CEO Nastashia Buck explains how the Gymnastics SA team worked with their member clubs throughout the shutdown and what their focus is now, as they return to sport.
0:01 Introduction
0:20 Welcome to Episode 21 - Ben Hook
0:30 Return to Sport Webinar (3 June 2020) is available to view online
1:12 Promo: Craig Scott, President, Goodwood Saints Football Club
1:20 Interview: Nastashia Buck and Ben Hook
1:30 COVID shutdown and the impact on gymnastics
1:54 The challenge for the elite gymnastic athletes
3:19 Young and up and coming athletes
4:07 Return to Sport and the challenges for indoor sport
5:10 Gymnastics SA approach during the shutdown - club and member welfare
6:53 Health Message: John Mannion, Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation
7:24 Indoor sports and the managing the hygiene protocols
8:30 Gymnastics disciplines, including Gymnastics for All.
10:28 Impact of pandemic on individual gymnastic disciplines: KinderGym
10:52 Fundamental Movement Skills
12:13 Looking ahead for Gymnastics SA
13:42 Promo: Bruce McAvaney
13:49 Wrap and thanks