The bros (Aniket and Pranav Mutatkar) watch Hello Brother.
Our favorite parts:
(02:53) - Skippable song – How do you skip a song when all of them are bangers?
(07:48) - Most Bollywood scene – "The whole movie is just a Bollywood movie" -Aniket (un-ironically)
(13:24) - This movie is uh very strange. Why is nipple twisting such a prominent part of the movie? We don't know either.
(23:00) - Khan swap -- Which character would we swap out to put in Shahrukh Khan, Aamir Khan, or Salman Khan
(27:26) - Top 3s
Email us at or tweet at @brownbrosbinge.
Episode link:
Podcast link: Brown Bros Binge Bollywood website
Thanks for listening, see you at the next movie Bollywood boys and girls.