Hello and welcome to number 66! This week I am joined by the great Lex Latkovski! Lex has travelled to 83 countries and we get to hear some of Lex's favourite parts of the world! We also get to hear about his 16 month retreat as a Zen Monk in California as well as his self crowd-funded book, Passport Forward (link in the show notes). We hear great anecdotes from Lex from his time in Mongolia where he nearly died three times whilst travelling around the country with a horseman. Lex tells us about the days of tubing in Laos which no longer exist. Ever wanted to travel to The Stans in Central Asia? Well, check this out, Lex spent time there in one of his 16 month world trips. You really should hear about some awesome tips in this area. One of Lex's favourite places in the world is in India in a region called Ladakh, we discuss this awesome place and so much more! Lex is living in the Colorado Rockies and we delve into his favourite parts about his own country. Oh of course, I had to ask him about his stint on America's Got Talent. This will be a great listen, strap yourself in and lets go travelling!!!