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62. Flower Essences: The Magic Elixir of Healing, Joy, and Transformation
Episode 6317th October 2023 • Mind Power Meets Mystic • Cinthia Varkevisser & Michelle Walters
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In this episode of "Mind Power Meets Mystic," co-hosts Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters welcome guest Allison Amick, a practitioner who specializes in flower essences. They explore the world of flower essences, discussing their creation and how they differ from essential oils. Allison explains the vibrational imprint of plants and how these essences can support individuals, animals, and spaces in various ways. They also share stories of how flower essences have helped clients with physical and emotional issues. Allison highlights the importance of being ready to show up for oneself and the transformative power of these gentle remedies. While Allison may be a well-kept secret in the field, her work offers support to those who are truly ready to embrace self-improvement.

Allison can be reached through her website at The Sage Dragon

Michelle Walters can be found at

Cinthia Varkevisser can be found at


Hi, we're Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters, co-hosts of Mind Power Meets Mystic.

Our weekly show is here to expand your mind to what's possible, to uplift your spirits,

to move forward with confidence and joy, and to create a space for your collaboration with

the invisible.

Welcome to Mind Power Meets Mystic!

Hey, hey, hey, you're listening to Mind Power Meets Mystic with my pal, Michelle Walters,

Ms. Mind Power and me, Cinthia Varkevisser, are the Mystic.

Today we have someone very near and dear to my heart.

Her name is Alison Amick and she is quite the alchemist.

She works with people, pets, spaces, places, using a, oh my God, I almost said the naughty

word essential oils.

She works with flower essences and provides really amazing, gentle information for people

to go and create better living situations for themselves, their environment, and those

that they love of any legged creatures, right? All right, so

Allison, thank you for coming.

Thanks for having me.

So before we get started on any other questions, we had this

great conversation a long time ago when you first started

working with flower essences. And that's when I started getting

into essential oils. And it was a great convo. And I said, yeah,

Allison pretty much like shits on essential oils.

And today when we went over it, she said,

I did not do that.

And I said, no, but you said, in essential oils,

they crushed this many plants to get this many drops.

Where flower essences, and now I want you to finish

the phrase because I'd love for people to know more

about flower essences, how they're created,

and why they're so amazing.

Sure. So flower essences, unlike essential oils, which are

multiple pounds of plant material condensed into drop

form, right, they're super concentrated, and they're really

what do I want to say, there's a lot of energy in a single drop

and people forget about that. So it is kind of a pet peeve of

mine that that they're they're used in a way that doesn't

respect that. Flower essences, and you might also hear the term of environmental essences,

gem elixirs, gem essences, I kind of lump them all under the category of flower essences.

They're all made in a similar way. Basically, they're the vibrational imprint of the energy

of the plant, the gem, the environment, into water that's then preserved in a combination

of water and traditionally brandy.

Some people use vinegar.

I personally don't like vinegar.

I'm a fan of the brandy.

It holds up longer.

So the preservative quality of that is greater.

And what else do I want to say about that?

And then for people who are sensitive to that,

you can put it in hot water

and evaporate the alcohol off.

But so they basically come in a bottle,

kind of like this, depending on which brand you're buying

and the size of the bottle.

And they'll last for a really long time.

And if you're buying the stock essence

from the manufacturer or from somebody who sells them,

you can dilute it one step further.

So they're basically three steps of dilution.

There's the mother product when you make it.

There's the stock bottle that is sold by the manufacturers.

And then there's a dosage bottle level.

So that's what people get from me

when they have a session for me,

because I'll combine a number of different essences

into one bottle.

So it becomes an alchemical formula

as opposed to just the single essence.

So I don't know what else you want me to say

about the actual kind of background of how they're made,

but I could go into more of that if you want or go on.

- It was just for people to really understand.

When I was talking to you, a bunch of different people,

and I was excited that I got your yes

for you to be on the podcast,

A lot of, I would say almost all of those people

that I spoke with didn't really know about flour essences

because essential oils, especially since doTERRA came around,

everybody's like, they don't even talk about essential oils

anymore, it's the doTERRA, right?

So not that doTERRA, but you know what I'm talking about.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And yeah, so that's an interesting thing.

Although a lot of people know about rescue remedies.

That's probably the most well-known

of the flower essences that are out there.

I was originally created by Dr. Edward Bach many,

many years ago.

And it's, I definitely keep it around.

I actually have a bottle of five flower formula.

It's made by a different manufacturer,

but the same essences are in there that Bach used

and he was trained by Bach.

It just, I liked the feeling of this better.

Anyway, a lot of people know that,

especially people who have pets,

a lot of veterinarian offices will have it in their office

to give to the animals while they're in there,

especially if they start to get agitated,

that kind of thing.

So I do find a lot of people are familiar with that

and that's as far as they go.

- Right, right.

'Cause they don't care.

They just wanna get better.

That's interesting. - Yeah, exactly.

- Right?

I find that so interesting about a lot of people.

I get hung up, Michelle doesn't

because Michelle's like kind of awesome this way,

but I get hung up on, they have to know

that I'm using intuition and people don't care.

They wanna get better.

They wanna feel better and they wanna feel better.

- I always think of with essences,

like having a headache is a great example, right?

You having a headache,

you probably want some aspirin or Advil

or whatever is the thing that you like to take

for your headaches.

But if you wanna know why you get chronic headaches

and what's the pattern behind it,

I like flower essences because I feel like they will help

to bring you the combination of whatever

comes up for somebody and it's different for everybody.

That allows you insight into what's happening for you.

What's the pattern behind this?

What are you thinking behind this?

What are the emotions that go with that?

And give you the support to help change the pattern.

So maybe you don't have to have chronic headaches anymore.

- Right, right.

- So Alison, so the flower essences are good for headaches

and I guess sort of pet remedies and that sort of a thing.

What range of things do, I don't know much about them.

What range of things do.

- Yeah, there is probably an essence in some form

or another that covers the spectrum of every single thing,

everything that you could have going on.

I work intuitively with people.

So if you came to me and you said,

"Hey, I've got this thing going on."

what can I need some support?

And I always think of flower essences

as just providing that really nice general support

for whatever you've got going on

that you want to shift and change in your life.

And so I will listen to whatever information

you want to give me.

And I listen both with my ears and on an intuitive level.

And a lot of times when somebody has some more physical

thing going on for them,

I will also be listening to their body at the same time.

in that same intuitive way.

And let them kind of tell me what the essences are

that really work for them.

And as an example, fear, there are probably,

probably have 15 different essences that speak to fear

in some form or another, maybe more than that.

And the same ones are not gonna be applicable

across the board to people.

And sometimes what's really behind the fear

something else. And so I love to be surprised. And I love when my mind goes, "Oh, they're going

to need X, Y, and Z." And it comes back, they don't need any of those things. They need something else

entirely. And I'm like, "Yeah, okay, great. Mind, you were wrong and yay me, I listened."

So I love to be surprised with that. And I love when people start to listen to the story that the

the essences have to tell them.

And I can feel them change and shift

while we're on the phone.

Sometimes you just, like, you know,

you're so invested in the story,

whatever the story is, and we all do it.

You don't know what else is going on.

- Yeah.

- So.

- My favorite flower essence,

Allison, I'll call, so I don't know if I've told you this,

but Michelle, but Allison is a person that keeps me out of the

rant stage. So I call it an asshole check. And what I do is

before I even say how before when as soon as Allison says

hello, I'll say asshole check. And then what I do is I I tell

her what's going on. And then she will tell me whether or not

I'm being a jerk, or if she can help me spin out of it. Otherwise,

stay in that really angry place, right? And she'll always send me some kind of lovely gift. The one

that was my favorite was grief. I can't remember what it was called, but it was after my mom had

passed. And she had been gone for a little while, I think. And it was-

You called me and she had a lot to say while we were on the phone.

I think that you know what you called me. Oh, that was yours. You called me and you

said, Hey, your mom says hi, she wants to know why you're not talking to her. Right?

Yeah, so she did that. And then and then Allison and it was great. It brought me to tears because

she talked about how proud, how proud my mom was of me, which we never really talked about,

you know, it was a generational thing and an Asian thing. And it was really lovely.

And then up comes a gift for grief.

I think it was called--

It was just grief support.

Yeah, and it was--

it's my favorite.

It's my favorite thing.

I still use it because there's--

I can not call it grief.

I can call it whatever, but it's still an uplifter.

And it's really lovely.


And you know I don't talk like that, Michelle.

No, no, you don't.


I was like, ooh, ooh, ooh.

But yeah, this one's like, oh, that was really sweet and really lovely and nice and gentle.

Yeah, it is all of those things. And that particular formula I created with Mary Argo,

who's an amazing animal communicator. And it started as a formula for her clients when they

would, you know, lose a pet because that's such a big experience for people, as is losing a person.

So it started from that and we really tried to include essences that would cover all the different

aspects of grief. And I think grief is an interesting thing. You know, I think that

grief resolves itself in kind of a spiral thing and anytime something comes up that brings you back

to this kind of grief that's still present in your life, I think it brings back all the other

unresolved kind of pieces of grief that go with that. So I think each opportunity something comes

up like that is an opportunity to kind of clear out what else is there that's ready to go.

Yeah. And it's different for everybody and definitely doesn't resolve in linear time.

Oh, amen to that. Yeah. Yeah. So that is actually probably the combination I send out to people the

most frequently is the grief support formula, because I have a number of animal communicator

friends. And whenever their clients run into that kind of

thing, they always tell them to call me. So I send a lot of that

out to people. And we often will send it out to gifts of clients

and things like that. So that one, that one comes up a lot.

I want to remind all of our listeners at this point that

they are listening to Mind Power Meets Mystic with me, Michelle

Walters and my podcast co host Cynthia Varkvisser. Today we are

talking to Allison Amick, who is an expert in flower essences. So people, we really want to

hear from you. We do not have as many readings and reviews as we are due, frankly. And this is all

something that you, our listeners, can easily take care of for us. All you need to do is pause the

podcast and give us some stars, give us some words of what you love, what you want to see us do.

and we would absolutely love to hear from you.

So please, it will help our ratings.

If you send us a rating and review,

it will help us go up and get a bigger audience.

And we would also love it if you would tell a friend.

So that's me with our little mid-show ad.

Now back to Cynthia and Alison.

- Actually, I'm so glad that you did that, Michelle,

because I was getting ready to go in

and now I'm going to force it,

is I would like to gift Michelle some of your grief support. So if you wouldn't mind sending

sending some over. Yeah, you'll just send the send me the address. Yeah. As a matter of fact,

as soon as this shows over Michelle, if you wouldn't mind just chat, you know, throwing it in the chat.

This stuff is amazing. And I'm the type of person I usually share all my stuff. This one I won't share.

This is one of the few things I don't share and it's and I think it's because it's I use it as like my

I use it like rescue remedy. So when I get to that place and I remember that's the stuff I use


Well, it's an interesting thing. Cynthia that is very very sweet and I appreciate it. I can't wait to try it. Yeah, you'll love it

And I I think that any aspect of change has an element of grief in it

true to that. Yeah, so I you know, even when you're excited about the change, there's always

an element of grief. Yeah, that's completely agree. And I've seen enough change for a lifetime

in the last two or three years. So yeah, yeah, that is the truth. Yeah. Here's a so here's what

I'd love to share with our audience is I really believe that the shortest distance is not always

a straight line, right? And Alison's, Alison's journey to this place has been kind of amazing.

And in so many different areas, and I'm pretty sure you incorporate, I don't know if you

incorporate your yoga, but, but she incorporates a lot of a lot of her stuff, but her interests are

many. And so her path has been varied. I will tell you that

Allison was an Ayyengar yoga instructor, which to me, is the

meanest of all the yogas. So I love, I love yogas, except for

Ayyengar yoga.

That's hysterical. I think the biggest thing I took away from,

from having that yoga practice was an awareness of my own body and where I was in time and space.

That was really a pivotal thing for me and I don't I wouldn't say that the yoga influences the

flower essence work I do so much as it does the medical intuition work that I do.

But I suppose it does when I'm listening to somebody's body want to give them whatever

essences to help them with whatever is going on. It definitely informs that greater awareness of

what the body has to say. Yeah, makes sense. Yeah. But it certainly was not a straight path

for me getting to flower essences. And I don't know if you remember, but years and years ago,

when we were in that kind of essential oil sort of experimentation, there was a really great book

we had on different things to put in the bath. Yeah, yeah, magic. Yeah, I do too.

I used to yeah and there was a bath in there for letting go and it involved using the walnut

flower essence. Yes. Yes and so that was kind of like the the bringing the essences into my

awareness and then years later when I worked with an animal communicator for one of my cats who I

was having big problems with she said you know here go get these five flower essences for him.

I got on the website, I'm like five for him, 30 for me.

And then it snowballed from there.

But I mean, immediately, once I realized

there were so many things and so many,

just the variation of essences and where they came from

and what they were about and how they found them

and all of that, I was hooked.

So pretty shortly thereafter,

I think I took a class from an animal communicator who I took

animal communication classes with, taught a flower essence

class. And then one of the little stores down in Monterey

that used to sell flower essences and essential oil.

They were closing and I bought out all their flower essence

ent. So I think that was like:

something. And now I think I have over 1000 on my shelf.

I want to hear a story about a particular client who came to you with some kind of a

problem that you dramatically helped with flower essences.

And I guess the client could be a person or it could be a pet or a space, I guess.

Somebody I was talking to recently who was really having, they're having some physical

health issues, their house, they couldn't stand to be in their house.

And they had all kinds of kind of EMF mitigation things that they had brought, were working

with on all of this.

And in the course of the conversation about their space and their body and all the things

that were happening, there were a number of essences that came in that really worked to

help give her some kind of piece, a buffer between all of the information in terms of,

you know, EMFs and everything else that was bombarding her system, really helped to work

with giving her some kind of peace and space in that. And then from there, she's been able

to do some other things. Now that she has a little breathing room in that way. I worked

with a number of animals who have big kind of reactions to, you know, different situations,

whether it's a lot of people or other dogs,

that we've been able to really work with what's going on

behind the scenes for the dog

and get them in a place where they can start to respond

instead of react to what's going on.

And one of the people I've been working with recently

with that has been able to take her dog for trips in the car

without her dog wanting to lunge at any dog

she sees on the street or in another car next to them,

that kind of thing.

I had a good friend of mine whose dog would get such severe separation anxiety that he

would chew on the floorboards when her husband was away at work.

Then we were able to dial that way, way, way back.

So while he didn't like it with that her husband was gone, he wasn't chewing the floorboards


I think everybody comes with their own thing

that really speaks to them

with what they need support with.

And sometimes it's just,

I gotta sit in a place of I don't know right now,

how do I do that?

And sitting in a place of I don't know is hard.


'Cause we all want action.

Yeah, but sometimes, you know, there's an ebb and a flow.

Sit in the ebb to have the flow.

So it's hard to speak too specifically

'cause you know, I don't wanna, you know,

break the privacy.

- Oh, of course, of course.

But that's helpful.

Your story was helpful, thank you.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, I mean, for me, the first, you know,

what I was working with with the cat

that I was having such a hard time was,

was peeing on the bed and then he would pee on me. So, you know, we looked at, you know, what's gonna,

you know, he had some physical issues also that, you know, we resolved in other different ways,

but it was, you know, how to get him to a place where he could accept the other cat in the house

and even though he, I don't think he ever really was too happy with her, he could at least tolerate her.

where she just wanted, you know, she was young and she just wanted to be all over him and he was old

and he didn't want a part of that. Yeah, that's a story. A story that's as old as time. Right.

Exactly. You young whippersnapper, get out of here. Yeah. So hey, Allie Cat. One last thing.

I told Michelle and I'm going to tell the audience that you are pretty much, or maybe I did say it

and I forgot because I'm at that age, that you are one of those best kept secrets because you don't

advertise like others do with social media and things like that. You don't go to fairs or

festivals to talk about your product or your elixirs or to do things like that. This is your

very first podcast. And thank you so much for indulging us. And so since you know, we usually

say to everybody, you know, as we're getting ready to close, hey, you know, what you got coming up.

So since you don't have that, I would love to hear who do you love working with?

I like working with anybody who's ready to show up and do the work they need to do for themselves.

And I think that's one of the reasons why I don't really advertise. And I actually,

I will have people want to give gift certificates to their friends for things. And I find that,

you know, when somebody's ready for the kind of work that we do together, they show up and they

find me. But if they're not ready to do that work, I'm not the right person to work with. And

And generally those people either don't end up calling

to use their gift certificate or they kind of do

and they walk away not really sure what to do with it

because they just aren't in that place yet.

But I think when people are,

somebody will end up connecting them with me.

And so I love most people that are ready

to show up for themselves.

And it's not always easy,

but just the desire to show up for yourself.

- That sounds good and it's not, it's simple,

but usually it's the simplest things that

take the most amount of, it's not effort,

a lot of digging.

- Well, and I think that's where we most meet our resistance.

Like, I really wanna show up for myself and,

oh, well, when we get to this part, no, no,

I'm not gonna do that.

I'm not ready for that.

You know, so yeah showing up for yourself means meeting your resistance.

Thank you so much Allison for being able to mind power meets mystic today.

Cynthia and I had a great time talking with you and I'm very excited to learn more and to try out the flower essences.

They sound like things.

I'm excited to send them to you.

Bye bye.


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