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Battery Monitoring and Data Analysis
Episode 1911th May 2022 • DC Power Hour • Eagle Eye Power Solutions
00:00:00 00:51:07

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The Battery Blarney duo of George and Allen welcome Fran Losey, a critical power and power quality professional who has a disciplined military background. His specialties include critical power systems, power distribution, power quality, battery systems, battery monitoring, and advanced analysis of battery systems for risk reduction and lifecycle management.

To many, the battery is a mystery. What are they? What do they do? How do they work? In this episode, we'll demystify batteries and take a look at how to monitor them in order to get the most out of your system. By understanding battery behaviors and taking proactive steps to managing them, you can mitigate problems before they arise and maximize uptime. We'll also take a look at some data analysis techniques that can help you understand your battery's health.


01:30 – One of the craziest things about life is there's absolutely nothing that we do or are involved in that there`s not at some point involved a battery to try and keep it operational.

09:18 – Today it is very easy to collect that data, modern electronics are wonderful. You can measure almost anything you want to, and you can collect data. The big problem is how do you make sure that data you`re collecting are accurate?

17:40 – The measurement techniques, because they`re all not the same and with that you have to have a fairly decent understanding of what you are looking at and what the risks are.

28:46 – Everything is a compromise. What you have to do is to say which of the compromises you`re willing to accept and what you`re going to do about it.

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Eagle Eye 


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