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Mister Productivity – Mark Struczewski
Episode 146026th February 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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Mister Productivity

Mark Struczewski

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding a balance between our personal and professional responsibilities can often seem like an insurmountable challenge. The constant stream of tasks and distractions and interruptions that can leave us feeling overwhelmed,  drained and that are robbing us of the clarity and focus we need to thrive.

But our guest today is a guiding light in the world of productivity who specializes in helping individuals, just like you and I, to cut through the noise and to transform the way you approach your day.

Mark Struczewski, affectionately known as "Mister Productivity™," has years of experience as a productivity coach. Mark brings a fresh approach to your daily grind. He’s not just about managing tasks, he helps you to reframe how you view and handle your day. This ultimately leads you to a more productive and fulfilling life.  He is also an author of a few books, one of them is “How to Overcome Roadblocks on the Path to Your Success” and is available on Amazon…In his time with us today, he will fill us in a few ways to make our days more productive in this distraction filled world. Amen! In addition, Mark, in his own words, is “Sold out for Jesus!”

Mark has been on our program before, it’s been a couple of years – but he’s back today! Help me welcome back to the program, Mr. Productivity himself, Mark Struczewski!

Mark, it’s good to talk with you again. It’s been a little while!

The last time you were on was 2019… way back about episode 578 or something. That was almost 900 episodes ago.  I know there has been a lot going on since then… so let’s get started with this question I always ask first…

For those that may not have heard our first conversation, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Mark Struczewski?”

Let’s catch up a little bit… how did you first get started in becoming a “productivity expert?”

When someone reaches out to you, and they ask, “How can I become more productive?”  I know that is a big, open ended question…so how do you try and narrow them down?  What kind of questions should they already be asking themselves in this area?

Let me ask you this – what are the Top 3 strategies YOU USE to help you achieve more in your own business?  I think that will shed some light for some of us to evaluate where we are at in our own self evaluations.

What are some of the things you learned, over the years of doing this, that you wish you would have known when you started and that you try to pass along to your clients?

I know everybody asks you about the good stuff.  But, as we get ready to wrap up, tell us about something that did not go the way “Mr. Productivity” figured it would – and what you learned from that?

You also have a podcast, the “Mr. Productivity Podcast.”  What do you share on that program?

Before we run out of time, let’s talk about your coaching program. How are helping others to do everything we just talked about?  Getting to be more productive in their life and business?

Mark, this has been so good and I’m so blessed we were able to catch up. Is there anything you would like to say to our listeners before we close?

If someone has a question or would like more information on your coaching program or the podcast or anything we have discussed, how can they get in touch with you?

I’ll put links to all of that in the show notes below.

Folks, who out there does not want (or NEED) to become more productive? Not just in your job, but in LIFE itself? Amen! You can improve. You can become more productive. You can do this and with Marks help, do it quickly and more efficiently! Amen!

Drop down into the show notes below and click the links right there to reach out to Mark Struczewski and see what he can do to help you take these very important steps in your life. Amen!


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