Taking a look under the hood in what is considered one of the least adoptive crypto markets, the continent of Africa. Chain Afrik share his journey as a crypto evangelist and early adopter. Covering areas that are set to take off with high adoption and how tech advocacy is changing the way local tech developers are shifting to Web 3, this episode features some insightful understanding. Prepare to boost your interest in the Web3 Africa landscape, with Chain Afrik and his team.
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Africa BlockChained - Altcoin Daddy
JP (Host)
Altcoin Daddy (Founder of Chain Afrik)
Okay. Well, ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Welcome to this episode of diving into crypto. This is JP from AdLunam Inc. bringing you everything about web3 on this show. Today, we have a special guest who is going to show us a spotlight into a location that most of us have not associated with crypto. But today we're going to get a complete idea about the landscape and what is happening on the African continent when it comes to crypto. So I hope that excites you. Before we begin, of course, ladies and gentlemen, I want to share with you a few hygiene announcements. The first one is all views expressed on this program belong to that of the speaker and is meant for education purposes only, not to be considered as financial advice. That being said, put your hands together, give us a reaction and a loud cheer as welcome the founder of Chain Afrik.
Altcoin daddy.
Say hi.
Altcoin daddy
Guys. Hi, guys. How's everyone doing here?
Hi. I'm really pumped to have you on the show. Thank you so much for being here and agreeing to be here, and especially being in a position to talk about this. I'm going to let him introduce himself more in depth. But our speaker today is a financial market trader, a blockchain developer, and is, of course, the founder of Chain Afrik. If you don't know what it's about, Chain Afrik is a community of blockchain enthusiasts dedicated to promoting blockchain and web3 adoption in Africa. So once again, Altcoin daddy, I'm going to ask you to briefly introduce yourself and then we can get started. Go for it.
Altcoin daddy
Okay. Good afternoon, everyone. Good evening. Good morning. Which part of the world are you connecting from? I want to say very big thank you to the organizer of this twitter space, like, out of the little I know for giving me the opportunity to actually share the little I know. So it's actually a great and a wonderful privilege to be I'm really happy and so excited to be in your midst this afternoon because it's afternoon over here. All right, I will start by saying my name is Carlo Afia, popularly known as Altcoin daddy. I'm a financial market trader, a blockchain developer, a community founder, and whichever thing you can actually think of maybe as the space goes on to get, like, answer more questions and the rest.
Awesome. Great.
Altcoin daddy
So I think the question that's there for most of us is what got you into web3? I mean, what was that moment at which you thought, web3 is the space to be for me?
Altcoin daddy
t to know about crypto around:04:06
Altcoin daddy
And not only knowing about blockchain, but you need to understand the blockchain infrastructures, what you can really do with blockchain. At that point, I started making research about blockchain. That was when I found out the original definition of a blockchain. That I told most of my fans that the blockchain was just a storage device, even if it was more than a storage device. But to break it down for a layman like it's a storage device in which you can store a whole lot of information. You understand? So somebody thought about it and said, since this is storage device, let me deposit bitcoin on it. And today we have bitcoin. And a whole lot of people also thought about it. Since it's a storage device, let's start depositing artworks and the rest. Today we have NFTs, a lot of people thought about it as well. Talk about game, today we have blockchain games and the rest of them.
Altcoin daddy
Now, both those things, actually, you can't just start doing them without knowing where to start from. So it was at that point that I was like, okay, let me see that. Web2 was not really different from web3, you understand? So you don't need to start learning a whole new law of concept, a whole new law of stuff for you to get into web3, right? You just need to have a shift. I call it a shift. So you just need to start thinking towards the blockchain area. So if you're already writing code in web2, you can actually transition. That was when I got to find out that if you're already writing python, if you're already writing code in python, you can actually build for the Algorand blockchain. If you're writing in Rust, you can also build for the Solana blockchain. So that was when we started making movements, started pushing for web2 developers to transition themselves.
Altcoin daddy
Like this key you have already in web2 to just bring it to web3 and see how it's going to function. So that was I found myself there, and I found out like, okay, you talking to your friends alone or people who are around you cannot really get to the stage where you want to be to you can't do this on your own. So that was when Africa like starting with the African people telling them, okay, this is how it is. You can always leverage this and that. Since then it has always been cool. We've been doing very well, been doing so fine so that I found myself into Web3. Okay.
I like the fact that you focused on the simplicity and also touched a little about how that from a user perspective, the utility is almost the same whether it's web2 or web3. But as a developer, then you begin to understand that it's just a nudge. And you can make that shift from a web2 mindset to a web3 mindset when it comes to developing for web3 as a whole, yeah, that's just, it awesome. Okay. But that being said, I understand that you got into the journey that way and that's what you shared with us. But I'm really curious to understand what gets you passionate about Web3. And when I say web3, of course that includes maybe the development, it may be crypto, the entire spectrum. What gets you passionate about web3?
Altcoin daddy
Okay. For me, right from time, it has always been technology. For me, even if I read politics and administration in school, you understand. So I've always wanted to look for a way to make an impact, right? And I always have this massive shift or this curiosity in me that okay. I think when people start talking about a new technology, it's always good, and you go check it out for yourself. And so that when people are saying, like when people are talking about it, you don't just start looking, you still have a whole lot of things to contribute. That's why before I became a Web2 developer, I already know how about so many programming language function, if no more than ten. I know what you can do with them, I know what you can actually do know most of the synthetics and the rest of so it was like that for me, web3.
Altcoin daddy
But when I actually got to see, oh, there is more to blockchain, I was like, okay, let me just remain here and see what I can actually do for myself and see what I can do for my community. And so far, so good. The journey has actually been good. That is just one thing that has kept me there. Building new stuff, discovering new stuff every day and making changes in the community as well. Not only building stops, but building things that can actually solve people's problem, right? That's why sometimes we get some products, they are only community driven, right, without solving a specific problem. So to me, you discover a problem, then you get to build a solution that will solve that particular problem. So to me, it's just all about building solutions that will solve real life problem so that's it has been and that's what I've been working on.
Altcoin daddy
So far, so good.
Okay. All right. So it's really just about that practical solution that solves a life problem, as you've said. That's one of the key aspects. That's what makes you passionate about Web3.
Altcoin daddy
Yeah, definitely.
All right, so I'm curious to understand then, do you find more people around you sharing that same kind of passion? Because as an advocate for Web3 on certainly a large landscape. Paint us a picture of what that looks like from your eyes.
Altcoin daddy
Well, looking at the kind of environment I'm from Africa, right? And sometimes you get to see most Africans are not really interested in development, right? They're not really interested in development. Some of us, we just want to trade the cryptocurrency, you understand, which is just one product of the blockchain, right? We just want to flip, make money and all of that. So you get to see in the long run, you get to see a whole lot of people losing money and all of that, and they get to complain. Reason being that they don't have a clear knowledge or they don't really understand what the blockchain is all about. So to me, I try to talk to key traders, you understand we've been trading for years. You understand we know how to buy and sell. Why not just let's do a particular thing? Let's just have one common goal, which is we can always drive traders to become more holders.
Altcoin daddy
If what this particular person is building makes a whole lot of sense, right, thereby making us to reduce a whole lot of dump like people. If you have faith in what you're building, if you have faith in what you're holding, just like it’s, for example, I'm not promoting any products, right? So if you actually get to look at the whole Ithai ecosystem, you get to find out, I can do a whole lot of things there, do you understand? And in the long run, people are going to pay gas fees and all of that. People are still going to deploy smart contract on the blockchain. So you understand, oh, this particular stuff have potential. So what I do, I just talk to people around me. Okay, let's keep you white. While I'm spreading this particular blockchain gospel in my community, you also take part of this gospel out there, talk to people, and so far, so good.
Altcoin daddy
That is how we've been able to build a very large community. So just tell a friend to tell a friend that the narrative is changing. This is not what it is anymore. We have a new stuff on ground. That is how it has been so far.
Wow, that seems interesting. And I can totally relate to the pain of having to start a community from the ground up, having to deal with the first aspect of awareness, then education, then the handholding, and then developing champions and going on. But before we dive a little more into that. I would really like to get an understanding. If you were to put to describe the vibe of this community in Africa, of the groups that you advocate with, the people that you interact with, what would you say that vibe is like? Would you say that there's a lot of interest, there's still a long way to go, how would you describe it?
Altcoin daddy
Okay, let me just tell you a little story how this community was found and then I'll tell you about the vibe, how we relate with the African people. At first, setting up the community was naturally a huge challenge for me because I've served Binance as a campus ambassador. I've also worked for Binance Marching as a community manager. I've worked for Diagonal, so virtually worked for plenty of projects, right? So setting up a community was not the problem, but the problem managing the people was not a problem to me, but the problem was like okay, you have a common vision, we have a common goal. We are looking out for that which is crypto adoption in Africa. And this crypto adoption is channeled towards just trading. And you are bringing a whole lot of new vision, which is you want to make people see the blockchain in a different way, maybe trying to grow a group of programmers, maybe try to grow a group of content writers in the blockchain space.
Altcoin daddy
So it was not an easy one. Like trying to convey that message to people, understand? So I had to look for a way to actually do that. So first of all, we started by writing articles on medium, you understand? By writing articles, talking to people about crypto as well and if you are picking interest, just tell them okay, why not go check out this article about smart contracts, you understand? So when they go there like oh, this article is actually making sense, I don't really understand this part. Be like this is what you just need to do. So along the line people started saying okay, people started telling people if you actually need a community that talks about blockchain development, whichever thing you want to do in the blockchain space, I think you should check out Chain Afrik. These guys are writing amazing stuff on medium and we also hold on Twitter spaces every weekend to tell people okay, this is what we've been doing so far, this is how we've gone.
Altcoin daddy
Sometimes we invite projects to come, tell us about what they are building, how they built it, so people get to pick interest. So whenever I want to do a new stuff, people are always on their toe like oh wow, these guys are actually good, I think we need to go check out what they are doing. So everyone is always excited when it comes to this development store. Reason being that it's not rare, right? It's very rare. Yeah, it's very rare for you to see a whole lot of people talking about development like they don't talk about trading. So that was how people picked interest. And even if we try to organize a whole lot of stuff, they will always come because if you owe one or two things to be learned, so far so good. Something that is actually different from what other people are preaching.
Altcoin daddy
So that's just the vibe. People buying the idea, people like the idea and the rest of them.
Okay, so there is an amount of interest and you can see that community is growing. Obviously with your background, you've been able to gauge that, nurture that, and develop that into something that we're hopeful is going to spread much faster, much larger there, right? In the continent, definitely. Okay, all right, great. So when it comes to rallying people around to make a community and I think this may be a great question, considering that you have a background being a community manager as well, to make a strong community, to get people that are committed. And I like that you referenced it to say that. Think of it as you take this gospel and spread it in the term that you mean, what would a strong community or rather, what do those strong champions, those strong leaders who will advocate the community further right? What does that look like to you?
Altcoin daddy
Well, to me it's actually a very big challenge, right? But it's something you can always conquer if you know how to play your game, right? Do you understand? So the thing is, this actually how I dealt with a particular challenger. I was not actually looking for a whole group of people, right? To me, it's just all about positive results, right? Let's see if I have about five people out of 100 who are okay with my vision and they are good to work with me, it's okay by me. Fine. Do you understand? Because they understand. They know what to do at the right time. So first of all, I needed to get people around me, like people who also have knowledge about what I'm doing, telling them to handle a specific role for me. Because I can't do that. I can't do everything. So first of all, I had to get people around me who could do one or two stops for me if I'm not around, who could talk to people about this stuff.
Altcoin daddy
So I make sure when I get these people, if they are up to ten or five, just look for the people who are showing commitment. And I have to work with them, dedicate functions and duties to them. They know what to do when I'm not around. So now it's more easier when you're not around. They keep the community moving. So it's more easier when you have ten people who are directly in contact with you. They can always talk to five people outside. And if they are talking to five people, they can convince one to come and join. So if you see when you go around, you might actually see, okay, like six or seven people are already interested in what you're doing, and they always want to come and join you. So, first of all, to me, I think what everyone should be looking out for if you want to have a successful community or if you have any challenge in managing your community just for you to build up people.
Altcoin daddy
Around you, people who have same mind, people have interest in what you're doing, people who can always push your vision for you even if you're not around, and get to see how you can marry the host of just give them functions and definitely the community start growing like that.
Okay, so this does seem to be an interesting journey you've undertaken, because not many people would I mean, people would often just talk to the people around them, right? But you're in a unique position where you've had the experience before. This is something you're doing on the ground at this point. I'd really like to know, and I'm certain our listeners would as well, is when you are doing this, while you're in your outreach, what are some of the unique things that you find have been successful? And also, are there some stories you'd like to share with us about that journey? They could be successful ones. There could be ones that didn't go as planned, and feel free to share that.
Altcoin daddy
Okay? Right. Actually, very cool. Interesting one. I think this would be the second time actually sharing the story about Chain Afrik, right, to a whole number of people. Now, some persons who ask me, do you make money from Chain Afrik? The answer is no. Do you like what you're doing? The answer is yes. So sometimes people be like, okay, you spend personal money in getting graphics, talking to people. Sometimes when people call you to come and speak in an event, you pay your way through there and just go to talk and come back. Like all this stuff, I was like, okay, majorly. I've actually been working for people right from the time I was on Web2. I've been working for people, helping people build their businesses and all of that, you understand, but not this kind of person who I don't like being controlled because I don't control people, and I don't like working for people, and I don't like people working for me.
Altcoin daddy
People only work with me. So I was like, okay, cool. If I don't want all these things and all of that. I think the last job I did was a Binance matching. So I was like, okay, let me just look for a way and start off a community. Since I have this queue, instead of going back to trading and just staying there, let me just get something to keep me busy before getting a very cool position. If I want to work again, too. Chain Afrik was just more like a group of friends coming together to say, okay, let's just have this. Come on, go and push, and all of that. And so far, so good. The journey has been amazing, but very challenging, right? Because at first, even sometimes the first time we held our Twitter spaces, we actually had five people on that call.
Altcoin daddy
Do you understand? So it was very discouraging. And sometimes when we get to write articles, people don't get to read. Still very challenging. And at the point, I was like, okay, let me just put this whole stuff behind. Let me focus on my trading career, because I see, okay, instead of putting more time in this stuff, let me just be trading. But it was a funny thing. People never knew me as a trader. Even if I was actively trading, then they just know me as this Web3 guy who talks about technology. I don't really share charts, you understand? But even if I've trained a whole lot of people in trading, I don't share chart. I don't talk about trading. Like, that's why I was like, okay, wow. Going back to trading and aligning this community to die actually be a very big problem because definitely I will actually come back to beauty.
Altcoin daddy
And Chain Afrik is not the only brand I've founded before, you understand? I've had other brands, like how I trade when I was trading, I've had some other Web2 brand that help people to build Web2 apps. So maybe you don't really know how to program, but you do the business of programming. So then I said it was not profitable. I just had to shut down. But this particular one, so far, so good. Sometimes I get like sometimes I don't even have the interest to do anything. Like, I don't have interest to do anything. So it's always challenging. But sometimes when I look at my progress, so far so good, I like to just smile. That's why I say it has been an amazing journey. It has been a challenging one. Because a point, you just need to fix your team right at the point, just need to see, okay, no one is connecting anymore at the point, just need to sit down and say, okay, which other approach do you want to take to make people do this?
Altcoin daddy
So every day it's all about thinking for me to see, oh, this community is successful. I know we're not here where we want to be, but we are no longer where we used to because we're growing and we getting some international recognition and all of that. So that is just even in the aspect of funding, I make sure it's my personal money to fund the community and see how it's going.
Well, hats off to you for that, because that certainly is commitment. It takes a lot to be committed to a cause it becomes easier, of course, if you have funding, but to self-fund it just for the passion of doing it, hats off to you.
Altcoin daddy
Yeah, sure.
That's just seriously, hats off to you. It's not easy to build a community and to do it by yourself to outreach like that, really this is something admirable. I'm curious though, again, as you are outreaching to people across the continent, right, do you find that the outreach is easier if you use an online medium? Or is it more about if you go to those spaces, you are able to reach out to people better? What works for you through your outreach across the continent?
Altcoin daddy
Okay, what really works for me? Definitely. I won't lie to you. Everyone will always know that GeoSurf, you know that physical meeting is always very interesting, right? Because when you actually speak like me, for instance, when I'm being invited for seminars and I get to talk to my audience face to face, there is this kind of connection you have and there is this kind of conviction they have in you. Oh, this guy is actually telling us, writing that when you come online and see a whole lot of stuff, you understand. The thing is this, when you meet your audience face to face, you communicate very well, right? They get to feel you're there. Even if you're showing them one thing, they get to understand. Because me, I'm not this kind of person. I don't really learn online, right? So if I want to do something either I pay someone, I sit down with you, show me that stuff.
Altcoin daddy
I will understand better when I say let me take online courses. So I feel so it's the same for majority of people, why some persons can always get what they want online. One of the reasons why we just needed to run this community online and get to host everything online, one is fund, right? Don't really have the right funding. So it's not as if we don't know the right thing to do, but we do. But it's just that funding has actually been a major problem. So that's why we make use of online stuff to handle the whole community. But offline physical meetings and the rest of them, it's very effective because I've actually been in so many seminars, conferences and the love I get there, I feel so much loved, right? Because the people, they are seeing me and they can relate to the story.
Altcoin daddy
So I don't prefer offline meetings to online meeting. But sometimes you can't just change the narrative. You just have to stick to this particular one because of so many problems and the rest of them. So that's just it.
Okay, it's interesting that you mentioned that has been the specific point. Okay, I can understand that. So let's shift gears a little. All right? I also would like to get a clearer picture now about the landscape because if I use economic terms, right, we've talked about the supply. Let's shift focus to a little about what's happening with the demand. When I say with the demand, I'm talking about specifically the appetite for development, for blockchain, even crypto, when it comes across the continent. What are you seeing while you're on the ground there? Are you seeing people take an interest? Are you seeing these stories where people's lives are being changed? I know that for now crypto banter, that team is based out of South Africa. They are also advocates in that sense. But what I really want to get a perspective on is what the person is on the ground there thinking when it comes to crypto?
What are you seeing when that happens?
Altcoin daddy
Okay, well, I just see Africans. We are yet to start and more is yet to come, right? Because we have a whole lot of people who are hungry for the blockchain technology, right? So it's just as if the light is beginning to shine or the light is already shining on Africans. Because when we get to talk about crypto and everyone is always speaking interest, it's just like yesterday I was walking and a whole lot of guys, they were just walking on the road talking about and someone just said, oh, look at that guy. He's into NFTs and all of that. So you can actually see the message. Even someone on the street is getting the message, right? So I feel what is really on ground right now is everybody is becoming interesting, sorry, interested, like everyone wants to see, oh, this naturally works, right? Let's see how we can leverage this opportunity, because it's all about opportunity leveraging and it's all about interest.
Altcoin daddy
So let's say we have 100% of people in Africa. I can boldly beat my chest and tell you that more than 85% is already interested in blockchain development and crypto. But the problem is this now, sometimes they don't get like people who will lead them, right? But if it's for interest, the interest is already there. People are picking interest. People want to know more. People want to know how this technology functions, and how they can actually leverage on you. So I think that's actually been a very nice one for so far in Africa because everyone is taking.
Good. So we are seeing that activity that's bubbling, an appetite that's bubbling for people to get into crypto and the adoption is getting stronger. On that same note, I really want to understand, is there more of an appetite for NFTs or is it more of an appetite for trading in that sense, what do you see?
Altcoin daddy
Okay, so far so good over the years. And I see more traders. Imagine, right, we have more traders. People want to make money since we started pushing for blockchain adoption, no longer cryptocurrency adoption, because both of them are two different things. Both of them are two different things, if you understand me. Now I see people now people are having a shift looking towards, okay, what does the blockchain technology hold? And when we had NFTs booming early last year, because there's always been one thing for me, then when everybody they're talking about NFTs on OpenSea and all of that, the big question I usually ask is this what is this particular stuff used for? You understand? Because I was always interested in use cases to get a point. I was always interested in use cases. So if they say you just get to buy and all of a sudden floor price pumps, people get to sell and all of that, I tell them, okay, this does not really give a clear understanding or this does not really fulfill the vision of NFTs.
Altcoin daddy
I think we should be doing stuff that have more use cases. And people thought I was joking. So at this point you get to see a whole lot of people having more JPEGs, more Jeeves, and a whole lot of stuff on the wallet and they don't know what to do with it. Floor price has disappeared. They don't get so right now it's not even only pushing for the adoption bowl. We just tell people, okay, even if you are pushing for distance, make sure you preach about use cases so that we can always limit the issues of so many things coming up in the space issues of Rogues Scams and the rest of so you're not just pushing anybody to buy anything. You're not just building sheet coins out there, but build something with a reasonable use case. So that is how it has been. And so far so good, we getting people who are responding, getting people who want to say, okay, just like when somebody bring a particular stuff to me and say, I want to build this stuff, I ask them, which solution do you want to solve?
Altcoin daddy
Which solution do you want to bring? What kind of problem do you want to solve? Oh, I've not thought about it this year. I'll be like, okay, go back, think about it, because that's all make people to buy into your product, right? So even if these days we're no longer interested in just buying things to sleep, we're just interested in, oh, if this particular stuff goes down. Let's say, for instance, NFTs that you can actually use to play games if the floor price goes down. You can still enjoy the game. It's useful, but not the one if you can meet up your price, then it just has to be there in your wallet. And it's not really making sense at all. So it's only adoption you're preaching for, but just stuff that actually very cool and nice with nicest cases and the rest of them makes sense.
Okay, all right, that actually leads my train of thought into two tracks, basically, right? So there's effective two tracks, but three questions and don't give me just one answer.
Altcoin daddy
All right.
Given that you have the interest for people to have blockchain as a technology coming into logistics, healthcare, do you see that happening across the board?
Altcoin daddy
You were actually breaking so I did not get the question. Please, can you just recap?
Sure. Okay. The first question that I have to ask is blockchain for mainstream businesses, from administration to healthcare to logistics, are you seeing that demand at least if not adoption, are you seeing that demand coming out of Africa?
Altcoin daddy
Yeah, definitely yes. And I will tell you the reason why I say yes. You understand? Because I actually did a program with Algorand some time ago. I think people who organized that program was called BlockBeam, actually one community like that. And I got to see that most people who were in that program, most of them were Africans, right? And when you get to discuss with people and tell them, okay, what actually brought you to this program? Like, why are you here? Some of them say, okay, they actually have this passion to build some certain stuff. And I had a guy who was working on something for, I think, environmental pollution. And when he wrote his business model, he was actually advocating for a kind of distance. So instead of people burning plastics, now people get to have a plastic collection centers in which the money is going to get for funding is going to be in those centers.
Altcoin daddy
So when you use your plastic, you just get to bring them to that center. Then you get funded now these plastics to be returned back to the industry for recycling, instead of you just burning them and throwing them into the sea, thereby helping to control environmental pollution. Since the world mechanism is actually going to be a problem, you now have to use the blockchain technology to beat a smart contract and have a kind of escrow system that will be able to reward you for how many bottles you bring back. So that is a way of controlling environmental issues. And I also have somebody who was working on healthcare sector. He was like, okay, that sometimes you get to have a whole lot of people who have some kind of diseases, but it's actually very difficult for them to speak out because they are very scared of stigmas.
Altcoin daddy
Like people trying to say, oh, maybe somebody have HIV, be like, oh, you have this kind of stuff. And people get to avoid them or have issues with them. He needed to build a kind of Lyse. I don't really know how to explain what he said, but with the whole explanation, it was like more of people who just come into the system. Now you just have to have a kind of healthcare system whereby people can just connect their wallet addresses without being KYCed. They can actually tell you their problem. So it's more like the data is not being leaked, right? Because you don't know this person. The person is trusting you because of that connection you guys have with just that wallet address. The person is trusting you and telling you, oh, I have this kind of diseases and this is what I want to get and person might easily get canceling.
Altcoin daddy
So he was like, okay, if you actually get money, if you actually get funding that most of those monies will actually be used to get drugs for those patients and get to treat them very well. So you see, even in the transport sector, I actually had a guy who was working on something, even if I was part of that team, we're like, okay, you get to see some persons, they drive for hours, why not? Let's just have this kind of ride sharing system whereby we get to incentivize drivers, right? So you don't only drive because you've been paid to drive, but you drive because it will be fun to drive. Let's say you are in this part of location, you're in this part of the city and you can cover this particular distance in this location. So there should be a way of rewarding those men for covering those distances, thereby making riding to be very cool.
Altcoin daddy
And I see a whole lot of guys working on something about agriculture and the rest of and so amazing, a whole lot of people are coming into the system. Even education, we have some educational dowels which say, okay, whichever thing you want to learn, we can provide the resources for you understand? You want to just pay attention, connect to our platform and do a whole lot of things. And it will interest you to know that most people who are actually building these stuff, they are not white guys, but these are African guys. Do you understand? So it's actually very cool because people are now waking up. Even in the banking sector, people are waking up to do a lot of amazing stuff. You can actually get to check that most of the crypto payment gateways we have, if you check very well, most of them have been owned by Africans, right?
Altcoin daddy
Because this cross border payment stuff is something that should actually be achieved, right? And for you to do that, you need a blockchain technology to do all of that. So everyone is queuing in.
That makes sense. Okay, there are enough of use cases for blockchain adoption as a technology to be implemented, introduced there already, as you're saying, is certain champions of the cause, so to speak, who are able to do that.
Altcoin daddy
So that answers part one of the questions, right? The second thing is fascinating. There are of course certain spaces in which either the use of crypto may or may not be acceptable, right? But those come in the way of more adoption or more people taking an interest in trading or are those just blind spots on the continent.
Altcoin daddy
Okay? When it comes to the people not really accepting crypto in this part of the world, I actually feel there is no more education, right? Because sometimes there was this survey I carried out and there was this article I wrote then I was telling people, don't make this mistake by telling your community that the Blockchain technology or the cryptocurrency is actually coming to overtake the traditional financial system. Do you understand? Don't make that mistake because what is making you to say this is because you don't really understand that crypto is just a digital asset, not yet a currency. Because if it's a currency, you will not be experiencing the kind of volatilities you are experiencing because real currencies don't appreciate. The only thing that look as if it does not have value is just inflation. So recurrences does not appreciate. So I think you should just look for a way to preach.
Altcoin daddy
Let there be a kind of relationship between the traditional financial institution and what we have right now. And you have to do it by providing educational content and reaching out to more people. I also carried out, not that research, I was like, okay, let's say, for instance, in this part of the world, someone who doesn't know about crypto, maybe you want to buy land and you tell the person, I'm going to give you one bitcoin for your land. And definitely to you know the worth of bitcoin. You know that this bitcoin is more than this land if you get to exchange it. But because the person does not know what bitcoin is, the person is going to say no to you. The person won't accept. That person will tell you no. So I feel it's not all about people not accepting it, but there is no much awareness for somebody to say, okay, you can do this with this.
Altcoin daddy
And what you actually have in your traditional banks and the rest of them, you can also carry out these activities in Blockchain and the rest of so I feel more businesses should actually people who know about this stuff should be advocating for people to even pay for their services with cryptocurrency, thereby reducing this problem. Just like the issue we had in Nigeria one time, like that our banks were unable to process crypto payments for us and people were like, crypto was banned in Nigeria and I was, no, it was not. So it's just that the gateway between these two things are no longer there. You get a point, it's not so. You see now a whole lot of people are preaching one message, but people are getting it differently. So I feel if we all can preach one message, I think the adoption will be much.
Altcoin daddy
So everybody will be able to accept crypto, right? So let there not be a barrier since you have a way of convicting it. There is P2P there and the rest of them. So since you have a way of converting it so I feel like local business people we know about crypto should allow customers to pay for their services with cryptocurrency without even having like you can just start doing that by putting a sign pushed on your store telling them, okay, we accept USDT. We accept it. We accept Bitcoin and the rest of them. And when somebody gets to ask you, oh, you say you accept this. I don't even know what this is all about. Can actually use that as an avenue to educate that person. I know that's a whole lot of folk, right? That's a whole lot of work. But that is just the only way.
Altcoin daddy
If not, they will always be people always see things in a different way. So that's just it.
That's extremely interesting. And I think that's a fantastic strategy to be able to get more people at least curious, to pique their interest to increase adoption, because I really wanted to understand what would stop mass scale adoption or if there were no roadblocks, right? How do you see that mass scale adoption happening across the continent? If there was a magic wand, what do you see would happen with that?
Altcoin daddy
Well, I feel it does come like speed of light and you just get to see that. You just wake up one morning and everyone is talking about these things because in Africa we have this telephone kind of advert system, you understand? So I was even shocked one day that my friend told me the mom placed the trade on futures and she's asking whether she should close the position or she should wait. And I was like, I don't understand who taught this woman how to trade? And this is a lady who is over 50. And he was like, he was trading one day and the woman saw him and said, I want to know this thing that you and your friend you're always talking about. And all of a sudden everybody in the family knows about crypto. So I feel if there were no restrictions, if everybody could do their thing their own way, definitely it's very fast, but there will be a problem because that problem will have to deal with just camps and mismanagement and the rest of them.
Altcoin daddy
But if people were to go into this journey without restrictions and the rest of, I feel there will be a whole lot of stuff because the shift will come, like instead of like as I said earlier, that is it to just come and before, you know, everyone is talking about it. Even with the restrictions and all of that, people are still talking about it. So talk more of when we say, okay, you can actually do this thing, just do it the way you like, keep moving. And you get to see people always speak interest.
Okay, that makes sense. I think that we should wake up sooner than later to that vision and to make that a reality as early as possible across the continent and in whatever way shape we can. I'm certain a show like this is able to put more of a spotlight on that adoption.
Altcoin daddy
Yeah, sure. Definitely.
Okay. All right, fingers crossed. So all Altcoin daddy, I have to ask you've told us about the landscape, told us about the journey, you've told us about adoption, how it could impact industries, what would happen if people were able it would travel at the speed of light if there were no roadblocks to crypto adoption, blockchain adoption, web3 adoption across the continent.
Altcoin daddy
But the one thing that makes all this happen is people. And from within people, it comes that there is a certain philosophy or it comes to the point at which there is a certain drive that happens. So curious to understand what is your personal philosophy and what is it that drives you?
Altcoin daddy
Okay, what really drives me in the space is I told you earlier, it's the technology, right? But some persons will get to see this in a different way. But at first when we're coming into the industry, every one of us have this clair vision, have this one vision that when I'm going into this industry, I'm going to make money.
Altcoin daddy
You understand it's always the money making aspects that makes people happy, right? Rather than when you come and you get to make this money, sometimes you get to lose this money. But if making money is the only thing you have in mind, coming into this space, you might not last long, right? Because you get to see a whole lot of challenges, just like what is going on right now. And there are people who came into the space with the idea of making money and they're not going to stay long. I definitely go back. It's always the tech, right? Because I believe blockchain technology can actually be used to solve plenty of problems, you understand? So it's just for you to discover these particular problems and know how you can build a particular solution for this thing and not even minding to know if the industry is making money or not.
Altcoin daddy
Because I feel when you have a nice use case, you always get people coming to you to actually get what you're building and if they are using it to solve a particular problem wanting. We humans, we don't mind if this particular stuff is solving our problems. We definitely will always go to that particular thing. So to me, it's always a technology. For me, I don't know about any other person, but when coming into the space, we all have one mindset to make money. But when we stay longer in the space, we get to change the narrative to see what can we do. And for me, that one thing that I can do is to know how the tech functions and how I can leverage on it.
That's just it fantastic. Thank you for sharing that and cheers to that idea. Honestly, to be able to have that the understanding to have more educated people in that space or to educate people more in that space. Hats off to you once again.
Altcoin daddy
All right ladies and gentlemen, here's a chance at which you can get to ask our speaker questions. I'm going to open the floor for questions from the audience that is in the room. You can raise your hand or you can send in your question to AdLunam Inc. Or this speaker directly right now. Okay, I see that Am has already sent one question and okay, this is an interesting one. She says what are the future plans for Chain Afrik?
Altcoin daddy
Okay, all right. This is a very wonderful question that nobody have asked me, you understand? This is a wonderful question that I've been expecting so far, but nobody have actually asked me this question. All right? So looking at this whole stuff for Chain Afrik is more than a community, right? I tempt Chain Afrik to be a movement, you understand? Movement of intelligent black people, right? And in the long run we have a whole lot of sin in mind to build. And one of those things is actually to make everyone who is around us very sound in term of blockchain awareness. We have one vision we have where we are going to and you understand this particular stuff. Number one thing is education for us and the second thing is raising more people to get empowering people. Because if I'm able to tell you the whole story, I don't tell you the aspect of making money, it becomes a problem, right?
Altcoin daddy
Because you'll feel like okay, I'm not giving you the right guidance. So now sometimes we get to train content writers, graphic designers and all of that, not only doing that for them, but sourcing for job for them so that they can actually be independent. Sometimes if I get job opportunities from project, I get to tell my volunteers to apply. So if they get to get these opportunities, they get to work and take care of themselves since there is no money to pay them salary. So you make sure you get a way for them to end. So everyone needs to have a skew that will enable them end. So that is the second thing is self-development. The other one was education. So second self-development of course is when you develop yourself in a particular skew, beat coding, beat writing, beat designing, you can always open for a job that will keep you going.
Altcoin daddy
And aside that we actually have it in mind to build a whole lot of stuff, definitely we are coming up with the Chain Afrik blog. Not only blog, but a blog that will actually allow other writers because we write a lot a blog that actually allow other writers to also patch their content and get their content future also. So it's more like a big blog that everyone can sign up and start writing. And in the long run we get to look for a way to monetize it and everyone who is contributing to that blog get to end. Because we actually looked at in between Medium run their platform, I get to see most of us, we contribute our articles to Medium, right? We help them to keep the ecosystem alive. We don't end. And sometimes everyone when Medium gets to bring the subscription plan for both readers and writers and the rest of them.
Altcoin daddy
So it does not really work because they didn't set a structure for that. At the beginning, we saw Medium as an open source for little bloggers that they can always fetch their ideas. So you coming to monetize this stuff. It's not really work that way. So we've seen all of that to say, okay, we're going to have a very big blog where people can actually write and when we generate revenues, we can always share with people. So this actually make more content writers, be very serious and all of that. And that's a thought in. And fourthly, we are coming up also with the Chain Afrik. The Chain Afrik lab will always be for both Web2 and Web3 application. Because I also have some programmers I work with and developers I work with. So we are making the idea to look into kind of a way.
Altcoin daddy
So if you're needing someone who to build Web2 applications for you, we already have it. So you just come, we fix up your app for you. If you also have a Web3 solution, you need to build, we have people that will take care of it. So that's a way to grow the ecosystem and expand the movement. And in the long run also we're planning to integrate the platform, okay, whereby we don't really need to go source for these jobs when this movement is very big, right? We just need to have a place whereby projects can always drop stuff like, okay, we need people for this position. I think you can actually help us look for them. So we can always recommend people from our community and all of that. So that's actually a whole lot of stuff. We have a whole lot of roadmap and the rest of and some persons always ask me, are you guys coming up to build a token or something?
Altcoin daddy
I just say no for now. Because if you have a system that is working, you don't really need all those stuff? So we get like draw inspirations from other bigger platforms like Cointelegraph, Decrypt, Lunar Crush and the rest of them to actually see, oh, this is how these platforms operate. And even Coindex you get to see this is how these guys actually been operating their community for a very long period of time and all of that. So that is just the simple roadmap.
Well, that certainly is interesting, and I think you've quite spelt out where this is going. And this is a shout out to the community out there, the Chain Afrik community out there for doing this out of their own passion. They're 12,000 strong, like, and follow them. People who are in the room and those that are going to hear this later on, go ahead and find out what's the pulse of Africa by following Chain Afrik. Okay. All right. Altcoin daddy, I got one person who's raised their hand to ask you a question. I believe that's Kellen. Go ahead.
Speaker 3
Hi. First of all, I would say I was really excited to know that you were going to be here because I lived in Africa, Botswana, for about eight years. But I noticed that up today, there's still quite a lot of people who are still scared and still feel like the whole blockchain, web3, crypto, everything is still like they're still scared to get into it and stuff like that. So what advice would you give them to start and how long do you think it will take for that to change? Will it still time for countries like Botswana to this industry, or do you feel like it's going to change soon? That's my question. Thank you.
Altcoin daddy
All right. I really get your question perfectly well. I know it's actually going to be easy convincing somebody, but one thing I love to see is at first you were ignorant, right? You never knew what you know today about the blockchain, about cryptocurrency. Never knew. But the quest to know and the quest gets the right information from the right source made you an expert overnight, right? Because you got to study, you got to make research, and you got to read articles. And here you are today. So I believe at first it was scary because even it takes a whole lot for you to even decide to say, okay, I've not decided. I've made up my mind. I want to get this particular currency, be it USDT, it takes a whole lot of courage. That's why someone will always see the first man who accepted 10,000 Bitcoin for a pizza took the biggest risk to get.
::Altcoin daddy
So at first, it's always like that first. But you understand that, okay, this particular stuff is like this, right? And you just keep spreading the information. Just needs like if you have a little group of people you can reach out to just for you to change the narrative, if you're passionate about the crypto gospel. Right? Because we might not reach out to so many people, but having someone like you who already have this knowledge and if you have people who can listen to you can always change the narrative and start talking to them. That's why you get to see before. Now, if you come to Africa, countries that were very active in crypto trading, you come to talk about Nigeria, you come to talk about South Africa, and all of a sudden, right now, you can talk about people from Kenya, Uganda, and people from Ghana.
::Altcoin daddy
I know one more country in West Africa that we're yet to conquer is Cameroon. So you see the adoption is coming gradually, but it takes a whole lot of people to do this. But it takes one person to actually start this movement. I remember back then being a campus ambassador for Binance, we go to schools to give out crypto educations. We organize online classes just to talk to people about this stuff. So I believe if you have, like, mind people from your region that can also do the same, or you can lay the example and just start talking to people about what is blockchain, what is bitcoin, and they get to understand. It will be easy to convince them because so many people don't know, because nobody have told them, right? So many people don't know because nobody have told them. So once one person decides to say, okay, this is like this needs like this, you start changing the narrative.
::Altcoin daddy
All of a sudden, when you talk to five people get to talk to extra five, the gospel is spreading. So I think that is just what we need to do. It will be a gradual stuff. It will be a gradual stuff. Slow or steady. Definitely we're going to win the race because everybody can just wake up one morning and start doing that. But when you talk to somebody, to talk to somebody, definitely to get across the country, which you're talking about. So that's just it. Or if you see how a whole lot of people who you want them to get educated, you can refer them to us. We talk to them. We can give you guidelines on the host of this program. They are there. You can talk to them. I'm here myself. You can always reach out to me via inbox. I'll always reply, since it's web3 and blockchain related questions, and I can always do that.
::Altcoin daddy
And that is one thing we have in common in Chain Afrik. Even if you have a different community and you tell us you have these issues in growing your community, we always give out those ideas for free, how to manage your community and how to get people going. Because we just have one goal. We not profit oriented. We not looking for people to come and invest in us, right? But we just want this gospel to go far. That is just it.
Thank you so much for that altcoin daddy. I think that does answer the question. It also gives us some ideas and help us understand a little more about Chain Afrik and its mission. One last question very quickly, because I know, way out of time off the projects. What are some of the trending projects you see in Africa right now? Do you see DeFi, GameFi or just TradeFi happening in the region?
::Altcoin daddy
All right, at this point in Africa, we have this problem, and that particular problem is we want to be where the money is, right? So how I actually tell you, okay, these guys are enjoying this particular aspect. They just get to make a shift. That's why when you see DeFi booming, everyone wants to know about DeFi. Everybody wants to make money from DeFi and the rest of them. So along the line, when you talk about GameFi, everybody wants to play game to make money. Everybody wants to do this. And you talk about NFTs, everybody wants to flip. So it's always where the money is. But at this point, I think everybody's talking about DeFi. Everyone is talking about GameFi mostly, and everybody's talking about NFTs. Of course, NFTs comes in different direction. You see how NFTs you make use of in you see how NFTs you make use of in GameFi and the rest of them pending on the business model and the use cases.
::Altcoin daddy
So to me, it's always where the money is. That is where you see African people.
All right. I think that does make a lot of sense. And I'm hopeful with you being at the center of the advocacy happening in the region, that we will see more coming out of Africa, more projects, more adoption, more education, and a more vibrant, stronger system coming out from there. So thank you so much, Altcoin daddy, for being on the show today. I hope you enjoyed being on the show and sharing your thoughts and insights as much as we did, listening to them.
::Altcoin daddy
Yeah, I really do. Thank you guys for having me. Very big thank you to you guys. And I feel so much love. Like, coming here to share my story and getting to get a whole lot of people listening to me is a tin of joy. At least I actually knew a day like this will come where people get to listen to me because I never need to come soon. Reason being that I have always organized some kind of event and people did not attend. I've always wished I could speak in some occasions, which I did not get the opportunity to speak. And here I am today sharing this gospel. So I'm so much happy. I've dreamt of this, I never need to come soon. Thank you.
I really appreciate well, we're glad to have you on the show, Altcoin Daddy, and we will certainly be in touch. And look how AdLunam and Chain Afrik can do some work together.
::Altcoin daddy
Definitely. I'll be expecting that. I'll be expecting that.
Awesome. All right, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for being on the show today. One quick announcement. You know that Benzinga is having a web3 conference happening in the US. If you are attending that conference there, please remember it's being held in New York. Please remember that you have a gift from AdLunam and it is if you are buying that ticket, you can get a 20% discount using the code AdLunam20. That's AdLunam20. Use that code when you're booking your ticket and you'll get a direct 20% discount off the rate. Also over there is our co-founder and CTO Lawrence Hudson speaking at that event. Remember, go over, say hi, share some love, give him your thoughts and your ideas and we can do some more stuff together. Show them your support, ladies and gentlemen. All right. With that, thank you so much for tuning in to this episode of Diving into Crypto.
Do remember that we also have a show on Tuesdays called The Future of NFTs, which is hosted by our co-founder Nadja Bester. It happens at the same time. Speaking of the same time, ladies and gentlemen, we will see you again next week at the same time and the same place. Till then, stay blessed. Keep fighting the good fight. Cheers.