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The Four Shields of Human Nature with Betsy Perluss
Episode 122nd May 2023 • The Wild Minds Podcast • The Outdoor Teacher
00:00:00 00:49:02

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Season 1: Episode 1

Betsy Perluss is a leading wilderness rites of passage guide and trainer, a depth psychotherapist, practising deep ecotherapy and helping people to apply the natural world for therapeutic purposes.

In this episode, Betsy:

● Helps us to reimagine ourselves as intricately interwoven with the world beyond our skin.

● Explains the four shields of human nature: The body, psyche, mind, and spirit, and the value of seeing and experiencing a bigger reality.

● Explores words like ego and the unconscious – and what happens when our ego is defeated.

● Debates: How can we begin to live in a not-so-human-centric way?

Show Notes:

Music by Geoff Robb:

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