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Reflecting on Elections & the Future of Organizing
Episode 1812th November 2024 • the roots of change podcast • the roots of change agency
00:00:00 00:15:45

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It’s been one week since the 2024 U.S. election and many are still processing, while others are acting and building (I’m moving through both). I want to speak to you no matter where you find yourself. I had planned a different podcast about celebrating volunteers. Not many listeners are in a celebratory mood, so I want to talk about organizing and moving forward in this moment. In my first solo pod, I reflect on:

  • Some of my experiences in the Southwest that signaled the results
  • How grassroots organizing worked when superficial branding didn’t
  • How the roots of change agency is moving forward in this moment
  • Finally, I share interviews with volunteers in Reno, NV & Modesto, CA

Organizing on both the macro and most personal levels of our lives is more important than ever. I hope you’ll join me in continuing to learn, grow, and organize for true liberatory & sustainable change.

Upgrade to Support My Work

As we move into this new period of movement work, I plan to be a key resource for anyone who is working to shift our world towards a more compassionate and sustainable society. But I can only do that if I am sustainable and able to also support myself. If you’ve considered upgrading in the past, I’m asking you to please upgrade today. Your contribution will go directly back into the community in terms of resources.

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