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The Soul Talk Episode 128: The Gifts Of Liberation with guest Robert Wilson
Episode 12824th July 2023 • Soul Talk with Monica Ramirez • Monica Ramirez
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Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love and Robert Wilson talk what is hypnoacuity, how he seach for the energy of freedom and the expansion of your beingness.  How going back in your past with hypnotherapy can move you forward liberating the traumas.

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Gifts of liberation and Entertain the Brain self-hypnosis


Welcome friends, to the soul talk podcast, a show where we explore and uncover the path of the heart, amplifying your conscience. Join me as we meet incredible souls while in this journey and learn from their experience and different methods that will make you vibrate your heart. Let's get into it.

Hello, everyone, this is Monica Ramirez warrior of love. And thank you for being in Soul Talk. Today we continue in Peda Pelusa. And we have another our guests from there. His name is Robert Wilson. He's the cowboy wisdom in hipnoacuity. This is very interesting, right? So let's ask him more information about what he do. Robert, thank you for accepting my invitation. Thank you for being here. Well, it's my honor and privilege to be here in Hypno acuities hypnotherapy by called acuity because it quiets the thinking memory moment, something I've expanded into. To move forward in life, you got to quiet the memories that keep coming up from the sub subconscious mind from the past. You expand out of the past in the present moment experiences because whatever you're thinking about it pre rather than trigger it activates the memory from the past and you repeat, and you respond and react to your daily life the same way by spending out of the vocabulary thing to use Monica, you get to move forward. I actually agree with you. I am even a therapist also. I have heard so many comments and me so we know therapists and they do regressions. That it is true that even a therapy can make you do like a dog or or like a cat or like a snake. So I really like your opinion or you already have my own but I would like you to the listeners hear your opinion. Hypnotherapy is high a higher awareness, it just relaxes and it opens up. For me it just opens up a communication between the subconscious unconscious the past, however far back to be released in the now and all that other stuff is stage hypnosis that's done on purpose. And something a lot of people don't understand hypnotist that picks up their stage. They know exactly what they're looking for. But the hypnotherapy you get for life expanding hypnotherapy, all that is is about giving you it gives you to give yourself permission to let go of the past without holding on to anything within the grudges.

Say, I totally agree with that one. And I believe that no one can lose the control as they want. That's the biggest fallacy about hypnotherapy, you're actually more in control of your life than you've ever been because you're aware. And one thing about hit hypnosis, you can hear everything.

To me, you're actually more awake, internally, unconsciously, subconsciously, super consciously. And under hypnosis, or being in hypnosis than you ever are during your daily life. And once to me, I don't know ask you this, Monica. But I do under hypnosis, I'm addicted. I love being hypnotized. It's just however long a piece you can have. It's sitting right there.

And you can relax in it. I heard that about tattoos. I don't have tattoos on me, but I have heard that people put that to like the one the next one and the next one. And yes, it can be addictive. But it is true that that it is something that I have encountered, too, that it can come to the point that it is easier to navigate with your subconscious than being in the conscious. So people will tend to elicit you to navigate with with that kind of level. So how, what do you say to that? Very much. So what it really is, is is opening files to be cleaned out that you'll never be able to do consciously because that gatekeeper between the conscious and the subconscious would never let that occur. Because it's going to hold on to that and here's what a lot of people don't understand Monica, the subconscious mind has no recollection it just it just puts things in there and it throws it in a drawer and it's embedded and no matter how unsavory the situation is. The subconscious thinks that your safety zone, your comfort zone, and if it's unsavory the subconscious has no clue it thinks it's your comfort zone. And that's what you want desire in your life. And all this hypnosis does is

allow you to go in and have a spring cleaning. Now, what are you will say about those, I have cared about many therapies that they do in a therapy that, like the ones of the cigarettes, that they try to implant something more that it no therapy. Not only the secret that stopped smoking cigarettes as there are too many people are doing right now that if not, you know, therapy to

to remove the divisor of cigarettes, but at the same time they implant like religion or implants, different things. What would you say? That's just immoral people? Yeah, I agree. Here's the thing, it's got to be impeccable. To me, you know, you just hit on something, they go into real to discharge a smoking. But what people don't understand the body and the emotions got to be discharged at the same time, because an addiction is emotions in the body. And it's the dopamine, you know, when you first start smoking, it's the dopamine the brain puts out. That's what you have to get new. Basically, to break in addiction, you got to find a new, very best friend.

Okay, yes, I agree. Because at the same time when people have any kind of bias, and let's say drugs, alcohol, whatever, they're trying to

numb the pain that they're getting. And that's why no therapy is very useful. Right? And you're absolutely right, Monica. But here's the thing, when you do like smoking, drinking, it was social.

You know, you started out to be fitting in with your friends, then the next thing you know, that addiction is controlling you.

Especially cigarettes, drugs, all that, because you know, when you first started, it was something that excited you, then it becomes the controlling thing. But your body and your subconscious mind have no clue that it's being controlled by anything, then it takes over your your life. And then your body is telling yourself, it's just like hunger, it's telling your body, I want this. And then you take that first drink or the drug or the cigarette, then the body says thank you. And the brain doesn't have in the brain and the body cohered, sir. They just think it's what you want, or what you desire. And that's way smoking and addictions work. And it's really before you go, if you want to quit smoking, quit, lose weight or anything. You got to find a new best friend, you got to start looking for a new best friend. What do you like smoking? Let's just use, you got to find something to do with your hands. You got to find something to do this with friends that ain't smoking, and you got to find something to put in your mouth. There's a lot to quitting smoking in a job. Some people can just quit.

There's a social smoker. But if they're not a social smoker, yeah, it's not gonna work like that. But I mean, but you got to basically an addiction is the best friend. So only thing your subconscious mind trust, because it's the same every time. And that's where people, you know, they start looking for it. And when you take it away from it, the body is actually rebelling in the emotions. But that's one thing. You know, Monica, a lot of people don't never understand. It ain't just the thinking the thinking is actually the easy part. It's the subconscious, but it actually also goes clear back to our ancestors. So you know, the habits and stuff like that the viewpoints opinions. And then you know, one thing about people that have an addiction, they're gonna justify that addiction every time and smokers to me are the worst because they will justify it's my right then when it gets sick, then they realize they did it your right to Yes. But you know, the thing about a monic is, this is what I've discovered, you can tell me right or wrong. The only hindrances I have in my life are within me. And you know, that's why liberation. I liberate me for me my viewpoints, opinions and habits and beliefs. I'm free.

And I believe you can pair up with Dolores scattered right? Yeah, I've heard of her. Yes. She did a lot of immunotherapy where she was connecting people with their past lives with their higher self or with extraterrestrials or adoptees to Yeah. And do you have done that kind of work with your with your clients? Yeah, I can do past life regression. And I can do all that. But Monica, I want to be something nice.

Discovered if you stop talking about your past and stop telling the stories of your past, and I call it an hour orography you get into a now orography of a Now I begin now I want with fun, and you only start speaking, writing and imaging the scenarios of your dreams and your desired lifestyle. Pretty soon the past starts erasing itself. And the inspiration and imagination within you expand you forward. Because it's a simple saying I expand out of this to expand this.

It can go to the point of origin before even the planet Earth. The path. Yeah, your higher self. For the higher planes time to not exist. Yeah. So past, present or future is the same for them. Yeah, and see the superconscious something I've just covered Monica, this is my favorite thing I discovered. It's called the liminal lingo. It's, it's a verbiage and words above your current situation. It's above the threshold. And you develop your own words and verbiage of your dreams and desired life and get out of the the everyday life. See, like for me, I took change, heal, create transformation, forgiveness.

Think learning, and in other words out of there for forgiveness, I use appreciation. If you can appreciate yourself and appreciate the event. You dissolve the event because you get the value and the wisdom out of the situation. As what we're afraid to get is the wisdom of the situation. Man you were talking about the most guilty person I used to when something unsettling happened I go into panic fanatic. I realized that it opened me up to understand the world is a guide. File and dare when you want to your dreams are going to guide you to the controversy adversity chaos challenge and unsavory events, to fees your your current way of life to expand you daring you to step into the liminal pathways to open up your super liminal scenarios of your dreams. And that's where I expanded my life as I got out of the mundane words I used. Because for me, I'm a union electrician been 32 years transformation to me it stepped down. Because when we bring it into power into a building, it comes in whatever the PUD is, it's usually up around 500,000 volts, we step it down to 13,000, then down to 482 77. We just and it takes so much more to do. If you can bring in 500,000 volts, you could probably use 112 Number 12 wire power of building. And that's why when we do something we energize it, I use energize instead of transformation because I want to turn it on. That's one way to see it. And Monica is it for everybody. This is a way I expanded my life because I want to turn it on. So energize it, but the thing I'll share with everybody is take the word change on your life, use the word expand. Because it takes the thinking memory mind out of the moving forward.

Because there's pain and change, expand his grand understand my life today, I can expand into the new in the now. So when you're taking people in your immunotherapy, you don't take them where the trauma started, because that's the past.

Oh, yeah, but here's the thing. You're right, you got to go down and let them dissolve it. But here's the thing about getting rid of stuff. Give yourself permission to let it go and discharge.

You're gonna have them see right in the hypnotherapy script, as you give yourself your subconscious permission to discharge and let go of whatever that is. But the last 20 minutes is all expand energize enterprise expand, transcend, it's just raising the vibration. But they give you the thing I like most is when they give me the place they like to visit most the affirmation for their life and something they want the desire to have in their life. And the last, I'd say the last 15 minutes only concentrate on them three things. And I stopped bringing up once we get it out, you know, whatever that is, but I'd never spend a lot of time keeping them going back. You know how a lot of people keep going back through it. Well, once they go through it, they're willing to expand and go forward.

And if that's true, but usually, you know, you get into that almost in the intake session to a lot of it

Then when you're doing the intake session, you let them tell you what they're there for. And then you get the information moving forward. And sometimes you get in the middle of the hypnosis and things they've been trying to hide through the world. It just come.

And one of the biggest one is challenges with the family where they fall into, they had an unsavory event with a family member. And but you got to let them get through it. That's the part of the chain to pass lives. Because in this timeline, they have the same issue with the same family member that they had in their past lives. And also, it was just reversed in the same story, they been repeating it, that's something that I have encountered in my therapists.

But you know, and sometimes, the the one that the victim in this one was the perpetrator in the last life. But the biggest one is, is people that suffer from migraines.

It could be from being hit in the head or being decapitated in a past life. Yes, it sees the thing is, we think we come in next, and we have different bodies. But we really, we have a different body, but the soul and the spirit and the energy is the same.

And it's really whatever we're here to, to expand off.

No, whatever we I kind of believe in the contract and all this but I'm here to expand myself out of the out of the

every life I've ever lived in this lifetime. Oh, they may hear a TV that where where we don't want ever, we don't want to repeat the same story. So we don't even want to be human anymore.

I gotta say, that's one thing I've done in my life. I'm not a human, that's anything taught to me in a book in the present moment. That's what somebody else wants me to be. So I'm a spiritual energy on a spiritual voyage. And I'm going to enjoy that. The human stuff come out of a book, everything you learn in a book is what somebody else wants you to know, written by somebody else, them or their thoughts in the way they think you should live. So I give myself I give myself the right to listen for the clarity and comprehend the wisdom expands me in the present moment, and I'm okay with that. The rest of that can just kind of go its own way, Monica, that is to Well, do you have a last word that you would like to say for our listeners? Yeah. This is a unique voyage and you're on your own unique voyage. And you encompass a unique talent. There's no books, there's nothing in the world allow you to discover that, except for you. Searching yourself and discovering yourself. Your unique and your unique talents, imagination, innovation, are in a liminal landscape. It's above everything you think you know, everything you ever been taught. There's no school book, there is no books or no program out there. That's going to expand you into your unique talent. It's something you have to discover and be willing to accept the trial and error of life to get there.

And one other thing all the negativity is going on in the world

is asking the world is asking us for our wisdom, innovation and talents to raise the world out of the out of the warmongering into the piece of ourselves. When you become at peace in yourself, there's peace in the world. That is beautiful. Thank you so much. And do you teach a classes and one on one or do you do only therapies or whoring Well, I do many things but I got an expansion our every Monday night on on Zoom. I do for 30 minutes and I do one on one and I'm starting to get it so I have when I start doing I call them expansion ORS instead of webinars because me personally Monica, I use no words that that control me or contract we expansion our expansion Energize. I want liberating words. Unleash unlock let fly Trailblazer troublemaker rebellious. I want the energy of freedom. It's called Sovereign expansion being uncontrolled by outside sources and expansion. It's just freedom to flow. I'll give you a simple affirmation. liberations is always in the flow of letting go to glow of guilt, genuine liminal optimistic wisdom expanding through life with ease.

I like that too. Anyway, thank you so much Monica. This was fun.

Very good interviewer and it was my honor and privilege to be here.

Thank you so much, Robert, for being here. And thank you for all you listeners. This is Soul talk. If this helped you, please write a review and share it with your friends. We appreciate that. Thank you so much. This is Monica Ramirez




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