How do we know which way is the correct way to God? Is religion just a manmade concept? We explore these questions in this week's episode of Our Hope Podcast 🎙, featuring Feinberg Center professor, Dr. Rich Flashman. Listen to this episode now!
Welcome to Our Hope,
Speaker:a production of Chosen
Speaker:People Ministries.
Speaker:On this podcast you will hear
Speaker:inspiring testimonies,
Speaker:about Messianic apologetics
Speaker:and discover God's plan
Speaker:for Israel and you.
Speaker:Wherever you're listening,
Speaker:we hope you lean in,
Speaker:listen closely and be blessed.
Speaker:What is religion?
Speaker:The dictionary defines
Speaker:it as the belief in
Speaker:and worship of God
Speaker:or the supernatural.
Speaker:It is a commitment
Speaker:to a set of beliefs
Speaker:and practices
Speaker:generally agreed upon
Speaker:by several people or groups.
Speaker:It is easy to see
Speaker:how religion can be
Speaker:perceived as manmade.
Speaker:Some would question,
Speaker:“How can we know that
Speaker:a religion is true,
Speaker:if it was just agreed upon
Speaker:by a group of people?”
Speaker:And “is there really a God
Speaker:or is this deity also manmade?”
Speaker:These questions are
Speaker:helpful to leading
Speaker:us to find truth.
Speaker:Today, there are many
Speaker:different religions
Speaker:¬– Judaism, Christianity,
Speaker:Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism;
Speaker:these are just the major world
Speaker:religions among the estimated
Speaker:10,000 distinct
Speaker:religions worldwide.
Speaker:While some would say that
Speaker:every religion teaches you
Speaker:the same thing –
Speaker:how to be a good person,
Speaker:whether it is
Speaker:to account for sin
Speaker:or to please a god –
Speaker:many of these religions
Speaker:have very different
Speaker:core beliefs.
Speaker:If that’s the case,
Speaker:can they all be right
Speaker:or are they all wrong?
Speaker:Joining us today to discuss
Speaker:this topic is the branch leader
Speaker:of our southern Connecticut
Speaker:branch, Dr. Rich Flashman.
Speaker:And now, I introduce
Speaker:the host of Our Hope
Speaker:Podcast, Abe Vazquez.
Speaker:Hello, everyone and
Speaker:welcome to Our Hope.
Speaker:My name is Abe Vazquez,
Speaker:I'm so happy you're
Speaker:joining us today.
Speaker:I'm talking about
Speaker:a very interesting question
Speaker:that I believe
Speaker:many people have thought about
Speaker:once in their life even well,
Speaker:"well-seasoned believers" have
Speaker:this thought has
Speaker:probably crossed their mind.
Speaker:Is any of this real is
Speaker:is religion manmade?
Speaker:Those types of questions
Speaker:may have floated
Speaker:across your head.
Speaker:And today in this episode,
Speaker:we want to answer that question
Speaker:specifically, "Is
Speaker:religion manmade?"
Speaker:And I'm very excited
Speaker:to have back, Dr.
Speaker:Rich Flashman.
Speaker:Rich, welcome to Our Hope.
Speaker:We're so happy
Speaker:you're able to join us
Speaker:on your sabbatical,
Speaker:so we appreciate
Speaker:you taking a brief
Speaker:break from your rest
Speaker:to join us.
Rich:Thanks very
Rich:much for having me.
Rich:Glad to be here.
Abe:So, like I mentioned,
Abe:this isn't your first time.
Abe:So we have a
Abe:different question.
Abe:We already know
Abe:what kind of food you like.
Abe:What do you most
Abe:look forward to
Abe:now that things are kind
Abe:of returning back
Abe:to the way they were before?
Rich:going to Disneyland.
Rich:No, just kidding.
Rich:my wife and I love to travel.
Rich:So so we're we're looking
Rich:looking forward to
Rich:traveling opening up
Rich:and being able to
Rich:get around a little bit
Rich:and we actually have a
Rich:trip to Israel
Rich:planned in November.
Rich:So hopefully,
Rich:hopefully, we'll be
Rich:able to go and do that
Rich:and take some folks there.
Rich:So so we're excited about the
Rich:the opportunities,
Rich:the world opening up I hope.
Rich:as you know,
Rich:all these different
Rich:variants come around.
Abe:Right. Right.
Abe:Well, I mean, yes,
Abe:travel is definitely,
Abe:I think, on a lot of people's
Abe:minds right now.
Abe:Everyone just wants to
Abe:get out the house and
Abe:explore the world.
Abe:I think
Abe:I think we've realized
Abe:life is short.
Abe:You know, this this if
Abe:if we learned anything
Abe:over this past years
Abe:that life is very short.
Abe:And who knew that the last time
Abe:we gathered,
Abe:that would be the last time
Abe:we gathered right?
Abe:In churches and in work
Abe:and things like that.
Abe:We didn't think that
Abe:would be the last time
Abe:we saw our co-workers
Abe:or our
Abe:fellow believers in church.
Abe:And it was, you know,
Abe:for a very long
Abe:time, 15 months.
Abe:And so,
Abe:can't wait
Abe:to see people's faces.
Abe:I think that's what
Abe:I'm looking forward to.
Abe:You know,
Abe:people's faces with no mask.
Rich:With, with the Zoom
Rich:and the Internet and all that.
Rich:You know, I've been
Rich:meeting with some
Rich:my co-workers,
Rich:you know, for 15
Rich:months, you know,
Rich:and seeing them just
Rich:about every every day,
Rich:every other day, you know.
Rich:And so when I finally
Rich:saw them in person,
Rich:it was like, oh,
Rich:nothing, nothing unusal.
Rich:I've been seeing
Rich:you for 15 months.
Abe:The miracle of this technology
Abe:has really bridged,
Abe:you know, helped us
Abe:to bridge through
Abe:this, you know, so
Abe:I'm very pleased,
Abe:very happy about that.
Abe:So thank you
Abe:again for being here.
Abe:One of the reasons
Abe:we asked you to join us today
Abe:is because in your
Abe:I found Shulem testimony,
Abe:we know you had some questions
Abe:about religion and truth.
Abe:So briefly,
Abe:could you share some of
Abe:your thoughts about religion
Abe:before you accept Yeshua?
Rich:Sure. Yeah. Yeah.
Rich:I grew up in a
Rich:reformed Jewish home in
Rich:Newton, Massachusetts.
Rich:And it was a very,
Rich:very proudly Jewish home.
Rich:And I grew up in
Rich:a Jewish community,
Rich:but it was a symbolic form
Rich:of the religion.
Rich:You know,
Rich:we practice
Rich:the symbols of Judaism.
Rich:Didn't didn't actually practice
Rich:as a religious Jew
Rich:would, you know,
Rich:keeping keeping Shabbat
Rich:properly and, you know, and
Rich:keeping kosher
Rich:and that sort of
Rich:thing, you know.
Rich:But it was more
Rich:it was more of a
Rich:symbolic version of that.
Rich:We were in our orientation
Rich:was very secular.
Rich:But I knew that there had to be
Rich:something more than than
Rich:just the secular world.
Rich:You know,
Rich:my father was a materialist.
Rich:He believed when you're dead,
Rich:you're dead, six feet under.
Rich:That's a you know,
Rich:you know, that's all.
Rich:But I never really
Rich:fully bought into that.
Rich:Because I always sensed
Rich:there was something more,
Rich:you know, something,
Rich:something even greater
Rich:than ourselves out there.
Rich:And I don't think I'm alone.
Rich:I think most of the world
Rich:senses that, you know.
Rich:Almost every culture,
Rich:you know, captures
Rich:that in their belief
Rich:system and so forth.
Rich:So, so I think that
Rich:what I was feeling
Rich:was probably what
Rich:millions have felt,
Rich:you know,
Rich:there was something greater
Rich:than themselves out there.
Rich:They're not sure what it was
Rich:and not sure how
Rich:to connect with it.
Rich:You know,
Rich:but in that sort of way
Rich:was I felt that that
Rich:God was very distant,
Rich:that there probably was a God,
Rich:but He was very, very distant.
Rich:I had no real connection,
Rich:you know, to Him.
Rich:You know, in a way of
Rich:in the way of having
Rich:a relationship with Him.
Rich:But I, but I wonder,
Rich:I think deep down,
Rich:I wanted something, you know.
Rich:There was
Rich:a connection with the numerous
Rich:the connection with that,
Rich:which is, you know,
Rich:beyond us and above us.
Rich:So that's that's sort
Rich:of where I was at.
Abe:So, yeah, I mean, for
Abe:religion to exist
Abe:and you kind of alluded
Abe:to this because,
Abe:my question about
Abe:religion, automatically,
Abe:you think about a God,
Abe:you think about God.
Abe:Who, you know this figure
Abe:as part
Abe:of this religion, right?
Abe:So for a religion to exist,
Abe:there usually needs to be a
Abe:"God" or "deity".
Abe:So to help us slowly
Abe:unpack the larger
Abe:question at hand,
Abe:first, let's ask,
Abe:can God be man-made?
Abe:And when I say God
Abe:in this question,
Abe:I mean the one true God,
Abe:can our one true
Abe:God be man-made?
Abe:Rich" Well,
Abe:the answer to that one,
Abe:I think is an easy no.
Abe:You know. You know. You
Abe:know, man, that man
Abe:doesn't make the true God.
Abe:You know, God makes man,
Abe:you know.
Abe:You know, so I mean, that's it.
Abe:You're talking about sort of,
Abe:you know,
Abe:do people make gods
Abe:in their own image? Yes.
Abe:You know,
Abe:that happens all the time.
Abe:You know, I mean, I know
Abe:thousands and thousands
Abe:of different versions of God,
Abe:you know,
Abe:and they can't all be right,
you know? Abe:Right.
Rich:They can't all be wrong,
Rich:but they can't all be right.
Rich:You know,
Rich:because they contradict
Rich:each other, you know.
Rich:So, so. So, yes, I think no.
Rich:I think
Rich:when it comes to
Rich:what we believe,
Rich:as you say, the true God,
Rich:I said, no, of course
Rich:we cannot make Him, you know.
Rich:But but He
Rich:of course, He makes us,
Rich:you know, and that's,
Rich:but that is the fallacy
Rich:that unfortunately
Rich:human history is filled
Rich:with, replete with,
Rich:man making god,
Rich:you know, as you say.
Rich:Yeah. Yeah.
Abe:So, Rich, how do
Abe:we know if God exists or not?
Rich:I think that's a
Rich:really important question.
Rich:And, you know, there are two
Rich:two basic approaches to that.
Rich:Either we apprehend God
Rich:with our rational mind
Rich:and we reason our way to God,
Rich:and the problem with that,
Rich:of course, is, is that you get,
Rich:you know, a billion people
Rich:reasoning their way to God.
Rich:You're going to have a
Rich:lot of different answers.
Rich:You're going to have thousands
Rich:of different answers to that.
Rich:And so the second way
Rich:and the way I think is really
Rich:the only way
Rich:is God revealing Himself to us.
Rich:So either you reason
Rich:your way to God
Rich:or God makes Himself known
Rich:to us.
Rich:And what I believe is
Rich:that God has made Himself
Rich:known to us in two
Rich:very important ways.
Rich:First way is through creation
Rich:that God has made Himself
Rich:known to us through the
Rich:created thing He's shown
Rich:by creation, that
Rich:He is a powerful God,
Rich:that He can spin the planets
Rich:and the solar systems
Rich:and the you and the
Rich:you know, and the galaxies
Rich:and so forth, and create life
Rich:and then create
Rich:intricate human life,
Rich:you know, on earth
Rich:and and so forth.
Rich:So, so creation is a
Rich:marvelous miracle
Rich:and speaks
Rich:of a powerful creator.
Rich:There really is no other,
Rich:there really is no other
Rich:answer to how we got here,
Rich:except that there is a creator.
Rich:Evolution begs the question,
Rich:where did matter and energy
Rich:come from, you know.
Rich:You know, so, so so
Rich:even our best answer,
Rich:you know, lacks,
Rich:I mean we say the Big Bang.
Rich:I said, well,
Rich:where did the matter of energy
Rich:for the Big Bang come from?
Rich:You know, if
Rich:we're going to say that,
Rich:you know, there's
Rich:no other answer,
Rich:except that there is
Rich:an uncaused cause,
Rich:there was
Rich:there was a being
Rich:greater than creation
Rich:who who
Rich:spoke and brought
Rich:things into existence.
Rich:So that's what
Rich:generally we call
Rich:general revelation,
Rich:is this from creation,
Rich:you know, shows us.
Rich:Also shows,
Rich:I think that God is good.
Rich:I think there's a goodness
Rich:to the general revelation
Rich:that that that He's given us
Rich:human beings,
Rich:you know, all that
Rich:He has given to us,
Rich:you know, all the
Rich:ability to reason and
Rich:and to experience
Rich:all kinds of emotions
Rich:and to connect with
Rich:Him and so forth and
Rich:to have a more, a more
Rich:rational approach.
Rich:I think I think that we
Rich:we are very unique
Rich:and also that He's given us a
Rich:a place
Rich:we can live
Rich:a good place to live
Rich:that provides food,
Rich:you know and air and water
Rich:and you know,
Rich:and everything that
Rich:we need for life.
Rich:So, so there's the goodness
Rich:aspect in creation
Rich:that I think.
Rich:But creation is not enough.
Rich:You know,
Rich:we're really going
Rich:to understand God
Rich:then we have to know
Rich:more than just creation.
Rich:How do we know
Rich:what His purpose is?
Rich:what's the meaning of life?
Rich:How do we have a
Rich:relationship with Him?
Rich:You know,
Rich:we don't know that
Rich:from creation.
Rich:And so there has to be
Rich:what we call
Rich:a special revelation.
Rich:And I was struggling with this.
Rich:And if I can just
Rich:tell a brief story
Rich:about my own life.
Abe:Yeah, go for it.
Rich:My own search.
Rich:I was
Rich:I was in the
Rich:throes of searching
Rich:and trying to figure out,
Rich:you know, is is there a God?
Rich:And if there is a God,
Rich:you know,
Rich:how can we know who He is
Rich:and how can we connect
Rich:with Him?
Rich:And all of the same questions
Rich:that we're talking
Rich:about right now.
Rich:You know,
Rich:and it was in this
Rich:period of search
Rich:in my life after college,
Rich:right up to college.
Rich:and I
Rich:in that process of that time,
Rich:I was purchasing a car
Rich:from a friend of mine,
Rich:actually a Ford Pinto
Rich:and not the exploding kind,
Rich:no the other kind.
Rich:And and so
Rich:and so I went to
Rich:pick up the Pinto
Rich:in the parking lot of this
Rich:apartment complex.
Rich:And I get to the
Rich:glove compartment
Rich:I opened it up and
Rich:I pull out an owner's manual.
Rich:And I started flipping
Rich:through the owner's manual,
Rich:you know, how to run
Rich:and operate the car,
Rich:you know,
Rich:and I and I was thinking
Rich:as I was flipping through,
Rich:isn't this nice of
Rich:Ford Motor Company
Rich:to provide an owner's manual,
Rich:you know,
Rich:for me to help run the car.
Rich:And then it hit me, I said, is
Rich:God as nice as Ford
Rich:Motor Company?
Rich:You know,
Rich:that He'd give us
Rich:an owner's manual?
Rich:You know, you know,
Rich:to show us how to live
Rich:is He making Himself a secret
Rich:or is He a loving guy
Rich:who actually wants us
Rich:to know Him?
Rich:You know, and I determined
Rich:that He wants us to know Him
Rich:and that He's made Himself
Rich:known, and as a Jew,
Rich:the first place I looked,
Rich:of course, was was
Rich:were the Scriptures, you know.
Rich:You know, if you're going
Rich:to know God, you know,
Rich:then the first place
Rich:a Jewish person would
Rich:look is the
Rich:is the Hebrew scriptures,
Rich:you know,
Rich:and the Jewish scriptures.
Rich:And through them,
Rich:I didn't have to
Rich:look any further.
Rich:The profound answers
Rich:to these questions
Rich:that are found in the scripture
Rich:satisfied my soul.
Rich:There wasn't,
Rich:I need to know what
Rich:place to look,
Rich:you know, at that point.
Rich:We'll be right back.
Rich:Shalom, I'm Mitch Glaser,
Rich:president of Chosen
Rich:People Ministries.
Rich:Is it possible
Rich:for Jewish people
Rich:to believe in Jesus
Rich:when there's such a sad history
Rich:of Christian antisemitism
Rich:that has shaped
Rich:Jewish attitudes
Rich:towards the gospel?
Rich:Well, I know there's hope
Rich:because I'm Jewish
Rich:and I believe in Jesus.
Rich:And I would love to
Rich:offer a few suggestions
Rich:for reaching Jewish
Rich:people personally
Rich:with the love of God
Rich:through Messiah.
Rich:keep your message personal.
Rich:You're representing
Rich:a person, not a religion.
Rich:Second, be
Rich:loving, patient and kind
Rich:even when they object.
Rich:And then finally,
Rich:and most importantly, pray,
Rich:touching the heart
Rich:of your Jewish friend
Rich:with the good news of Messiah
Rich:will also touch
Rich:the very heart of God.
Rich:And you can learn more
Rich:by visiting Chosen
Rich:People Ministries
Rich:During these difficult
Rich:times, we know how hard it is
Rich:to hold on to hope,
Rich:and we want you to
Rich:know that Chosen People
Rich:Ministries is here for you.
Rich:If you have any prayer
Rich:requests, our prayer team
Rich:is standing by to receive them.
Rich:You can submit your request
Rich:at again
Abe:If God exists,
Abe:you and I both agree he does.
Abe:religion also need to exist?
Rich:so it would seem that
Rich:if if God exists,
Rich:that that
Rich:in that
Rich:he wants us to know Him,
Rich:you know, that that
Rich:seeking for Him and
Rich:searching for Him makes sense.
Rich:You know,
Rich:it would be that
Rich:it would be
Rich:the right thing to do.
Rich:We we need to
Rich:we would need to sort of answer
Rich:those questions.
Rich:And if He is the creator
Rich:and He's and He is who He
Rich:says He is in scripture, then
Rich:sort of entering into a right
Rich:relationship with Him
Rich:becomes important
Rich:to us, you know,
Rich:seeking Him out,
Rich:understanding Him.
Rich:And and
Rich:then learning to please Him,
Rich:you know, with our lives,
Rich:you know,
Rich:and whatever that means.
Rich:You know,
Rich:I think I think in
Rich:a broad sense, yeah.
Rich:I think I think,
Rich:you know, organizing ourselves,
Rich:you know, in community to
Rich:understand Him and
Rich:apply the things we understand
Rich:to our lives,
Rich:I think makes a lot of sense.
Rich:It seems like it's
Rich:one of the most
Rich:important activities
Rich:we can be involved in.
Rich:You know, as you said
Rich:in the beginning of the
Rich:of the podcast, you know,
Rich:considering the brevity
Rich:of our lives,
Rich:you know, we're going to be,
Rich:we're going to be
Rich:in this relationship
Rich:with Him for a long time.
Rich:It makes sense to
Rich:to to enter into it with wisdom
Rich:and faith and and
Rich:and honor Him.
Rich:You know what is I mean,
Rich:according to
Rich:what we believe, is
Rich:we wouldn't exist
Rich:apart from Him, you know.
Rich:You know, and so
Rich:and so even our
Rich:own own existence.
Rich:So to to acknowledge this
Rich:and to thank Him
Rich:seems to be really important.
Abe:I like what you said.
Abe:You know, just the idea
Abe:of kind of organizing
Abe:for a community so that we can,
Abe:I'm paraphrasing,
Abe:but kind of all be
Abe:on the same page
Abe:in terms of
Abe:how to worship, how to
Abe:have a relationship with God.
Abe:I think that is
Abe:really important.
Abe:So along those lines,
Abe:what is worship and who defines
Abe:what worship is?
Rich:Good question.
Rich:I mean, the word
Rich:itself is is to ascribe worth
Rich:to to God,
Rich:you know, to
Rich:basically just reiterate,
Rich:you know, or rehearse,
Rich:you know, who He is
Rich:and what He has done
Rich:and what He is doing
Rich:in the world.
Rich:you know, it's a it's
Rich:sort of a rehearsal,
Rich:it's sort of it's
Rich:sort of teaching our souls.
Rich:You know, the value of Him,
Rich:in my own understanding,
Rich:my own understanding is that,
Rich:you know,
Rich:we are not
Rich:complete apart from Him,
Rich:that He that He,
Rich:we were made for Him, that
Rich:unless we are,
Rich:unless we are in right
Rich:relationship with Him,
Rich:then we're not realizing
Rich:the purpose of our existence,
Rich:not realizing the
Rich:purpose of our being, you know.
Rich:So so we're not whole,
Rich:you know, if unless
Rich:unless we are in a right
Rich:relationship with
Rich:the one who made us,
Rich:you know, there's
Rich:there's something
Rich:lacking, that's my,
Rich:that's my belief.
Rich:You know,
Rich:because He made us for Himself
Rich:and that and that there is
Rich:there is no real
Rich:satisfaction in life,
Rich:even in this broken
Rich:world of ours, apart
Rich:from being in a right
Rich:relationship with Him.
Abe:So moving on,
Abe:we've kind of laid
Abe:the foundation for religion
Abe:and explained
Abe:some of those things.
Abe:You ever drive
Abe:and you see somebody
Abe:have a bumper sticker
Abe:that says co-exist
Abe:and it has all the
Abe:religion you know,
Abe:what is it, symbols
Abe:and it spells out co-exist.
Abe:When I see that,
Abe:it reminds me, OK, yes,
Abe:we have to love each other.
Abe:We have to respect each other.
Abe:You know,
Abe:Jesus told us to love,
Abe:love one another, right?
Abe:So even if we don't agree
Abe:with each other,
Abe:we should still
Abe:love one another.
Abe:But at the same time, we know
Abe:all of those things
Abe:can't be true at the same time.
Abe:Right? So, why?
Abe:Why is it that all religions
Abe:cannot be true at once?
Rich:Yeah, well
Rich:they contradict each other.
Rich:You know,
Rich:so if if we believe in logic,
Rich:if we believe in
Rich:what is known as the law
Rich:of non-contradiction,
Rich:you know, then then
Rich:they all can't be true,
Rich:because of the contradictions.
Rich:Just take a simple example
Rich:of a traditional
Rich:Judaism versus
Rich:Messianic Judaism.
Rich:You know,
Rich:we Messianic Jews believe
Rich:that Yeshua is the Messiah,
Rich:Israel's Messiah.
Rich:Many traditional Jews
Rich:don't believe that
Rich:Yeshua is Israel's Messiah.
Rich:You can't
Rich:you can't both be Israel's
Rich:Messiah and not Israel's
Rich:Messiah, at
Rich:the exact same time. So,
Rich:both things can't be true.
Rich:That, that's sort
Rich:of what that's about.
Rich:And that applies
Rich:across the board
Rich:and to so many different
Rich:areas of theology and so forth.
Rich:I mean, people get confused
Rich:because most religions
Rich:seem to promote a certain,
Rich:you know, agreed upon morality.
Rich:You know,
Rich:they espouse
Rich:similar moral teachings
Rich:and so forth.
Rich:You know, be a nice person,
Rich:you know, be polite, you know,
Rich:don't don't kill each other.
Rich:Don't steal from each other,
Rich:you know.
Rich:I mean, most most places
Rich:adhere to these morals.
Rich:People think, oh,
Rich:all religions are the same,
Rich:you know,
Rich:but nothing could
Rich:be farther from the truth.
Rich:You know,
Rich:it may be that that this
Rich:this sort of an internal law
Rich:that we have of
Rich:right and wrong,
Rich:you know, but that doesn't mean
Rich:that our belief systems
Rich:are anywhere near,
Rich:you know, similar
Rich:to one another.
Rich:Especially, you know,
Rich:if you're if you're
Rich:the creator of the universe
Rich:and you want to reveal
Rich:yourself a certain way
Rich:and people aren't believing
Rich:the way
Rich:you've made yourself known,
Rich:then obviously
Rich:there's a real problem
Rich:of of truth and untruth.
Abe:What I do find interesting
Abe:about most religions is
Abe:they all have an
Abe:opinion about Jesus.
Abe:Which is interesting
Abe:to me because OK,
Abe:so you're not so
Abe:so you're saying He existed.
Abe:So Rich, could you tell me
Abe:what some of these religions
Abe:think about Jesus?
Abe:What are some of
Abe:the disagreements
Abe:they have about the
Abe:identity of Jesus?
Rich:Well, yeah, there
Rich:I mean, take again,
Rich:the Jewish people, you know,
Rich:you know there's this
Rich:expression, ten Jews,
Rich:eleven opinions.
Rich:And so Jews are greatly divided
Rich:on the issue of Jesus,
Rich:you know.
Rich:You know, many secular
Rich:Jews would say He's a myth,
Rich:you know, or
Rich:or He was a good man.
Rich:You know, or He was,
Rich:maybe He was a
Rich:prophet of some kind.
Rich:But He was it seems like
Rich:He was a tragic figure
Rich:who maybe died, you know,
Rich:misinformed, you know.
Rich:He didn't really need
Rich:to die, you know.
Rich:You know, you know,
Rich:that sort of thing.
Rich:So where I grew up
Rich:in that in that context,
Rich:that was sort of things
Rich:that whenever
Rich:the topic came up,
Rich:people would say,
Rich:you know, about Him.
Rich:Mostly, they didn't
Rich:want to talk about Him,
Rich:you know.
Rich:You know, religious Jews,
Rich:they have some they can have
Rich:some pretty tough, tough
Rich:things about about Jesus.
Rich:You know, He was a deceiver
Rich:or that He was a false prophet
Rich:or that He was a false Messiah,
Rich:that that or that He was
Rich:a good Jew
Rich:who was misinterpreted
Rich:by His followers.
Rich:You know, that's
Rich:another popular one
Rich:that He was just
Rich:a regular Jew, you know,
Rich:and He was misinterpreted
Rich:by His followers.
Rich:But but again, as I said
Rich:before, most Jews really
Rich:don't want to deal with
Rich:There are some good
Rich:historical reasons for that.
Rich:First of all, for some Jews,
Rich:it contradicts their
Rich:theological position,
Rich:you know
Rich:and so that's uncomfortable.
Rich:But also,
Rich:they also unfortunately,
Rich:you know, Yeshua is seen as
Rich:as the inspiration
Rich:for all kinds of persecution
Rich:that have happened
Rich:to the Jewish people
Rich:the past two thousand years
Rich:by so many Christians.
Rich:there's this kind of an animus,
Rich:you know, toward him.
Rich:And so that's a
Rich:that's sort of a
Rich:brief, you know,
Rich:sort of run-through
Rich:of Jewish belief
Rich:and the rest of the world
Rich:has different opinions.
Rich:I know that the Muslims
Rich:see Him as a as a prophet,
Rich:not the Son of God, of course.
Rich:But He's a prophet
an honored prophet. Abe:Right.
an honored prophet. Abe:I think I think in
an honored prophet. Abe:Hinduism, He's
an honored prophet. Abe:probably viewed as a, you know,
an honored prophet. Abe:a guru of some kind,
an honored prophet. Abe:you know, and fitting
an honored prophet. Abe:into their culture
an honored prophet. Abe:and their philosophy
an honored prophet. Abe:and so forth.
an honored prophet. Abe:So there's this I guess
an honored prophet. Abe:there's all kinds of
an honored prophet. Abe:you know,
an honored prophet. Abe:you know, as you said,
an honored prophet. Abe:understandings of Jesus.
an honored prophet. Abe:I like what C.S.
an honored prophet. Abe:Lewis said, though.
an honored prophet. Abe:The one thing
an honored prophet. Abe:you can't say about
an honored prophet. Abe:about Yeshua
an honored prophet. Abe:is that He's a good man because
an honored prophet. Abe:good men don't say
an honored prophet. Abe:the things
an honored prophet. Abe:He said about Himself.
an honored prophet. Abe:You know,
an honored prophet. Abe:He said He was the way
an honored prophet. Abe:the truth and the life
an honored prophet. Abe:and no one comes to the Father
an honored prophet. Abe:except through Him.
an honored prophet. Abe:You know, He said He was
an honored prophet. Abe:God in the flesh, basically.
an honored prophet. Abe:You know,
an honored prophet. Abe:"I and the Father are one",
an honored prophet. Abe:you know.
an honored prophet. Abe:And so Lewis said that
an honored prophet. Abe:a person, a man who would say
an honored prophet. Abe:something like that
an honored prophet. Abe:is either a liar, you know,
an honored prophet. Abe:whose source of truth
an honored prophet. Abe:comes from the pit of hell.
an honored prophet. Abe:You know, He's a demon
an honored prophet. Abe:or He's a lunatic.
an honored prophet. Abe:You know that that He's
an honored prophet. Abe:on the level of a man
an honored prophet. Abe:who calls himself
an honored prophet. Abe:a poached egg,
an honored prophet. Abe:you know, or He's exactly
an honored prophet. Abe:who He says He is.
AbeRight. Rich::The Lord.
Abe:So let's keep going there
Abe:based on scripture.
Abe:Who is Yeshua?
Rich:that is such an
Rich:exciting question.
Rich:It thrills my soul,
Rich:you know, to
Rich:to even think about that.
Rich:You know, you follow
Rich:just the Hebrew scriptures.
Rich:You know,
Rich:He is the seed of the woman
Rich:who crushes the head
Rich:of the serpent.
Rich:You know, He's
Rich:the seed of Abraham
Rich:who is going to come
Rich:and bless the entire world.
Rich:You know,
Rich:He is the coming King from the
Rich:from the tribe of Judah.
Rich:You know, on on whom
Rich:the obedience of the nations
Rich:will be His.
Rich:You know, He's the
Rich:prophet like Moses
Rich:who is to come.
Rich:He's the star of Jacob.
Rich:He's the scepter out of Israel,
Rich:He is the ruler of Jacob
Rich:who will destroy His enemies.
Rich:You know,
Rich:He's the son of David.
Rich:You know, He's the redeemer.
Rich:You know, whom
Rich:Job is going to see
Rich:standing on the earth,
Rich:you know. You know, He's
Rich:the Son of God, He's
Rich:the anointed one,
Rich:who is going to rule
Rich:with a rod of iron.
Rich:You know,
Rich:it says in scripture, "And
Rich:then the nations are going
Rich:to submit to Him."
Rich:You know,
Rich:He's the servant of the Lord,
Rich:He is the suffering servant.
Rich:You know, He's the
Rich:substitutionary sacrifice for
Rich:for all mankind.
Rich:Should I go on Abe?
Rich:How much longer have I got?
Rich:You know, I can keep on going.
Rich:I love that.
Rich:You know,
Rich:there's something,
Rich:you're going to start
Rich:having me preach here.
Rich:He died
Rich:for the sins of mankind,
Rich:delivers Israel.
Rich:He's the glorious Son of Man.
Rich:He is the sovereign power.
Rich:the Son of Man who comes in
Rich:sovereign power
Rich:and sovereign dominion
Rich:and who the nations
Rich:are going to worship.
Rich:He is the son born onto us,
Rich:who was a wonderful counselor,
Rich:mighty God, everlasting
Rich:Father, the Prince of Peace,
Rich:and whom His government
Rich:and the increase of His
Rich:government in peace
Rich:will never end. I can go on.
Rich:Do you want me to?
Rich:The Lamb of God who takes away
Rich:the sins of the world.
Abe:I think we get the point.
Rich:I'm sorry.
Rich:You got me so excited.
Abe:So if Jesus, Yeshua is
Abe:who He says He is,
Abe:what does that mean
Abe:for those who believe?
Abe:it's pretty impactful.
Abe:It's a pretty incredible thing.
Abe:It means first
Abe:the forgiveness of our sins.
Abe:We believe He is
Abe:our sacrificial substitute.
Abe:That He died in our place,
Abe:that He paid for our sins,
Abe:you know that our sins
Abe:are paid for now
Abe:and we don't
Abe:and that
Abe:we never have to pay for
Abe:the wrath of God
Abe:has been taken by Him.
Abe:And so we never
Abe:have to experience
Abe:the wrath of God
Abe:ourselves for our sin.
Abe:I mean, that's that's
Abe:a good stop right there,
Abe:but it doesn't stop there,
Abe:you know.
Abe:He also gives us
Abe:the Holy Spirit,
Abe:the Ruach Hakodesh who lives
Abe:within us and empowers
Abe:us to live a life
Abe:pleasing to God.
Abe:You know, He
Abe:gives us His wisdom.
Abe:We live this life and we
Abe:live life with wisdom now,
Abe:because we know who He is
Abe:and the truth of
Abe:His word in our life,
Abe:and then when we die,
Abe:we go to be with Him forever.
Abe:He resurrects our bodies
Abe:and we get to live
Abe:with Him forever.
Abe:We'll have, we'll have
Abe:an eternity to discover
Abe:infinity. It'll be amazing.
Abe:We're going to rule and reign,
Abe:I don't even know
Abe:what that means?
Abe:We're going to rule
Abe:and reign with Him forever.
Abe:It's repeated
Abe:a number of times,
Abe:you know,
Abe:and we're going to
Abe:be in His presence,
Abe:you know, and
Abe:physical presence,
Abe:you know, forever.
Abe:It's going to be amazing.
Abe:It's going to be exciting.
Abe:It's going to be dynamic.
Abe:So, personally speaking,
Abe:how did you realize that
Abe:there is truth in
Abe:following Yeshua?
Rich:Yeah, you know,
Rich:I was I was I was searching,
Rich:I guess, for a long time,
Rich:I guess even from a kid,
Rich:I guess.
Rich:You know,
Rich:I went to college with a lot
Rich:with lots of questions,
Rich:you know,
Rich:and I think I've
Rich:shared my story
Rich:before with you, Abe
Rich:that you know that
Rich:when I was in college,
Rich:I got involved right away
Rich:in the social sciences
Rich:and in political science
Rich:and economics and sociology.
Rich:And and they basically taught
Rich:that those disciplines
Rich:basically taught
Rich:that Man was a social being,
Rich:and that he was corrupted by
Rich:institutions and
Rich:corrupt, corrupt
Rich:mores in society.
Rich:And if we change society,
Rich:we can change people
Rich:because people
Rich:are social beings
Rich:and we'll make a new Man
Rich:by a more actualized experience
Rich:in society.
Rich:And so I bought into that.
Rich:I was a theoretical Marxist for
Rich:for about three years,
Rich:ended up doing a
Rich:political internship
Rich:in Washington, D.C.
Rich:and came away from
Rich:that experience, realizing
Rich:that Marxism couldn't
Rich:possibly work
Rich:because the problem
Rich:wasn't in society
Rich:and culture,
Rich:the problem was
Rich:in the human heart
Rich:and the problem
Rich:was in my heart.
Rich:And I knew that something
Rich:was wrong with me,
Rich:you know, and that began,
Rich:and then went back to school
Rich:for my final year in college.
Rich:And I changed my major.
Rich:I got out of the social thought
Rich:and political economy
Rich:and I got into
Rich:I took a lot of business
Rich:courses, started
Rich:a business after college.
Rich:But the questions nevertheless,
Rich:these questions that I thought
Rich:I had answered came back to me
Rich:and a thought
Rich:occurred to me, "If there's
Rich:no God, there's no hope."
Rich:And so I began to search.
Rich:And in that search,
Rich:I came across the 53rd
Rich:chapter of Isaiah,
Rich:and I read that for
Rich:the first time in my life
Rich:and I said, what is
Rich:Yeshua doing in my Bible?
Rich:And that's my Bible, Isaiah
Rich:is my prophet and his
Rich:talking about Yeshua.
Rich:And it blew my mind.
Rich:And I was
Rich:I was scared to death,
Rich:you know, because
Rich:in about a three-month period,
Rich:I went from, OK,
Rich:He might be the Messiah, He's
Rich:possibly the Messiah,
Rich:probably the Messiah.
Rich:OK, He's the Mesiah.
Rich:You know, and and
Rich:then I got scared,
Rich:you know, so
Rich:I was a secret believer
Rich:about a year, you know.
Rich:And then on April 30th, 1980,
Rich:at Temple Sinai in
Rich:Marblehead, Massachusetts,
Rich:the Lord revealed Himself
Rich:to me in a vision
Rich:and my life
Rich:has never been the same.
Abe:So to wrap things
Abe:I just have one more
Abe:question for you,
Abe:"Is religion, Man-made?" Rich:
Abe:Go back to your first point,
Abe:true religion – no.
Abe:Do man make-up religions?
Abe:you know,
Abe:but the true faith is a
Abe:faith that has been
Abe:has been revealed
Abe:to us by our Creator
Abe:who loves us
Abe:and wants us to be in a
Abe:deeply intimate,
Abe:personal relationship
Abe:with Him, through
Abe:Yeshua, our Messiah.
Abe:thank you so much
Abe:for joining us.
Abe:We loved to hear your input
Abe:and your thoughts.
Abe:We hope that as you
Abe:go back to sabbatical,
Abe:that you will find
Abe:not only rest, but inspiration
Abe:from the Holy Spirit,
Abe:while you're just
Abe:taking that
Abe:intentional time off.
Rich:Thank you.
Rich:Thanks for having me.
Rich:Great to be here.
Rich:In a world where
Rich:relativism is popular
Rich:and the idea that absolute
Rich:truth creates intolerance,
Rich:truth is sometimes set aside.
Rich:But truth be told,
Rich:God’s plan for salvation
Rich:is an important topic
Rich:to think about.
Rich:Religion is only man-made
Rich:if there is no true God,
Rich:but we would like you
Rich:to consider
Rich:that there is a true God,
Rich:and He is good.
Rich:He has an ultimate plan
Rich:to reconcile you to Himself
Rich:and that plan was to send
Rich:His only begotten Son
Rich:to die for your sins.
Rich:“For God so loved the world,
Rich:that He gave His
Rich:only begotten Son,
Rich:that whoever believes in Him
Rich:shall not perish,
Rich:but have eternal life.” John
Rich:3:16 We are praying
Rich:that you will someday
Rich:find this truth for yourself.
Rich:Thank you for listening
Rich:to this week’s
Rich:episode of Our Hope,
Rich:featuring Chosen
Rich:People Ministries’
Rich:Southern Connecticut
Rich:branch leader, Dr.
Rich:Rich Flashman.
Rich:This episode was
Rich:produced by Nicole Vacca
Rich:and written and edited
Rich:by Grace Swee.
Rich:This episode was
Rich:also made possible
Rich:thanks to, Dr.
Rich:Mitch Glaser and
Rich:Kieran Bautista.
Rich:I’m Abe Vazquez.
Rich:Until next time.
Rich:Thanks for listening
Rich:to Our Hope.
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