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Does Jesus Want Me to Be Perfect or Complete?
Episode 2118th June 2024 • Bible, Women & Bathrobes • Women Warriors of Light
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Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 21

Sermon on the Mount, Part 11




Tamara, Wendi, and Bonnie discuss Matthew 5:48 about overcoming perfectionism and insecurities through faith in Jesus, emphasizing challenging unrealistic expectations, embracing imperfection, and seeking God's guidance.


Tamara, Wendi, and Bonnie shared their experiences and insights on overcoming perfectionism and insecurities through faith and trust in Jesus Christ as they discussed Matthew 5:48, from the Sermon on the Mount. They emphasized recognizing and challenging unrealistic expectations, embracing authenticity and imperfection, and seeking God's guidance and help.

Main Takeaways

  • From Wendi, Heavenly Father doesn't expect us to be absolutely perfect in everything He just expects us to come, show up and try. Put some effort in. And He will help us to get there. Because we already are complete, because we're His children.
  • From Bonnie, we are God's children. And everything we have ever talked about on the show points to that very fact. It always comes back to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and how we need Him. And we can't do this life without Him. If you are struggling with perfectionism turn to Him, in all things turn to Him.
  • From Tamara, as recovering perfectionists, we often feel overwhelmed by how far we still have to go to achieve our goals. Focus on measuring progress and gains, rather than the perceived gap between where we are and where we want to be. It really does boil down to yoking yourself to Jesus and you will become complete. 


Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests


Tamara K. Anderson

Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website:


Bonnie Randall

Bonnie Randall is a wife, mother, trainer, speaker, actress, copywriter, heart centered life coach and has also been a business and marketing consultant for over 20 years. Her real passion is to help people grow as individuals and teach them how to resolve limiting beliefs. Bonnie enjoys teaching about mental health, abuse prevention and recovery classes. She runs a trauma recovery support group and YouTube channel called, Come Off Conqueror, which helps survivors of abuse find Christ centered healing. Find out more at:


Wendi Christensen, LCSW

Wendi is the co-founder of Women Warriors of Light. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 28 years of experience. Wendi is an intuitive counselor helping individuals release pain, renew hope, and restore light through forgiveness. You can find out more about Wendi on her website:



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