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December 2023: A spotlight on pigs, meeting GHG emissions targets, ewe management and dyscalculia, dyslexia & Meares Irlen Syndrome
14th December 2023 • Agribusiness News • Farm Advisory Service
00:00:00 00:45:26

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Along with our regular monthly updates on policy briefs, arable, beef, sheep and milk, In this edition we are also bringing you 2 sector overviews on pigs and meeting GHG emissions targets.  We will also be bringing you news on ewe management and Dyscalculia, Dyslexia & Meares Irlen Syndrome. 

00.47:- News in Brief 

02.38:- Policy Briefs - Practical Training Funds, & Autumn Statement 

07.11:- Arable - The Early Bird favours Spring over Winter cropping. 

11.02:- Beef - Like a Puppy, Beef is not just for Christmas 

15.20:- Sheep - Lambs are talking Turkey!  & Vet Attestation 

19.20:- Sector Focus – Pigs. Pressure on price due to weaker domestic demand 

24.40 :- Milk - Lower production volumes but increasing demand 

30.00:- Sector Focus – The countdown is on to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2032   

35.41:- Input Costs - Ewe management 

40.46:- Management Matters - Dyscalculia, Dyslexia & Meares Irlen Syndrome 

FAS Resources 

Agribusiness News December 2023 | Information helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service ( 

Other Links: 

Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill   

Bellwin Scheme 

Rural Payments and Services 

LANTRA Skills Hub 

EarTags_in_Sheep_and_Cattle_in_Scotland_2nd_Wave ( 

Forestry Grant Scheme 

Defra QA - vet attestations for POAO exports to the EU (v2).pdf ( 

Dyslexia Scotland checklist 


Dyslexia Scotland 

RSABI’s 24-hour freephone Helpline - 0808 1234 555.  

RSABI are proud to be working with Dyslexia Scotland and backing #dyslexiaawarenessweek - YouTube



For more information, visit 

Twitter: @FASScot 

Facebook: @FASScot 


National Advice Hub 

Phone: 0300 323 0161 






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