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The Importance Of Mindset In Business With James Wedmore
Episode 4714th January 2019 • Your Dream Business • Teresa Heath-Wareing
00:00:00 01:29:09

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  • Think about the thing that scares you most, and the thing that you have put off doing in your business because of fear. Once you’ve identified it, choose not to ‘feed the fear’ and you’ll be able to grow more than you can ever imagine.
  • Most people think that the reason their business isn’t growing is because they have a lack knowledge. In some cases, this may be the case, however, it comes down to having the mindset to be able to apply it to your business.
  • Whilst hustling is important, you DON’T have to hustle to be successful. At the end of the day, it’s how you see business that determines what is possible for you. You are so much more than just your work ethic.
  • Feeling guilty for taking time off from your business is a form of fear getting in the way. It’s so hard to ‘stop’ working as an entrepreneur, but this can be incredibly detrimental for your business.
  • The reason you can’t afford to hire someone and outsource is because you haven’t been outsourcing. Outsourcing tasks that you find you have to do more than once can free up time for you to focus on the things that are important.
  • You don’t necessarily need to know how you are going to reach your goals in order to set them. Be okay with not knowing how.
  • Learning about your relationship with money and how to live in abundance can drastically improve your life (and others).
You are the author of your own life and you write the story anyway you like. The story you tell is the story you experience, starting from that very first blank page. If you’re struggling in business it becomes part of your story, just an obstacle you had to overcome.
  • Introducing James Wedmore – 06:30
  • What It Means To Be An Entrepreneur (And Getting Over The Fear) 11:30
  • How To Keep Yourself Driven And Motivated In Business 19:30
  • Debugging Common ‘Entrepreneur Myths’ 32:16
  • Stop Feeling Guilty About Taking Time Away From Your Business 43:32
  • Being Responsible For Your Own Business And Forgetting The How 54:00
  • Creating Your Story 01:02:48
  • Living In Abundance 01:09:09
Transcript below


Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. As you can hear, I still have a slightly strange voice from my cough and cold, and that because I am trying to get ahead and therefore, I'm batching intros and outros, so you're going to hear this voice, I'm afraid, today as well as last week. Then hopefully, by the next time I come to do more recording, I will be better and my voice will be back to normal, which would be lovely because I'm personally getting a little bit sick of it now, but nevermind.

Anyway, onto today's podcast episode, which I am so excited about because as you know, if you've listened to my podcast, I am a huge fan of James Wedmore. Now, I discovered James' podcast I think at least a year ago now, maybe a bit longer. I can't remember. I have to say, the podcast and him and the work I've done with him since has honestly changed my business, me, and my life.

Now, I know that sounds really dramatic, and really amazing, but I promise you, he has. The things he says, the stuff he's woken me up to, the concepts he's got me to understand have honestly been amazing. In total honesty, a lot of that has come from his podcasts, his free content that he's putting out every single week. In fact, several times a week, he is giving you such good advice.

So, the reason I say these things about James is because as I've talked about lots of times before, I've worked in marketing a long time. Therefore, for me, the tools and tactics and strategies have never really been a problem. Also, I am very keen to keep learning. So, just because I did a degree, in fact, I bet hardly any of my degree I use now because it's changed so much, but I learn all the time. I do courses all the time. I read a lot. I listen to a lot of books. I listen to a lot of podcasts. So, I was always updating myself with the changes because the digital marketing landscape is a forever changing thing. So, I'm always trying to keep on top of that.

So, I felt very confident that I have the tools and tactics that enabled me to do these amazing things in marketing. I knew this as well because I was doing it for clients. I was helping clients create online marketing and build their email list, and create memberships, and successfully launch products. So, I knew I knew that bit, and I felt fairly confident in that. Yet, I have these amazing dreams to build my own business in a different way, which I had already built it.

So, obviously, I have an agency, but I wanted to focus more on the Teresa side of the business. I always talk about myself like, "I'm a therapist," but the Teresa side of the business is things like this. It's the podcast. It's doing more speaking. It's selling courses that help you. It's providing you the membership that can support you. I really wanted to grow this side of the business, but I wasn't doing it. Literally, didn't do anything. It wasn't through lack of knowledge because I knew how to do it, and I couldn't work out what the problem was.

Anyway, I started to listen to James, and I started to just be a bit more open to I guess a more spiritual mindset side. Please don't let the word spiritual turn you off if you're not spiritual because actually, there's some amazing things coming up in this episode, but I started to open my mind a bit more to those things. I have to say, the stuff he taught me and the stuff I learnt has made a huge difference to me and my business, and things like not being scared to do something because I let fear hold me back a lot, and I think, in fact, this is probably one of the main reasons I haven't, at this point, launched the stuff I want to launch. It's nearly there, and it's probably days away by this point, but that's possibly one of the reasons I didn't do it because I was scared, and I let that fear stop me.

So, James has been amazing. He has really helped me understand this side, really helped me focus on me as a person. Another thing that we talk about on the podcast that's one of the reasons I really like him is because I was an employee. I was employed for years. I didn't know how to be an entrepreneur. I didn't think I was an entrepreneur. I knew how to do marketing. I knew how to help clients better market their business, and I thought that's all it took, and of course, it isn't all it takes. It's about how to keep yourself motivated, how to keep yourself on track, how do you run your business. Actually, again, he talked about all of that side.

So, anyway, I'm going on way too much, but you are going to love this episode. Like I said, he is a hero of mine. So, before we jump in, let me just quickly go over his bio. So, for 10 years, James has taught entrepreneurs and online business owners how to leverage the power of online video and YouTube marketing to reach more people, share their message, and convert to customers. In 2016, James made a massive shift to focus on a gap that he felt was missing from this marketplace, the mindset needed for entrepreneurship.

So, he launched, he totally woo-woo, his words, not mine, podcast, although I do like it, called The Mind Your Business Podcast. I will link that in the show notes. I listen to it every week. He also then created his signature programme, Business By Design. Today, he helps coaches, experts, content creators and authors not only to craft better marketing messages, but also how to ditch the hustle mentally and create success from the inside out. I promise you, you're going to love this one. So, without further ado, here is James.


Introducing James Wedmore


Okay. I am so excited and so very honoured to welcome today's guest of the podcast. Welcome, James Wedmore.

Hey, Teresa. Thanks so much for having me.

Oh, no. Honestly, the pleasure is all mine. James, you've been on my list for a long time, and having been a huge fan of your podcast, to have you on mine, and that we get to have a conversation is a bit of a business dream come true. So, thank you so much for that.

Wow! Well, thanks for listening to the show. I really appreciate that.

Oh, no. I love it. In fact, it was probably one of the first I really got into, and the main one I listen to all the time now, and it's one that I recommend to anybody that listens. So, I know my audience are going to know who you are because I talk about you a lot, but just in case they've missed it somehow, it will be great if you could just tell us a little bit about who you are and how you got to do what you're doing now.

Sure. So, 11 years ago, I got an idea to start a business on the internet, but I had no idea what I was in for, what I was doing. Fast forward to several years later, through a lot of trials and tribulations, a lot of ups and downs, a lot of struggles, frustrations, long nights, a lot of just pounding the keyboard, I managed to build a rather successful seven-figure digital business around my content expertise, and I became known as the go-to YouTube and marketing guy in the industry.

So, that was really amazing. That was a big dream of mine was just getting paid. That was my little vision for myself was I wanted to get paid to make videos because doing videos, creating videos, writing, scripting, editing, all that stuff was something I really love. I still love it. So, that was a driving question for me was, "How do I get paid to do this? How do I get paid to do this thing that I love?" I managed to do that.

That was the original objective. That's what I set out to do. There's the difference between what you think you want versus, well, what you really get. What I got was a crash course in life, business, and entrepreneurship. I think there was a point in time where I was teaching people how to make videos and stuff, and Teresa, if you're a student, your win, your transformation would be like, "James, I made a video." There came a point in time for me that I was just like, "I think I want to do more. I think I want to help people with more than that."

So, I really looked back at my journey and realised that what really got me to that place was so much more about what was in between my ears, and how I was thinking, how I was feeling, and really, how I had to shift everything from the inside out. I said, "If I'm not ..." There was just a moment where I was like, "If I'm not talking about this, if I'm not teaching this or sharing this, and I just tell people the only reason I'm successful is because I made a bunch of videos, it's like I'm just scratching the surface, and I'm doing such a disservice."

So, about three years ago now, I came up with the idea to start a podcast, and the podcast is called Mind Your Business, and it was basically everything else that to me was so critically relevant to the entrepreneurial journey, which is really a conversation of instead of looking externally to what funnel do I need, what launch should I do, what's the strategy, how do I create a landing page, and all these things that are such surface level, you can learn all the tech, you can learn all the landing pages and all the funnels and still be broke and not help anybody.

It's not until we start looking within and saying, "Who am I being? How am I showing up? What behaviours, thoughts, beliefs, actions am I taking, and how am I showing up in the face of adversity, in the face of a problem or a breakdown? Am I going to let that stop me? Am I going to let the slightest criticism, the slightest breakdown be my demise?" I realised I just had to learn so much of that internal world and really change the way I think and feel, and that was ultimately what I credit to my success.

So, that's spawned an entirely new direction for me of really showing people what it takes to step into that role of being a digital CEO, the mindset that goes along with it, and the right habits and behaviours. So, that was a long-winded answer. Boy, I hope that-


What It Means To Be An Entrepreneur (And Getting Over The Fear)


No, no, no. It's cool. Yeah, that was awesome. So, there's a couple of things I wanted to bring up with you. So, first one was, obviously, the fact that you realised that there was so much more to being an entrepreneur than just the fact of physically doing the thing you were doing. So, just the fact of putting those videos out there. Was there ever a time where, and I guess I say this because I initially come from corporate world. I spent 10 years in corporate world where to talk anything around mindset, perhaps now is different, but certainly when I was there, it would have been a big no-no. Also, please don't take this in the wrong way, but for a male to talk about it would have been definitely a no-no. So, was there ever a point where you were nervous to go, "I want to bring more of this to the forefront. I want to talk more about this, and how it can help people"?

Well, I actually did an episode on this, and me releasing the podcast was the scariest thing I had ever done in my business. The biggest leap, the biggest "Oh, crap," because what people don't realise is that when you build up a business, you have now something to lose. The grass is always greener, right? When I look back to those younger days when you're just trying to scrap anything together, you're just throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks, there's nothing to lose. You don't have a reputation at stake. You don't have an audience and customers that you're going to disappoint or upset or offend. So, there's a lot of freedom in that.

I built up this 150,000-200,000 person email list, millions of views, all this audience waiting for me, and they wanted James, the video tech guy. All of a sudden I'm like, "Hey. So, I've just released a podcast and it has nothing to do with video, it has nothing to do with tech, it has nothing to do with marketing. It actually has lots to do with how I'm incorporating a lot of spirituality and mindset into my life and my business."

You must be so scared.

Well, yeah, I was really scared. Of course, people were like, "Hey, not my cup of tea. That's not what I signed up for," and that's fine, and a massive cleansing, but I knew that that's what I wanted to be sharing. So, you're always going to have fear. You're always going to have those things that scare you. One thing is to train ourselves to lean into that fear, to realise that that's what we came here to do is to do the things that are outside our comfort zone, and that's why there's a little fear there is because it's new, it's in the unknown, it's uncertain, and that makes it exciting. It makes it exhilarating, really.

So, what's funny is that when I did that episode talking about this fear, I had just this interesting realisation that for most people, and myself included at the time, that fear was like a stoplight. We feel the fear and then we go, "Oh, so I shouldn't. I'm afraid, therefore, I won't." That's such an interesting concept. It's such an interesting thing. We've just started to adopt this belief that when you're afraid, it means you shouldn't do it.

I really got present to that, and I was like, "Wait a second. Here was this thing that was one of the most successful things I did. Just launching that podcast was such a huge win, but it was also the thing that I was most afraid of." I was like, "What's going on there? If that fear was really, normally, when you have a fear of a mountain lion, it's like, "Okay. Don't walk towards it." You listen to that fear, but what was I really afraid, I was afraid of what people would think of me, and what they'd say, and if it didn't go well, and if it imploded my business, all these irrational things that don't exist.

Today, I've just learned, and I think that's why we continue to grow and our students continue to grow is the fear is really an indicator that you're on the right path, and you want to lean into that fear. So, we did thing inside one of our coaching programmes called The F of Fear Challenge. We've seen more breakthroughs, more ahas, realisations, and business growth from our students in the past 30 days than for some in entire year because we started with, "What is the thing that scares you the most that you know would grow your business, but you've been putting it off because you're choosing fear over your commitment to what you're up to? Are you committed to your fear or are you committed to the outcome?"

In these 30 days, people chose the outcome, they chose their vision, they chose the dream life, the dream business. They chose why they're doing this, whether it's for their family or for themselves or for the impact. They chose that, and they chose not to feed the fear. That's where they had the biggest growth. So, that was massive for me, so massive that now I listen for the fear, I watch for the fear, I observe it, "Okay. That means that's where we need to go," because that's where you grow.

It's such a big thing because actually, like you said, most people would just steer away from it. They would think all the fear would stop them. Actually, when you look at the people who are the most successful, they obviously had those fears, too. You had those fears, but you went ahead and did it, anyway. You went ahead and just thought, "You know what? I'm not going to let this stop me." Maybe when you look at the success of some entrepreneurs over to others and why some people are wildly successful, they just went, "You know what? I'm not going to let that stop me, and I'm just going to keep going."

Absolutely. To speak more like what your first mention in your question of the difference between the corporate world and entrepreneurship, this is your words exactly. There's so much more to being an entrepreneur. I don't have a corporate background, but I did have plenty of jobs including being a bartender. One of the first things I ... My thoughts on being an employee, and again, nothing wrong with it. What is wrong, and this where people think I'm judging. It's always, "Everyone should be entrepreneurs," no, not at all.

My gride is, is that if you take everything you've learned, which society has taught us to be really good, hard working, permission-seeking employees, and you take that same way of being, that same thinking, that same strategy into business, your own business, you're going to fail. That's what I see really at the core level of what's going on with so many people.

As an employee, we are taught what to think. That's what's going on. That's why mindset is a big thing because when we bring this conversation ... and I don't even love the word mindset, but it fits. So, I think part of why the mindset conversation for an entrepreneur is so important is because it's an opportunity to learn how to think.

When we coach our clients, a lot of times they come with us with these expectations of like, "James is going to be my




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