How do you craft a resume to stand out in the sports industry? That's easy, listen to this podcast episode.Hey, everybody, I’m Brian Clapp Director of Content for and this is the Work in Sports podcast.Coming up later this week on the Pod, Andrew Sidney Houston Rockets Director of Group and Inside Sales… just conducted this interview late last week and it was awesome. Andrew has a cool background, interned with 3 different minor league teams while in college - dabbled in PR, operations, coaching...ended up getting a sales job with the Frisco RoughRiders and loved it, has never looked back and now just 10 years into his career he’s an executive with an NBA team. More on his story coming up on Wednesday...tune in for that. But’s a fan question! I love Mondays, maybe it’s my ego because in these episodes I get to talk a lot more, on the Wednesday's I have to consciously tell myself to shut up and let them talk...but on Monday it's all me, baby!So let’s check the question for today -- it comes in from Bradley in San Diego… Bradley what would you like to know?Hi, Brian, this is Bradley -- I’ve been really focused on your tips for creating great resume lately since I’m not sure mine is up to quality yet. You mentioned the importance of metrics having data in your resume to prove you are capable of making a tangible difference, but what else can you share...any new ideas or concepts that can help us stand out for the right reasons?Bradley, it’s a good question - I admit I don’t do a ton of resume advice for a couple of reasons. 1: It's such a subjective thing -- every person reading your resume is going to have a different style they are looking for, or content they seek, or format. So for me to provide advice that may or may not be right for that scenario freaks me out. I like to give advice that works, and I’m never sure resume advice is all that black and white. That said, there are best practices to follow, standards of operation, that we can lean into and follow. 2: The other reason I don’t do a ton of resume advice is because I get tons of agitated feedback every time I talk resumes. When I talk about including metrics in your resume like “increased twitter followers by 23%” or “implemented a social media campaign that resulted in a 17% increase in revenue” or “created a mentorship program that resulted in 80% less turnover in 1st-year staff”...When I talk about this stuff, which is super powerful, and you should do immediately, I invariably get 100’s of emails saying -- YEAH BUT, how do I do that for my career! My career doesn’t have metrics. And then I spend the next 32 hours writing back to people telling them, yes it is, here's 3 you do the rest. See I’m a bit crazy and I respond to everyone, and next thing you know I’m in this black hole of responding to people’s resume inquiries and proving them wrong that they can create metrics to measure performance, then I pull what’s left of my hair out. And it’s a viscious cycle. So, Bradley, for you, and for the sake of this podcast, I will venture into the resume waters again. Just don’t hate mail me, people. I would also like to add that in the upcoming release of our online course, The Sports Career Game Plan, brought to you by yours truly and - for purchase soon on our site -- I have a whole course module on resumes, cover letters and personal branding. The course is bonkers, if you like this podcast you are in for a treat, and we’re making it super cheap so everyone can get involved. Ok, back on track - let’s talk new resume ideas. And new is relative. Let’s say it’s ideas that make sense and work.1: Start with your purpose. We’re going squishy to start. Nothing black and white here, we’re starting with tone and feeling! If you are somewhat lost and scrambled in your career goals and aspirations -- that will come through in your resume. I’ve read resumes before and thought afterward -- I don’t get this person.