One of the most useful traits of maintaining a strong presence on social media is branding yourself as a professional. On our latest Q&A segment of the WorkInSports Podcast, Darren from Atlanta writes:
“Hey Brian,
Big-time listener here, I’ve picked up a lot of great advice from you so thanks for all that you do. I have a question regarding TikTok, I see a lot of people posting their resumes there and I wonder if there’s some value there or is it a waste of time? Thank you for your insight.”
While we’re never shy about advice to people looking to start a career in social media and iHire writes at length about optimizing your social media profiles to get hired, considering newer platforms such as TikTok to get your resume out there is a first, so thanks for the question Darren!
TikTok has exploded onto the scene over the past couple years and is a platform of choice for teenagers and college-age students especially, so of course brands (like us!) are considering jumping into it. There is a hashtag, #CareerTok, that is providing fantastic career advice on the platform right now. It’s a great place to gather short pieces of advice from experts.