Season Three Episode Four
Introducing Leza Lowitz, the legend of Tokyo Yoga.
You can see me working things through here as new information comes in from Leza - it’s one of the things I love about these conversations and these legends - what I learn. New ways to think and feel through life.
There’s so much richness in Leza’s story - from the American Mid-West in Iowa, to Key West, Florida then Berkley California, this is a story of the ages. An American story that lands in Japan then continues to evolve.
There are many ways to lead a life.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” ― Viktor Frankl
Leza has a unique perspective on life, having lived many different economic, racial and cultural chapters in her life, which makes her have a unique appreciation for the many many ways to lead a life. This, I believe is what gives her gravitas, authority and agency; knowing that with the right mentors, encouragement and opportunities, and the ability to follow those, you can build and create in your life. We cover so much in this conversation from the Vietnam War to the 6 perfections of Buddhism, business, writing and motherhood - it’s all in here.
- How she ended up going to the same school as Kamala Harris, where she saw Maya Angelou speak
- How her tumultuous childhood was a calmed as she was introduced to meditation, then an Okinawan Martial Art that planted the seed for her move to Japan
- How when she was pushed to her limit she was made to understand what you she was capable of
- We talk about being a victim and how we truly are victims in our stories and how we CAN emerge and move forward and retell our stories
- Access to amazing mentors and people to believe in you is essential to pull people toward their potential
- The influence of philanthropic people and how her sister took that idea of community into her Medical practice
- We discuss the addiction to struggle and drama - do you have struggle addiction? We are reminded of the Goo Goo Dolls `You bleed just to know you’re alive’
- Get into your body - getting embodied and getting out of the fight or flight and into the rest and digest ‘within my body there’s a city’
- The trance of unworthiness, the culture of adoration, rest and digest
- The journey to Japan and how she continued writing and that opened doors to Japan’s most prestigious university
- The small voice that told her to open a yoga studio, And that same voice that told her that there was a child waiting out there for her. The strong call to motherhood
- How her yoga studio didn’t take off until she really settled into it herself - and THEN how she ended up on a famous Japanese comedy show!
- How to rebel within the cultural framework of a different country - and how grateful to Japan we are
Read more on blog here.
Find Leza below
Sun and Moon Yoga, Tokyo
Books by Leza
Up from the sea
In Search of the sun
Yoga Poems
Yoga Heart
and more...