Pictures of Your Soul
Rabbi David Green pt 1
David Green is a Rabbi in Israel, teaching and counseling in various educational programs for over 30 years. He is also a talented musician and composer who has worked with some of the most famous names in music. He is an award winning film producer, winner of the “Cable Ace Award” for his film, “Deadly Currents” and also the “Health and Medical Film Festival” for his movie “Home Safe,” which was distributed by Disney. To top all of that, he is the director of “The Real You Project” and author of two great books! The first is titled, “A Book About You” and his most recent release is “Pictures of Your Soul.” In addition, he just released a new music album titled, “Empty Spaces!” Praise God!
Help me welcome to the program, Rabbi David Green!
Rabbi Green, I want to thank you for taking the time to come on the program today. I do appreciate it!
First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Rabbi David Green?”
You were successful in the music industry…What made you decide to become an observant, religious person and then to enter the Rabbinical Priesthood?
How did your music change once you made this transformation?
In your book, “Pictures of Your Soul,” you say, “The soul of man is the candle of God.” I love that metaphor. Can you explain that for us?
In “Pictures of Your Soul,” you share the five different parts that make up the soul. Can you explain these parts for us and how they work together?
How is the soul connected to our body?
I would like to play a song from David’s first album “A Journey to the Real You…”
Folks, you definitely need to get your copy of Rabbi David Green’s book,
This book is such an easy read and is very, very clear in identifying the parts to your soul. He explains this is such a way, I could not put it down. It is truly a great read and you will learn things that, well, I’ll just say it – most pastor’s don’t even know about.
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Book: “Pictures of Your Soul” – on Amazon
Book: “A Book About You” – on Amazon
David Green Jerusalem Eye of the Universe – on YouTube
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