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Kids in quarantine and looking back on four decades covering agriculture
Episode 227th August 2020 • Around Farm Progress • aroundfarmprogress
00:00:00 00:31:24

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In this episode of Around Farm Progress, Holly Spangler, editor, Prairie Farmer, produced a series of profiles looking at what farm kids are doing while in quarantine. What she found is fascinating. She also shares some thoughts on the reopening of schools, and the challenges that will bring. One issue that is coming clearly into focus is that we're leaning on schools for a lot these days.


For those of you who like to learn more about agriculture history, we check in with Ron Smith who looks back on his 42-year career with Farm Progress as part of the Farm Press team. He's retiring as editor of Delta Farm Press and shares the changes he's seen not only in agriculture but also in rural America. It's a fascinating conversation. As part of his retirement, the Farm Press team also built this slideshow that offers comments and history of Ron's career with the company.

Photos: Kids in quarantine – Holly Spangler; Ron Smith (right) – Plains Cotton Growers





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