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105: Why the Smartest People Alive Are Wrong About…Everything
Episode 10516th January 2025 • A Changed Mind | Mindset That Matters • David Bayer
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In this episode of "A Changed Mind" our host David Bayer, explores how even intelligent and well-meaning individuals can misunderstand the nature of reality. Using an interview between Chris Williamson and Constantine Kissen as a springboard, David delves into the misconception that choice and change are limited by external circumstances. He challenges the notion that political figures or geographical locations determine our ability to create change, emphasizing instead the power of consciousness and mindset. Bayer argues that true transformation begins in the mind, not in politics or policy.

He encourages listeners to detoxify from fear and focus on personal growth, asserting that collective consciousness shift is the key to meaningful societal change. This episode offers a fresh perspective on addressing global issues and personal challenges.


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What We Explored This Episode

0:46 The power of changing your mind

5:51 Understanding reality and consciousness

11:56 Choice exists in consciousness, not geography

17:31 Mass psychosis and political solutions

22:06 Trump as embodiment of anger

Memorable Quotes

"All change occurs first in consciousness and then finds itself materializing into our reality. That's why in scripture, in Romans, it said, 'Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.' That's advice from the greatest metaphysician of all time."
"Choice is in the mind. It is in consciousness. In other words, it's like sitting in a movie theater thinking the movie is real and what you're watching on the screen, you don't like. And so in this case, for example, it's a bunch of evil people doing evil things. And you say, 'Hey, I want to stop this evil.' And your solution is to try to move the screen or yell at the people in the movie."
"Donald Trump represents anger. And there are so many people right now in the world living in hopelessness and desperation as a result of the mechanic that Constantine is describing, and they need to be pulled upward and living in anger. The vibration of anger is actually a higher frequency than hopelessness and desperation."

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David Bayer: Welcome to A Changed Mind, a journey into the topics that matter to you most. From the neuroscience and spirituality of mindset and personal growth, to groundbreaking strategies for health, wealth and relationships, to open and honest conversations about pressing global issues to such as the environment, censorship, corporate capture and democracy. Each and every episode reminds us of the certainty of the goodness of the future and provides the teachings, tools and timeless wisdom inspiring you to create real, lasting change in your life and in the world. If you've been desiring a sanctuary for your spirit, a place to go to tune out the distraction, negativity and doom and gloom so that you can tap into the deep power, the vibrancy and the potential you have inside, you're in the right place. Welcome to A Changed Mind. Hey, it's David Baer. In today's episode we're going to take a look at how some of the smartest, most intellectual, well meaning people on the planet have no understanding of how reality works. And the reason why this is important is because it is so easy for us to get wrapped up and rolled up into their perspectives and their philosophies, especially when they are people we look up to, especially when they're people that we view as smart and successful. And what inspired me to record this episode was seeing an interview between Chris Williamson on Modern Wisdom and Constantine Kissen. Now Chris does a fantastic job with his podcast, bringing on guests who are experts on a variety of topics. And Constantine, Kissing, if you're not familiar with him, is a Russian English award winning author and intellectual. And by no means am I calling out Constantine directly in this episode. What I'm wanting to point out is that so many of the people who are being pedestaled right now as thought leaders and pundits and people that we should be listening to who seem to be working towards solving the world's problems, are actually having the conversation about how to solve those problems from a very distorted view of reality. And it's important for you to see this because if you don't, you can easily get sucked into the doom and the gloom and the polarization. And if you have listened to any other episodes on this show, you know that what I believe is in the certainty of the goodness of the future, this show is about how to transform your thinking, how to detoxify yourself from fear, how to have a powerful living experience.

And this is a very subtle way that we can get wrapped up into other people's, well, bs. And so there's so much fear out there that a lot of the media, even independent media, has become Kind of a fear porn, whether it's fear around your health or fear around inflation or fear around totalitarian control. Now, don't get me wrong, these are important issues. These are issues I've spoken about on other episodes. But I think how we speak about these issues is really, really important. And I think it's time to really start taking a look at what's real and what's not. So in this clip, Chris is interviewing Constantine. He's very passionate about what he's seeing right now in terms of the degradation of Western society, particularly what he's seeing in the United Kingdom and the immigration crisis and job crisis and economy. And you can tell he really, really wants to see things improve. And the challenge is that he's been enrolled into a reality where there are very little options to create change. And the options that he sees, frankly, in my perspective, really aren't going to be the solutions that produce the results. And now the topic here is what happens if Trump doesn't deliver on his promises to rein in the deep state, to solve the immigration crisis, spending to end the forever wars? Just set aside for a second whether you voted for Trump or Kamala or anybody else. That's not the point here. I recorded a fantastic episode on how to create your reality from the fourth dimension. And I made one example of the fact that Edison invented the light bulb. And I had comment after comment after comment of people who said, no, it was Tesla or no, it was somebody else. And these people, unfortunately, are missing the point. And I don't want you to miss the point. The point is pay attention to how the world's quote, unquote, smartest people are approaching these topics, because in that, we'll see why things seem to keep getting worse and worse. And by the end of this episode, I'm going to propose to you, really throughout a way that we can move forward together into creating real long lasting generational change in the world at all levels. The reason I think a lot of people were relieved, as I was, was, at least in this election, the Trump wonder.

Yeah, the feeling for me was, well, at least there's choice. Like in the uk, you don't have choice on the issues that I care about, which is our country being prosperous, immigration being beneficial to the country. I'm pro lots and lots of immigration if it's beneficial to the country. I'm against even small levels of immigration that are detrimental to the country, and I'm completely against illegal immigration for that reason. And as you know, the woke shit, you know, grinds my Gift. So on all of that stuff, we don't have a choice in this country. We haven't had a choice for 14 years. All right, so what is the topic of this conversation? What Constantine is saying is we don't have a choice. When you live in the UK and you're a UK citizen, there are certain things that we want, or at least he wants, in terms of immigration reform, in terms of economic reform, job reform. And from his perspective, there's a government that is not implementing the voice of the people. It's not really a democracy. And if your government does not do that, then you have no choice. We have no choice. We have no choice here in the uk. Fine. Let's slow this down for a second. Let's get back to root cause principles. What does it mean to have choice? I saw an interview with Nassim Haramain. He's one of my favorite spiritual physicists. And he was being interviewed, and the interviewer asked him, hey, how do you create your own reality? And he laughed and he said, well, so many people want the answer to that question. But number one, you have to understand what reality is and how it functions. And number two, you have to understand who you really are and how you function within this dynamic of reality. He says, if you don't understand those things, you're going to start answering the question and coming up with solutions based on observations that are faulty observations in the first place. And so, of course, the solutions are not going to allow you to produce the outcome that you want. And that's really what's happening here. Because we have to stop and say, well, where does choice come from? Well, all choice or all change. Constantine is looking for change as a result of choice, all choice. And change begins in the mind. It doesn't begin with parliament. It doesn't begin with politics. It doesn't begin with policy. It doesn't begin with votes. All change occurs first in consciousness and then finds itself materializing into our reality. That's why in scripture, in Romans, it said, be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That's advice by the greatest metaphysician of all time. That is advice from someone who understand that root cause is in the mind, is in the imagination. Now, stay with me for a minute, because this is not a thing to dismiss. Mind is the cause, what we believe is the cause. The details of what plays out are just the mechanic. That's how mind or consciousness is playing out. And so when we look at the details, when we see the mechanic, and it's not producing the result that we want. The solution is not in trying to rail against the mechanic or intellectualize the mechanic. It's to take a look at what is it in consciousness that is producing what seems to be the lack of ability to choose in the United Kingdom, according to Constantine. But this is just a fixed moment in time. It doesn't actually mean that there is no choice. It just means that the mechanic, which is an effect of consciousness, has played out to create an environment where it seems like there's no choice. And all the details of what Constantine is about to share, which, again, are very sexy, very alluring, very intelligent, very intellectual, very explanative, are explanatory of the mechanic. But the mechanic is just the effect. The cause is mind materializing itself into the world. And when you look at mechanic, you may feel like there's no choice, but that's not actually where choice is in the first place. Choice is in the mind. So, again, the first misperception that Constantine has is that we don't have choice because no matter what we vote for, we don't get our government to implement that result. But really, that's just a mechanic. Choice is in the mind. It is in consciousness. In other words, it's like sitting in a movie theater thinking the movie is real and what you're watching on the screen, you don't like. And so in this case, for example, it's a bunch of evil people doing evil things.

And you say, hey, I want to stop this evil. And your solution is to try to move the screen or yell at the people in the movie. And of course, nobody's listening to you, and nothing changes. And so the conclusion you come to is, oh, my God, I have no choice. Not realizing, of course, that all you really need to do is go to the projector room in the back of the movie theater and flip off the movie. And that's what we're gonna see her in a moment. Actually paying no more attention to the movie is how you change your experience of the screen. But instead, you get caught up in all the details, the mechanics, and you feel trapped. Let's listen. The conservative government that's just left is virtually indistinguishable from the labor party that's just come in to the point where the labor leader is attacking the conservatives for their failure on mass immigration. And everyone's going, he's got a point. I mean, he's going to make it worse, but he's got a point. Do you know what I Mean, okay, so here again we see Constantine is getting entangled with the mechanic. This party does this, this party doesn't do that. This person from this party says this thing, and he has a point, but he's going to make it worse. And you can see how this starts to spiral into a feeling of hopelessness. But that feeling that you don't have choice is really what we're wanting to dive deeper on. If what is materializing is the illusion of non choice within the uk. Again, this is what Constantine is saying, because in a moment he's going to say, but over here in the United States, we have choice. Choice exists somewhere geographically, but it doesn't exist somewhere else because of the way the mechanic is unfolding. We have to really look at what is the root cause of this temporary experience or this illusion of not having choice in the uk. And so the root cause of that which has materialized into what the government is doing is a feeling that life is unfair. It's a feeling that you don't have choice. It's a feeling that people are going to take away the things that you have from you. And those are ideas and emotions held in the consciousness of the people of the United Kingdom and frankly, most people in the world that's been held for a long, long time. That is a latent fear held in our nervous system that is producing a vibrational output that is activating consciousness as the cause and all of the possibilities, the infinite possibilities that exist in consciousness. And it materializes that very specific scenario into our reality in the form of everything that Constantine is describing. That is the cause of everything that Constantine is saying. The mechanic or the way this happens are all the details. And that's why no matter what the details are, whether it's this party or that party, the Democrats or the Republicans, this party in Parliament the last eight years, the last 14 years, immigrants, economy, inflation, surveillance, global wars. The outcome, at least recently, seems to be the same because the root cause has not changed. Latent fear held in the nervous system of human beings is the cause of the fear that is materializing in all of its forms. So, number one, it's not true that the people in the United Kingdom don't have a choice. They have a choice to change their minds. Change your mind and you change your reality. Given a little bit of time, different people will be elected into Parliament. Different people in Parliament will have different ideas and different opinions. Different scenarios and policies will unfold as the mechanic, a byproduct of the change in consciousness. But first, this unmetabolized or unprocessed, generational trauma and belief systems of fear that are being held by the population have to be transformed. But if you keep trying to change the mechanic, if you keep trying to solve the movie screen or the manifested problem, then all you're doing is feeding more energy back into the mechanic. And that's what's so interesting about the mechanic. Because the more upset you get about the mechanic, the more energy you're actually feeding back into the mechanic. It creates more fear and more frustration. And the cycle continues on and on. New people, same problems, new crisis, same fears. It's like everywhere you go, there you are. So let's continue to listen. So in America, at least, the feeling was, well, okay, they actually have choice. They can choose if, like, if you don't want this continued slide into managed decline, you can vote for something else. Okay, got it. So this thing called choice now exists in the United States, but it doesn't exist in the uk.

And we can explain that through a mechanic that has emerged, which is you have Trump as an alternative. And you think about it, this is such a hopeless place to be in. And Konstantin talks about more of that hopelessness and how the people of the United Kingdom feel hopeless in the full episode. But the hopelessness is not because the government of the UK is not compliant to the wishes of the people. It's because you believe that choice comes down to where you exist geographically in the world, who you vote for, and the policies of those people instead of what you decide and believe in holding consciousness. And this is not to get religious. This is not a religious conversation. It's to reference scripture as a blueprint or a game plan for encouraging us into right thinking and understanding how choice and change occur and what the root cause is. But we can see, for example, in Matthew 19, it says, with man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. And really what that's reflecting is when you're trying to change the mechanic, you can't, because the mechanic is just an effect of the root cause. But with God or imagination or faith or prayer or belief, all things are possible because that's the root cause. Mark 9 says, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Luke says something similar. For with God, nothing shall be impossible. And I'm not sharing this with you again from the perspective of religion, but look, Christ was one of the greatest metaphysicians that ever lived. And the documentation of his teachings gives us a playbook for understanding how reality functions. And nowhere is it written that you don't have choice. You can't create change because you don't have anyone to vote for. Like with God, all things are possible unless you have a particular political party. That's not what it says. Or hey, all things are possible, but only depending upon where you live. If you vote for that something else and you don't actually end up having that choice, then you're in deep trouble. And as you probably know, in the fringes of right wing discourse, the Curtis Yarvins of the world, not super familiar. I've met Curtis, but I'm not super familiar with him. He's an interesting guy, but it's not even about him specifically. There are a lot of people who up until this point were increasing in profile because they were saying something that I don't necessarily agree with, but I see the logic of. And that is what good is democracy if you can't vote for the things that you want? So now we see how far from the pin we start to move in the conversation because the mechanic is taking over. We're not talking about, hey, what is it inside of us as a population that is creating externally the circumstance or situation that we don't like, where it feels like we have no choice and how do we go to the place where there is choice and there is change which is within and what change needs to be created? Because that's actually a solution oriented conversation here we get back into the mechanics and we just start going down a rabbit trail. We're talking about some guy, Curtis Yarvin. I don't know who Curtis Yarvin is.

solved. It reminds me back in:




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