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Tanya By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Sec4 Chap 26 “Torah is the Tree of Life”
Episode 425th June 2019 • Tanya by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz • Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
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A New Tanya class By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz “Torah is the Tree of Life” Tanya Igeret Hakodesh Chapter 26 The Alter Rebbe quotes from the Zohar that says והמשכילים יזהירו כזהר הרקיע that those that that study Zohar which is from Bina of Atzilut they will go out from exile with רחמים as they are cleaving to עץ החיים which is all full of life, however those that study the revealed part of Torah since it deals with kosher & non kosher, pure & impure which comes from עץ הדעת טוב ורע will have the test of good & evil hence those that study zohar are called משכילים. When the world will be governed by עץ החיים every one will receive from that energy even simple people, when the world will be governed by עץ הדעת טוב ורע everyone will be governed by that energy even holy people. It seems from the Zohar for those that lack understanding that the study of kosher & non kosher, purity & impurity is from the tree of good & bad. How can that be? 1) as we now Torah is called tree of life. Not only Zohar that has only been revealed lately. 2) how can say that some one that studies Torah does not have to stop for prayer if Torah is not from the tree of life. As we see the Rashbi in the cave learnt the revealed part of Torah consistently. Also since the temple was the destroyed Hashem is found in all the laws of the Torah. 3) when Moshiach comes we will need to know all the Halacha how to conduct our Torah life & as the Talmud says when Moshiach comes certain Halacha will be clarified. Even though we will all have what we need when Moshiach comes we will still be studying Torah. The Alter Rebbe explains. That the item that is kosher or not kosher or pure or impure is from the tree of good & evil which is kelipa noga, the idea of forbidden means it’s tied to kelipa & it needs elevation by have proper intention or doing a mitzvah with that energy, on Shabbas it’s easier to elevate as everything is on a higher level on Shabbas hence on Shabbas it’s a mitzvah to eat meat & drink wine. If the item is totally forbidden it can’t be elevated unless it was Pikuach Nefesh. However the study of the Oral Torah Mishna, Beraisa & Talmud that discus the laws of kosher & non kosher, purity & impurity are all from Malchus of Atzilut where the infinite light of Hashem is revealed so the Torah is from the tree of life. The Torah is all from Atzilut: Mikra is in ז״א דאצילות, Mishna, Talmud & Kabbalah Malchus Of Atzilut however they travel down Mikra to Asiya, Mishna to Yetzirah, Talmud to Beriah. When Malchus of Atzilut goes down into kelipa noga to elevate the 288 sparks that are there from the breaking of the vessels than Malchus of Atzilut are called the tree of knowledge of good & evil which is גלות השכינה than we need to elevate the sparks by studying Torah with our Chochma in depth the study elevates as the Ari zeal explains. We see the great accomplishment of studying Torah specifically in this world that we pull out the holy sparks stuck in the clutches of the kelipot that can not be accomplished in heaven. As we are in a body that is משכא דחויא the skin of the snake which the skin represents kelipa noga & we weaken it by breaking our desires for pleasure & practicing restrain. Hence from heaven they come to listen to our Torah ideas that are revolutionary this practice completes our souls mission in this world hence the Talmud says that Hashem says “Whoever studies Torah Hashem says you have redeemed me & my children from The Kelipa of the world” After we elevate all the sparks & the Shechina leaves Kelipot Noga there won’t be any bad mixed with the good so we won’t be anymore transforming rather we will be מיחד יחודים we will be creating greater unity by studying Chassidus & Kabbalah thereby drawing down greater spiritual lights our Mitzvot will be on a much higher level. However the Erev Rav they do not merit to see the light will need to study the revealed part of the Torah to subdue the kelipot. They will also need to know the Halacha of what to do & not to do. Thru studying Chassidus & Kabbalah you can observe all the Mitzvot like Abraham they observed the whole Torah spirituality before it was given. In the times of the second temple they still Had to study all the revealed laws to elevate the sparks. This is why The Zohar call the Torah the tree of good & evil as it’s referring to the part of the Torah that is in kelipa noga that is our main avoda until Moshiach arrives. Then we will just work on oneness of Hashem as explained the Zohar. Live Tanya Class at Chabad Thursday Evening at 6:30P.M. A Project of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708 A Special thanks to Warren Kahminsky for Video Taping the Class Watch on YouTube: Brought to you by: ALL THINGS PODCAST Contact us for all your podcast needs:




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