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#059 - Getting out of your own way
Episode 5917th March 2023 • The Gerry van der Walt Podcast • Gerry van der Walt
00:00:00 00:24:15

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In this live stream, the first of my new weekly streams, I will share some food for thought on how you can recognise when you get in your own way and how you can, and this is the point, get out of your own way.

You need to move past your own insecurities, fears, doubts, behaviour, addictions, beliefs regrets, coping mechanisms and the bullshit you sell yourself as to why you cannot do something or why you don’t deserve something or why you can’t be better.

To me, there is nothing worse then seeing unfulfilled potential in someone else.

Actually there is something worse.

Looking in the mirror and then, even though you are going to try not to see it, realising that you have been holding yourself back

Look forward to seeing online.

Have a great day and don't forget to be awesome.



Watch the live stream here: View live stream




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