture snow capped mountains. I picture woods and whitewater rafting. And, I don't know, maybe skydiving.


0:04:56 - (Kevin Lowe): And of course, it helps us to overcome fears and think creatively. That is what I found as what some people are saying adventure is because for me, adventure, well, it takes on a different meaning. Adventure to me is not just about stepping outside of what is comfortable. It's not just about going out and doing something crazy. No. It's about you choosing to live life to the fullest. It's about embracing every day, every opportunity with open arms.


0:06:09 - (Kevin Lowe): Number one reason, it's fear. It's fear of the unknown. It's fear of failure. It's fear of the what if scenario. You could basically say it's risking what is comfortable for what is potentially there. It's a risk that we take, and it's a risk that many people aren't willing to take. They would rather stay the same. They would rather stay with what is comfortable than to dare test the waters into something new.


0:07:21 - (Kevin Lowe): Or if the fear of failure is keeping you from moving forward, I want you to stop and I want you to realize the failure. It's okay. It's part of the process. It's another stepping stone to get you to where you want to be. Now, let's talk about the transformational impact of adventure. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, adventure. Adventure mindset. It can truly change the game for your life. Every adventure, big or small, it has the potential to evoke change in your life.


0:08:34 - (Kevin Lowe): If you start living with a little bit more sense of adventure, I guarantee you that you're going to start to see things about you that you didn't realize. Or maybe you realized, but you've just put it on the back burner because, well, like I said, you'd rather just stay with what is comfortable, what is routine. And I get it. That's okay. But this podcast is here to push the envelope. It's here to have you thinking about life from a different perspective.


0:09:42 - (Kevin Lowe): His name is Brian Bushway. And on the third day of our training, I saw through sound. I began the process of retraining my brain's visual cortex to see through sound. I, my friend, could see again, just in a whole new crazy way. But here's what I didn't realize. I thought I was simply setting off on this adventure to learn this skill, to be able to see through sound like a bat or a dolphin. What I didn't expect was the transformation that would take place in my life.


0:11:03 - (Kevin Lowe): And it's a darn sure a whole lot better than my world. Before learning how to use echolocation again, I set off on an adventure, expecting one thing, and what came out of it was a lifetime of benefit, something that I had no idea about. That's where I'm encouraging you, too, to set off on your own adventure, in whatever shape or form that looks like. Now, I understand if you are new to the podcast and you haven't heard me talk about echolocation, and you're kind of intrigued, wanting to learn more.


0:12:22 - (Kevin Lowe): Maybe it's you setting off on the adventure of maybe starting your own business, doing your own thing, or maybe it's you opening your heart to love again. It's you choosing to love yourself for you choosing to put yourself first. For you choosing to make the hard decisions that you know, though, are the best for you. Adventure. It comes in so many different shapes and sizes, but all the while, it's adventure.


0:13:29 - (Kevin Lowe): I want you to remember to start small. Adventure. It doesn't mean that you jump right out and start scaling to the top of Mount Everest. No, I want you to think of it as a trial run, testing something out, trying a new hobby, putting on a pair of roller blades. I don't even know. Do they even still make rollerblades? Maybe not. I'm sure that's not the cool kid thing anymore. But whatever it is that you want to do that you're the least bit intrigued by, but yet maybe you don't do because you're scared.


0:14:32 - (Kevin Lowe): Just do it. That's what Nike says, isn't it? Let's embrace that type of mindset. My second tip or piece of advice, however you want to look at it, is for you to be curious. Yes, I am talking about you cultivating a sense of curiosity, and that means asking questions, looking up answers to stuff that you want to know. It's you continually learning. It's honestly the compass to you embracing adventure because you're curious about stuff.


0:15:37 - (Kevin Lowe): Well, that's okay, because every time you do fall, every time you're not so good at it. Well, that helps to build your character. It helps to make you a little bit more resilient. It helps to make you a little bit tougher, a little bit more eager to be sure that you crush it next time you give it a try. I want you to gain the confidence that you can tackle big things and bigger things each time you give it a try.


0:16:39 - (Kevin Lowe): Well, find some groups, some clubs that are people wanting to do the same thing. It's so much easier for us to do something uncomfortable when we're with other people who are also doing something uncomfortable. It's like that theory of a rising tide lifts all boats. Same deal with this. So get involved with a group of people and see where that takes you. My friend, here's the thing I want you to realize.


0:17:47 - (Kevin Lowe): It seems like the older I get. And so I'm here to encourage you that if you have the opportunity to get out there and do something, then, baby, do it. It's the age old thing of you don't want to sit it out. No. You want to dance. Dance the dance the dance with life, the dance with adventure. And with that, my friend, I want to thank you. Thank you for being here today, embarking on this sense of adventure.




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