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Why People Hate on Service Bureau Accelerator
Episode 1224th January 2024 • Service Bureau Accelerator Podcast • Service Bureau Accelerator Team
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In this episode of The Service Bureau Accelerator podcast, hosts Baldeep, Ross, and Tia dive into the reasons why some people aren't fans of their platform. As they expose the secrets of the service bureau industry and share their experiences, you'll learn about the disruptive force that SBA has become. 

From pulling back the curtain on hidden fees to empowering customers with knowledge, tune in to find out why Service Bureau Accelerator is shaking up the industry and why some people just can't stand it. Don't miss this engaging conversation – listen now!

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Tia: [:

So, that's my big part. And on top of that, the lies, this industry is for they're honest people don't get me wrong, but the amount of dishonesty and really the misunderstanding that if you keep a person at a certain level, a lower level than you, then you'll be successful.

Welcome to the Service Bureau Accelerator Podcast, where we help tax professionals start and scale a successful service bureau.

ast. I am here with Tia, the [:

Tia: The tax goddess.

Baldeep: Tia.

Ross: How could you forget? forget

Baldeep: Was it Daddy Ross? Uncle Ross? Whatever.

Ross: No relations

Tia: Uncle Ross.



Baldeep: Before we dive into the podcast and the topic let's do something we never do until the very end or forget to do. If you've watched a couple of our episodes, go ahead and subscribe, comment follow, whatever. Cause we never ask for people to do that until it's, oh yeah, we always forget.

And if you want any,

Ross: We talk about marketing and sales, but we never do it on the podcast.

Tia: It's new year.

Baldeep: It is a new year. At the time of this recording, it's now January 12th, right? Tax season's already, for those of you in the offices that start early. We've got a lot of people sending off returns now for loans.

take it how you want to take [:

Ross: Yeah, I like this topic cause I knew as soon as we brought up to Tia, she was going to be like, Oh, I know I got a whole list of why people are saying that. But yeah, it's funny. I'll share one instance that I thought was quite interesting on this. I think by and large, you know, we've ruffled a few feathers.

There's a few things we can get into, but you know, within the industry, just giving people the best deal and pulling back the curtains and showing people how much money they've been getting screwed over with basically on their software deals, but they didn't know any better because that's kind of how the industry has been.

It's like, oh, don't worry about those fees, max everyone out. And as soon as we started going in and actually educating people on those fees, people have been jumping ship left, right, and center. And the people they left are usually the ones who are hating on us because their volumes moving to our volume because they decided to crank fees, get greedy and, you know, take a lot of money out of people's pockets with no real value at, like, they weren't providing anything other than software.

n individuals that have been [:

Tia: Same thing that you said Ross, which is like the educational part, like really just pulling back that curtain and not just knowing what your fees are, but what those fees mean, because we can look at them all day long. But until we know what they mean and how the impact is I think that was actually how service bureaus became really successful, was that we as the consumers did not have the education.

So, that's my big part. And on top of that, the lies, this industry is for they're honest people don't get me wrong, but the amount of dishonesty and really the misunderstanding that if you keep a person at a certain level, a lower level than you, then you'll be successful.

level in order for us to be [:

Baldeep: No, that's

Tia: And I don't think you guys started.

Yeah. I don't think y'all started saying, Hey, you know, we're going to get haters. I remember this being a very honest, really humbling conversation with just looking to bring transparency to the industry.

Baldeep: Yeah, I mean,

Ross: I mean, haters are a good sign, right? It's like, if people are hating on you while you're doing something, right? Typically,

Baldeep: Yeah, it wasn't we,

Tia: But you guys had hater for years. So

Baldeep: One comment I got from somebody in the industry, that wasn't a hater, but basically, it was somebody that worked at a software. And right when we launched this thing after the somewhere, probably a couple of months in, as we started picking up really a lot of traction one of the guys, I'm not going to mention any names or where he's from, but he's like, Hey, you're pissing a lot of people off because you're taking a lot of their customers.

like, well, I mean, I can't [:

There's another scenario where I met somebody in person. And I think the comment was, Oh, you're the person that takes all my customers. That was the comment.

Ross: Sorry, but

Baldeep: Maybe.

Ross: And I also wanted to mention some of what Tia said. It's like, when we sat out for this, it's not like that was the idea. It's like, oh, let's piss everyone off. It's like, let's just, I mean, Baldeep, you've mentioned this before where it's like, let's give everyone the deal that you wish you had when you started your service bureau, no add ons, no, like just set them up as a true real service bureau.

They have full control, they can do whatever they want in their service bureau. They can sell as many licenses, they can do whatever they want. And there's no extra fees on the backend. They take all those fees, right? They can set the fees and all that money just goes directly to them, setting them up as a true service bureau.


Because that would mean that they're now not getting those $190 bank products where majority of those fees are going direct to the service bureau.

Baldeep: Yeah. They're just losing out there. A lot of people look at, Oh, I'm not going to make that money anymore. Oh, I lost this client. The client was going to leave you. Right? Once they start asking those questions and you don't have a good answer or you can't, or you've been. Or they realize that, hey, they didn't know you are making 40 grand off them every year without the right.

They're not going to stay with you. If you say, oh, now you could do this. Like, you have to set that. I think it's the transparency. You have to set that ascension plan.

ly showed people another way,[:

Baldeep: I think Elisa Gibson is the one that really ran with that concept. And I hammered that into her from the beginning. Like you gotta stop doing taxes. Like we tell people all the time, like everyone still does it right. Oh, Tia still does it. But I think the ultimate goal is, Hey, stop doing taxes, focus on the business.

And, you know, you'll get to that number. I think Lisa was one the few people that's a 100% just said, Hey. Let's just not do taxes and let's just focus on selling software. And you see the results on it.

e you kind of taking off the [:

Baldeep: No, not traders. The big ones really didn't care. Like they don't care. Right. The big ones that do care is because we take their customers, right? And, but they won't publicly say anything, they're not like that, right? They're cool people. It's just, Hey, we just are doing something different.

The big ones that, here's my thing. I think that the big ones missed the boat or missed the opportunity, but the way that they grew is different than the way that we grew, right? They can't go to Tia, say you're a client of a big service bureau, right? You are a client of the service bureau that was pretty big, if I remember correctly, and say they go to Tia. Hey,

Tia: That's net that's now part of the.

t go and say, Hey, Doug kind [:

Call down all the URO's and cold called and had sales reps and sold software for years and years and years and years, you go to all the trade shows, this and that they're doing that type of growth, how we grow? Ads, webinars, sales, call close. That's it. Like, we don't need to go see you in person.

We don't need to have 20 people hammering the phone getting TC, yeah, the same list that everyone else calls, like we have people come to us. So they can't show their people how to do that because they don't know how to do that. Right? So how are they going to show them? How are they going to train them?

So a lot of those guys, you know, they'll sell you a service bureau, but it's Hey, cool. Go ahead and market it. Maybe try this. Why don't you try doing this? But they don't have any of the steps or any ways to execute how to build a team around it, none of that. Because the employee at these companies, they're just the employee at these companies. That's it. I have my job.

Ross: They don't know how,

Baldeep: Do anything.[:

Ross: And how to put together a sales presentation.

Baldeep: To do any of that stuff. So going back to your question to you. I don't think we didn't really get much hate from like the bigger ones. You know, some of the actual tax offers get mad when we take their clients and put them on a different one.

But the bigger service bureaus, at least the ones that we speak to, not so much the ones that typically get mad are the service bureaus that are semi big, let's say 20-30-40,000 products, medium, right? Medium sized service bureaus. And then all of a sudden all of their clients are jumping ship, right?

There's one service bureau that I'm not gonna, obviously I'm not, mentioning names, but I know of one that we took 50% of their volume in one swoop. With a handful of clients. And one of the things we always tell people is you can't build a service bureau with a handful of clients, maxing them out.

t matter. Right? It all just [:

I another funny conversation. I mean, I've spoken to some of those medium sized ones in person. And I think a lot of the times it's like, Hey, how are you doing? It looks like we have this whole thing. Hey, can I get into your training? You're going to have to leave your direct relationship and come with us.

And a lot of times those people's egos won't let them do it. Even though we could give them the same deal more than likely. Right. Or better. But they just won't do it because of ego. But it was like, yeah, our programs just for people that have their softwares with us. We don't sell it outside of it.

That's why it's two grand and you get all of that. If we sold it outside of it, 25, 30, 40, 50 grand more. All right, cause what some people have been able to do with it is pretty good.

is kind of what we talked a [:

Is that like, yeah, if you're working with a large service bureau and you're under, you know, you're direct with them or whatever, but they're a large business that's been around for a long time. They're going to show you how to go and launch Facebook ad campaigns to drive it into a lead funnel or a webinar.

And you don't have callers and have a sales pipeline and do demos and like the whole sales process that we teach. It's like they're not going to be able to do all that stuff, especially with the new age of marketing of digital media and everything like that. That's where they fall short.

And some people have definitely tried to copy our program and have tried to do that. And what happens is people think that it's like, okay maybe these guys have got a better program. They go over there, they realize that this company can't deliver on what they promised. They don't deliver on anything that was promised, and it's a horrific experience.

em don't even work properly. [:

So I think that's another reason why a lot of people hate us is because they're trying to deliver a lot of the stuff that we do, that we actually deliver on, that we've been doing this for a

Baldeep: Problem is they're not

Ross: Deliver this.

Baldeep: So, there's one company that I was made aware of that was trying to figure out, Oh, how are we doing what we're doing? And just because, you know, some of the tools that we use, like internet tools and this and that doesn't mean you know how to use it.

Or I know how to execute on it. Right. So you could go sign up for some of the same tools. Go have fun, right? There is a lot more involved than the actual tools that you use. And it's funny because the comment that person made to somebody else that I know is, but how the hell do you support all these people?

hese people? Cause there's a [:

That's way beyond just setting up somebody with a tax office and enrolling them in the bank, right? Go ahead.

Tia: And one thing that Ross had mentioned too, was the process that we go through to bring a person from awareness to actually becoming a part of our program. Just the webinar in itself creates conscious buyers. So even if we have people who are interested that don't bow at that moment, they now have that knowledge at no cost that they're now using to go and filter and inquire and ask questions against other service bureaus.

And that creates a lot of tension as well, a.k.a the haters, you guys should give in for free. And how long is the webinar?

that varied, like the first [:

Baldeep: Yeah.

Ross: Opens a can of worms.

Baldeep: Some webinars. Some people are like, wait a minute, I'm looking at my fees. I don't get any of this. And we're like, oh yeah, if you were with us, that 20 grand that's missing is now in your pocket. . It's

Ross: That's yours. Yeah. We've done that at the end of webinars where people they'll do an app and they put in like, they do a screenshot and they're like, can you do, can you look up my numbers right now? We're like, yeah, sure. Why not? We're at the end of the webinar. We're just doing like a Q and A session.

And we've done that multiple times where it's like 10, 15, $20,000 +, and people were just like, holy. It's like, yeah. And then of course, yeah. What happens, right? Then they go back to their software provider. You're like, Hey, what the hell is this? Cause now I know what all these numbers are.

What the hell's going on here? And then they tell all the other people that they know who are getting software from that person. And then one person who may have a stronger influence in that community or in that group of customers that are getting software from another service bureau.

get my service bureau set up [:

Baldeep: Quite a few times.

Ross: That's happened many times.

Tia: So many times, even some people that will come and just scope us out, come to the webinar, like several times and then the next year. Okay. I just want to make sure it was legit. I looked you guys up. I see that you're on YouTube called a couple of other members podcast.

Baldeep: Up message some of the people in the

Tia: Message some of the other members and then they're like, okay, yeah I'm ready to buy. And then when they do it, they also have, like you said, those group of clients

Baldeep: And that's their start.

ss model too is because it's [:

You already have a network, you already got, you're already doing taxes, you're already using software anyways, so is everyone else. Very easy to get in and just start selling to your network and bringing people in and setting them up correctly, especially when you get the education that we provide.

There was actually a couple that they joined our program. They went through all our foundations are like, okay, they learned a ton of stuff about it. And then they saw some marketing for another company. And we know this company, we work with them tons. Like they're great people over there. They just run a little bit differently. Right?

And they thought the grass was green on that other side because of this one little thing. And I'm just like that one little thing means like, part of my language means fuck all to your service bureau realistically, but they looked at they're like, Ooh, this shiny object. So let's go over here because it's probably going to be a better deal.

any was starting to do their [:

Like, oh no, don't worry about that. We take care of it. They're like. Hang on, SBA, we got a master Ethan, we did the bank and roll it, did all this stuff. And they're like no, we do all that for you. Like, well, how the hell are you going to enroll me with the banks? If you don't even have my banking info.

So immediately it's like red flag, because with our program, it's like, this is your info. It's your service bureau. You enroll with the banks. We guide you through, we have training, we have support and everything, but we educated them very quickly in our program to the point that now, when they went somewhere else.

Very quickly, they're like, hang on, this isn't right because I know what's right because I was with SBA so long story short, they came back with the tail between the legs, I'm sorry, but yeah, I thought the grass was green on the other side and it was not. And so, sure we get a little bit of hate from that too where people say, you know what? No, this isn't right. going to SBA.

Baldeep: I remember that.

Ross: Sorry no sorry.

ouldn't sign up so they hate?[:

Baldeep: I wouldn't even call some of them service bureaus, but so obviously with depending on what software they have and certain contractual obligations. We can't sign up some people on some softwares. And if they're an existing service bureau would say, for example, tax layer and we can't sign them up and they already have a service bureau and have offices, but they're like, oh, but what if I just sign up with you on OLT, your other software. I'm like, well, no, that's not how we operate. We don't want you to have a service bureau there doing whatever and then also here with like, that's not how we do it. Like it's all or nothing with us. Right? At least to get access to

Tia: And that's what they want, the training?

s like, one of the people, I [:

And then I go back and then it ends up in our, it's like somebody who sends us a screenshot of this. And then we see all these SBA members, like members of the SBA community just commenting back, like, what are you talking about? Like, it's just like avalanche. And then I go. And I'm like, who is this person?

And then I go look up and I'm like, and then we actually had the call recording. So we'll listen to the call recording. I'm like, there was a conflict. I said, Hey, if you want to go get released, we'll give you like, you're better off here. Go ahead and ask for a release and this and that, but they'd never went and did that. And they're just like thinking like, oh, well why, how are they doing this? 'cause I have to pay for all this extra stuff and wait, I don't have to with them.

ducts in their entire group. [:

You're not gonna get anything special. So you're trying to say, Hey, watch out for all this stuff that you have to pay for because you have 400 products and anybody in our group immediately doesn't have to pay for that cause we leverage the volume, right?

So it's just funny little things like that, that people don't understand.

Tia: And our rock stars are loyal like we're always out there we report

Baldeep: I don't see any of this stuff. We find out

Tia: know what's going on

Ross: Yeah.

Tia: Oh, we're out there we're like SBA

Ross: Yeah. Well, that post, that one person's post, I don't even remember like who it was, but it was screenshotted. We wasn't, this was not us again. This was our SBA family here. Someone in our program went and saw this and was like, well, this is some bullshit.

ll of our community saw, and [:

They don't have the volume. They don't have the ability to actually negotiate and get those offers. And so then when they see something else, like when they see the information on our program, it's like, well, that's not possible. And they think it's again, it's like,

Baldeep: And I think a lot of the times,

Ross: How many

Baldeep: A lot of times people think it's not possible because when we take one of their clients, which we can take their clients, and then their clients immediately get a better deal than they even have.

Ross: And the client says, well, I'm getting this. And the other person says, no, that's not possible. It's like,

hem how to get their ETH in, [:

Tia: So but outside of like logistics, so let me ask you this. So we have service bureaus who are already service bureaus that are just transferring to us.

Baldeep: Yeah, that's happened.

Tia: Better deal as a service bureau. So besides a conflict of interest, are there any other reasons that they can't sign up?

Baldeep: It's typically just the conflict, or if we had a bad feeling about. So like, we had this one chick that I remember speaking to, and they're like, Oh, I have Drake, I have this, but I want to get this through you. go get it through somewhere else. Like I, we don't want that type of client, right? Like, especially when we know that they have multiple softwares.

It's like, you're not gonna be focused. We're not giving you our training so you can go grow your service bureau with Drake or whatever. This is not what we do. And then the ones that go ahead,

Ross: I was going to say we had an earlier podcast episode about that where at least we touched on it about having multiple softwares where,

eep: They don't, they're not [:

Ross: There's very quickly diminishing returns and I mean, there's a whole other, a whole slew of reasons, but like, you do not want to have every single software under the moon, just so that you can offer every single software.

Cause now you have to support every single software. And if you're direct with the software companies, guess what? You're not going to get any better deals and incentives as you grow your volume, because your say 5,000 products are spread across six different tax softwares. So, okay, great. You have no negotiating power with any one of those softwares. So that's why it's like, you don't need to do that to grow a service bureau, if you struggle at converting a sale, because some person wanted software A, but you offer software B, well, you need to learn how to move that person onto software B. If you don't know how to do that, it doesn't matter what softwares you have.

ed to position the sale, and [:

So they think, Oh, if I just have more softwares, then everyone will buy.

Tia: But typically in this industry, if someone, and it's not it's how we're conditioned. So someone says, you know, you can't do this. Oh, there must be an income opportunity. They're trying to hold me back from and that's why they're telling me not to do this versus like you said, very logically, like, you know, when you spread it across, it really doesn't look like you're doing much.

Ross: I'm still struggling to learn our second software, but I know the first one pretty good,

Baldeep: The third, but we don't really sell one of them anymore. They don't sell the first one.

Ross: The third. Yeah.

Tia: He who must not be named, we're not gonna talk about that one.

Ross: Anything else guys? Any other thing? I'm just looking at some

Tia: People who are not actual service bureaus that hate on

Baldeep: No, that was your comment. So I don't know. You tell us.

Tia: Oh, yeah, no.

Baldeep: You're looking at me with like the question in your face. What does that mean?

got? What do you got? Balls?[:

Tia: I want to touch on the people who are not even in the software selling industry that are selling software. I don't want to say too much or too little, but If you're registering me for your bank services and then you're offering me software, I'm a little confused how that kind of works out.

Baldeep: Yeah, I think when people or companies decide to do too much, they end up having less than expected results, like one trying to focus on marketing, banking, software, this that not it, everything's going to suffer. Right? That's I'm not naming names. I'm not saying anything.

, Hey, brilliant idea. Let's [:

Baldeep: Go do that.

Tia: And yeah, you can be a service bureau on three days and up and running with a

Baldeep: Well, I mean, it goes to show the results of campaigns like that from different companies, like companies that historically do different things, it's that, oh, they can't support it. There's a lot more involved than just setting somebody up and enrolling them a lot more involved because I have to train them on how to use all this stuff.

And if you're learning it, how are you going to teach it to them? And then it really just comes down to support. I mean, we brought over a lot of people from companies like that or places like that. Where they're trying to do too much, and they're like, I just can't get what they told me they'd give me.

They're kind of what Ross said earlier, even on the other topic, where it's people like promising all this stuff, but they can't deliver it.

Ross: Yeah. Hanging out in a discord server, trying to get support.

Tia: Please.

Ross: No names. No,

Tia: Not the discord.

Oh yeah, I heard about that.[:

Tia: I would like for us to have.

Ross: That's just some of our members telling us some horror stories. And

Tia: I would like to talk about another episode fulfillment. Like, why is it hard for people to, like, fulfill that, you know, because like you said, these are big companies.

Baldeep: Well, it's cause,

Tia: Why are you

Baldeep: Here's why they're struggling, and it's very easy. Hey Tia, right? You're familiar with TAC software, right? And maybe you just do one piece of it, go and build out this whole other thing. Okay, cool. Where do I start? I don't know you go figure it out.

Tia: Right. What the hell are you talking about? Right.

Baldeep: These companies They all recruit from each other. Well, I'm gonna go hire this guy that's leaving this bank, or I'm gonna go hire this guy that's leaving this software. They're just hiring employees that just follow and do certain roles. Most of these guys aren't thinkers and building product. Right.?

not, in this case, we're not [:

All right. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. All right, cool. So when we sign somebody up, we need to get them to give us this info. Oh, wait, you know, what's going to happen. Everyone's never going to give us their logo. So why don't we go and get a logo designer to make all the logos for everybody that signs up. So now that'll shorten down the support and us chasing our customer. These are things that we picked up on before we even launched. Right?

Somebody else from this other company that says, Hey, John Smith, go and do what they're doing. Right? Okay. How are they doing it? Oh, what tools are they using? They don't know the nuance the

Ross: Tool.. Yeah.

o to thousands and thousands [:

Ross: But,

Tia: Make this work.

Ross: And it's not only that. It's the fundamental part that Baldeep was talking about is that is actually knowing the exact steps A to Z. It's like, you have to know that first, and this whole other topic as well. I like automating my business or like outsourcing my business.

It's like, if you don't know what the hell's going on in your business, how can you put someone in place and actually make sure they're doing it properly? You don't know what to look at, you don't know if they're doing it correctly. No, if they're doing it incorrectly. And so that's, I think the biggest difference is that why it's companies try to bring in and they like, well, you said they bring in an employee who's has a very like specific like knowledge base, which they're great at.

entrepreneur and figure out [:

That's where it breaks down and that's where knowing every single step of the process, like the back of your hand allows you to create those streamlined processes and systems in the business that then you can put someone in place afterwards because you've built it, you know exactly how it works. You know exactly how it needs to be done correctly every single time. And you've built the system around it. Now you can put someone in place to manage it.

And that's where a lot of people just don't understand that because it's like, yeah, it, does that sound like a lot of work? Yeah. It is. Welcome to being in business. You got to put in the work, right? Like you got to do the work and people I've heard this. I don't know how many times I've heard this on sales calls. I know you've probably heard this too, you've probably heard this as well. Well, how much work do I have to do to be successful?

bout having to do it, put in [:

They want to try to skip the line and get immediate results. And it's like, you got to look, you got to do the work. The best thing that I would probably say about our program is that you get to learn from all of our work and all the mistakes that we made along the way, where we now can give you a shortcut because it's like, we're actually in the industry. We're in the business, we're growing a service bureau. We know exactly what we did wrong, we know exactly what we're doing. Right?

And we know exactly what our improvements are going to be for next year. And we share that with everyone. Hey, here's what you should be looking at. This is the time of the year, this is what we did in the past, this is what we saw that didn't work, this is what we changed about it, this is what you should do as well. So it's like that, if anything is like a huge part of our program is giving our members that shortcut to success from our mistakes. There's still work involved.

Don't think it's a cheat code, that doesn't mean you have to do any work, but there's still work involved to really understand all the steps as we've laid them out and, you know, how to go out and build programs to grow your

Baldeep: And [:

All right. Yeah. It takes work. Like you said, yeah. And even like on supporting,

Tia: Sitting there looking at the Tax Nitro screen.

Baldeep: Oh, wait, yeah, this looks familiar. Oh, I seen something similar. Okay. Let's go figure it out. Like, good luck. Have fun.

Ross: Good luck. Have fun.

Baldeep: Right. Four years. It takes to learn stuff. Like we're what? Four or five years in using tools like that or more tools like that. We've used a lot.

Tia: You've never lied. This is not an official plugin for Tax Nitro, but everyone knows how much I love Tax Nitro. Literally, I feel like after using it for three years, I'm just getting a hang of automations and CRM's. It takes years.

Baldeep: And then think about.

Tia: You guys just make it easy.

lfill, trying to think about [:

Now you have to support that as well as all the other that comes with it. Just learning

Baldeep: And you'll run into people that are not as tech savvy and those support calls are support calls, right? Like it just happens a lot of people overlook that they think it's all plug and play. No, it's not. All right. I think we okay

Tia: So how many people do you all have? But i'm put on the team I just know my part and I kind of stay in my way. But you know people have the misconception they just see the small thing, but how many people really support the SBA community?

Baldeep: Oh like on the company payroll I think like 20 something Yeah,

Ross: I think we're over 20 at this point.

Mainly on the support side, [:

So when you sell a service bureau. You go and show them how to set it up and all that stuff. Right? Year one, guess what, if a person only sets up three or four people year one, right? And say you go like us, we sign up another 250 people next year, right? Now we have to support these new people and show them how to set stuff up.

Guess what? Half of the people from the year before are going to need support and setting all this stuff up because they forgot how to do it because it's something that they do once a year. And if they don't do enough, like some people, I'll set up five or 10 people, right? You set up five or 10 people.

oing to remember how to set. [:

Like, or more, right? So it's those little things. Cause you're not supporting just the new people and showing them how to do it. It's all the existing people. So like what? Over 600 something people that we're supporting just on that. And then that also comes with, we try and not deal with a lot of this stuff, but that also comes with ERO support for like support for their ERO's because, and this is probably a, oh, this will be a good topic for the next one.

We'll give a little thing because a lot of times EROs, like say something's going on with a bank, they need to fix some issue. The bank customer service sucks. Software cause like all these customer services are going to suck. And if you don't know how to ask the question. You're going to be stuck in a two, three day limbo of hopefully somebody figuring out what you're asking.

at? The people that submit a [:

We already know how to ask it and how to get the result.

Ross: And we got them connections. We've got the hookups.

Tia: I was just about to say, wait a minute, we do have some connections.

Ross: We got some hookups. So

Baldeep: I end up making, this time of year, I make a

Tia: They hate it for a reason.

Baldeep: On certain scenarios like, Hey, can you just look this one up for me? What's going on here? Okay. Can we do this and that?

Tia: Boss balls. Come on now. Yes. Wherever you

Ross: Good episode. I'll plug it again. So we did at the beginning, but if you guys enjoyed this episode or listen to our other episodes, definitely go ahead, subscribe on Spotify, YouTube. Where else we got, I don't know. We got all over the place, but yeah, go ahead, follow like comment as well.

If there's any.

Tia: Are, comments.

ator, head onto our website, [:

And then we reached out in the early, late spring and, usually open up enrollment back at that time. So, but yeah, great episode. I think that was fun.

Baldeep: Let's wrap it up. Later.

Tia: out.




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