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• According to Dr. John Dunlosky, the most effective active learning strategies are: active recalling, testing and evaluating yourself, reflecting and questioning, repeated exposure, and just in time learning.
• Each person needs to determine which approach works best for them based on their preferred method of processing information. In order to learn effectively, it is important to participate in an activity related to what you are trying to learn about rather than passively consuming information.
• Many students find that annotating their study materials with highlighter pens or writing in the margins boosts their concentration and learning. You can approach the material critically by reflecting and questioning. Ask yourself: did any parts inspire awe, anger, or confusion? You can also generate a large number of ideas by brainstorming and ideating; they can aid you in generating a large number of ideas in a short amount of time.
• Try incorporating game aspects such as point systems, leaderboards, badges, or other game-related elements into "conventional" learning exercises to increase engagement and motivation. Discuss and participate in peer reviews to receive some constructive feedback. You can also hire an expert or a coach to help you break down your learning goals into sizable digestible chunks. Get some hands-on experience (experiential learning) to solidify those concepts.
• Take ample breaks in between learning sessions and take your time in learning new concepts. Repetition is key, and you have to consistently interact with information until perfectly understood. Active recall is a technique for memorizing that involves transferring information from short-term memory to long-term memory; using flashcards is one approach to practice active recall and spaced repetition. Keep on testing yourself to make sure you understand the information.
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