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E263 - Use your LinkedIn profile to showcase the value you bring to your customers and grow your business | with Daniel Alfon
Episode 2632nd September 2022 • The One Big Tip Podcast with Jeff Mendelson • Everyone has that One Big Tip!
00:00:00 00:22:59


Danny Alfon knows the power of LinkedIn to grow your business. Having joined Linkedin in 2004, he used it as a platform to publish content that interested his clients and subscribers. Realizing that Linkedin can be used as a tool for lead generation, he developed a strategy that would allow people to grow their businesses. By embedding rich media in your profile, you let people know what is amazing about your business and brand. Learn this framework and use Linkedin so you can grow your business by making an impact on prospective leads today. 

Two people join Linkedin every second. That means that the database is only growing. Each member lists their resume and work accomplishments on their profile. How active you are is irrelevant. If you do a Google search of an individual, their Linkedin profile shows up. This allows you to be searchable by others, generating information about who and what you have to offer. That’s why it’s important to look at your Linkedin profile as SEO for your brand. Every prospective employer or client researches who they want to do business with. It’s your job to optimize your profile, so they say, “Yes, this is the individual I want to work with.” And the best thing about it is that it’s free and fast. It’s the quickest way to let everyone know about a new skill or that you pivoted your business. 

One thing that Daniel frowns upon is using automation. Like any other marketing tool, you don’t want to cast a wide net and see who you attract. Instead, you want to create a  profile and connect with the people you want to serve. Organic growth is the best way to expand outreach and connect with Linkedin. There are two strategies for organic growth. The first is to focus on quality. The second focuses on quantity. Using a quality approach to making connections will always serve your business better. 

When creating a Linkedin profile for lead generation, ask yourself these three questions. First - who are you ideally trying to reach? Two - once they view your profile, what action do you want them to take? This needs a bit of thought because once you know the action, you must ensure they can do that without friction. The Third question is - is there a gap between getting your ideal prospect to your profile and having them take the desired action? If there is a gap, you need to find a way to bridge the two together. This is the strategy that Daniel’s clients use daily with great success when they want to leverage their Linkedin as a lead generation tool. 

If you’re ready to make an impact and use your Linkedin profile for lead generation, follow the strategies outlined here on this One Big Tip.

We’d love to hear your feedback.

In this episode:

[4:55]  What makes Linkedin unique

  • Make sure your profile is professional, people make decisions in the first few seconds they land on your profile
  • Always link your business website to your profile
  • Use this as free advertising - make it clear about what makes your offer unique

[9:58] Try to be personal

  • Avoid using bots and automation, people can see very clearly that it’s not a connection with a personal touch
  • Stand out from the crowd

[13:00] Your profile should have a clear directive

  • It’s ok to use your profile to pitch your offer
  • Have a clear CTA

[15:02] When creating your Linkedin profile ask yourself these three questions

  • Who are you trying to reach?
  • What do you want them to do once they see your profile
  • What is the missing piece that you need to provide to bridge that gap

[ 19:25] Use your profile as part of your sales funnel

  • This should be a starting point for you
  • People can search for you - show up for your market

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