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Time to be Your Own Cheerleader – Work In Sports Podcast
22nd June 2020 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:20:34

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Show outline:It’s time to be your own cheerleaderOld school -- work hard people will notice you and you’ll get promoted. I lived this way, I hustled, I worked the grind -- late-night shift, extra work, volunteer for more. Yes yes and yes. But I never leveraged any of it. I just hoped and prayed my bosses would notice and good things would happen.Not until I started to be more self-promotional did good things happen. I mean this honestly, businesses have a different objective than you do. Your objective is likely some combination of feel fulfilled making good many, enough to do things outside of work that I enjoy. Businesses have the inverse goal -- get as much positive production as they can out of each employee to generate revenue...and shareholder satisfaction.I’m not on some capitalism is awful rant, I’m just trying to show you, businesses don’t necessarily want to see you as more than a productive pice in their machine. It is upon you to be your biggest cheerleader, it is upon you to show you are deserving of more, it is upon you to know yourself, your accomplishments and your value ...better than anyone. All of you sit back and think for a second of people in your industry, co-workers, fellow interns -- who received more accolades despite doing lesser work. Likely it is because they are better at self-promotion and personal advocacy.  I know there are people in my space, podcasters in the career development conversation, who do far lesser work than I do, but they are way way better at personal promotion. They post videos of themselves, quote graphics of their wonderful thoughts, that are mostly cliche, pictures of them yucking it up with celebrities… and they have huge audiences. I am not slamming them, they have built a brand I haven’t. I am recognizing that this applies to all of us. It’s not just you, it’s me too! This concept of factual bragging applies to internships, jobs, opportunities, speaking engagements, etc. You have to be your cheerleader. Ok, so how?First, start with your goals. If you want to be a national audience guest speaker, that is a much different approach than if you want a promotion, or an entry-level job or an internship.Let’s stay focused on the jobs and internships part for this conversation. Imagine you need to be noticed more, and someone in charge of decision making needs to be able to see and understand your worth quickly. You must be an expert in you, no one else will be.Key components:Don’t be afraid to say what you are proud of. Don’t be afraid to tell people what you have accomplishedDon’t be afraid to tell people what you have done to improve yourself. Subtle -- I read this book recently and was struck by the ideaIn your face - in my two years with organization X my social media strategy helped us increase twitter followers by 47% Get your own website and domainProfessional looking social media pictures that are all aligned.LinkedIn - bulk it up, treat it like your personal domain, share accomplishments, videos, blogs, metrics, contact info. People, including recruiters, will look here!Resume metricsEmployment or internship journal - keep track of your wins.Remote interviews -- be quick to explain why you are a positive hire. How you not only understand their organizational goals, but will help them deliver on them, Be excited about you If you have a job right now and are working remotely, make sure you take the time to escalate your wins and your value to the org. You want them to feel like they have made the right decision keeping you on. Businesses have cover right now, they can lay off or furlough employees and no one thinks they are heartless, they think it’s just the times we are in. Well, if they've kept you on, that means they believe in you, make sure you validate that belief and are selling all of your wins. Final point -- being your own cheerleader also means being thee cheerleader for others you believe in.  




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