Artwork for podcast Thrive Beyond Pornography (Formerly The Self Mastery Podcast)
Climbing Life's Mountains
Episode 9023rd May 2021 • Thrive Beyond Pornography (Formerly The Self Mastery Podcast) • Zach Spafford
00:00:00 00:30:17

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The other day Zac h and I went hiking up Shadow Mountain with our 4 little kids. Just to get up to the base of the “Mountain” you have to climb up two very steep hills. The two toddlers were complaining about their legs being tired before we even got to the base.


As we started to climb the “mountain” my brain started thinking in metaphors and how this hike up this “mountain” was a great metaphor for all the challenges we experience in life.


As we began to climb it was pretty flat. Then it got steeper and steeper.


There were points along the trail were the toddlers needed some help along the way or they wanted to hold hands to steady themselves.


Then there were a few instances were the toddlers were not physically able to do the next step on their own and needed us to boost them up the boulders so they could continue on their way. There were points along the way where Zach had to carry our youngest.


As we were climbing, if I looked up ahead at where our 9 year old boy was, (he likes to RUN up this “mountain”) it was easy to get discouraged and feel like we were so far behind and that we would never going to catch up to him.


It was easy to think how lucky he is too have a healthy body that can scale this “mountain” in no time compared to the rest of us that went a lot slower.


But, as we put one foot in front of the other we eventually got to the top of the “Mountain” just like Briggs. It took us WAY longer to get to the top but, we DID IT!!!


It was so awesome to look back down the “mountain” and see how far we had come.


Sometimes moving away from pornography and moving closer to what we truly value in life can feel like a huge “mountain” to climb.


The truth is all you have to do is keep moving forward and when you slip on the loose gravel on the path (like we all do) you get up, learn from it, and keep climbing.


If you don’t give up eventually you will make it to the top of the “mountain!”



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